This is a Clojure wrapper utilizing the modern (as of 2022), synchronous java API driver for MongoDB.
The intended way of use is to add the clojar to your project.clj
:dependencies [[com.timezynk/mongo "0.10.1"]]
In order for all API function calls to work properly, you need to have at least MongoDB version 4.4 installed. It is recommended that you have version 5.0 installed because it improves significantly exception messages.
A MongoDB server can be connected to using a connection string or a connection object:
(require '[com.timezynk.mongo :as m])
(def connection-string "mongodb://mongodb/my-db")
; Creates a connection here
(def connection-object (m/create-connection! "mongodb://mongodb/my-db-2"
:write-concern :unacknowledged))
; Creates a local connection that is closed when running out of scope
(m/with-mongo connection-string
(m/create-collection! :new-coll)
(m/insert! :new-coll {:key "value"}))
(m/with-mongo connection-object
(m/create-collection! :new-coll-2)
(m/insert! :new-coll-2 {:key "value"}))
(m/close-connection! connection-object)
A call to create-connection!
sets up a physical connection that can be reused. A call to with-mongo
will not close it upon completion. A call using a connection string will create a local, physical connection that is then closed when completed.
There are utility functions for reusing a process-local connection:
(require '[com.timezynk.mongo.util :as mu])
(mu/set-mongo-uri! "mongodb://mongodb/my-db" :write-concern :w1)
(m/create-collection! :new-coll)
(m/insert! :new-coll {:key "value"}))
The first call to wrap-mongo
will create a persistent connection object. Subsequent calls in the same process will reuse the same connection object.
When creating the persistent connection object, the connecion string and options passed by set-mongo-uri!
will be used first. If no such call has been made, wrap-mongo
will look for a connection string stored in the MONGO_URI
environment variable. Failing that, a MongoClientException
will be thrown.
Most function calls are variadic, i.e. accept optional parameters. The optional parameters are labelled:
(def collation (m/collation "se" :alternate :shifted))
In the example above, "se"
is a required parameter, setting the collation language to Swedish, and :alternate :shifted
is an optional, labelled parameter, where :shifted
is an enum
value, setting this collation to ignore white-space and back-space in ordering and searches.
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