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obi wan

"These aren't the droids you're looking for"

<! release <! clojars>

redis clojure client based on jedis.

spilling the beans

$ make repl

=> (require '[obiwan.core :as redis])

;; by default would connect to a local redis with a 42 thread connection pool
=> (def conn (redis/create-pool))

=> (redis/pool-stats conn)
{:active-resources 0, :number-of-waiters 0, :idle-resources 0}


=> (redis/hmset conn "solar-system" {"mercury"  "0.33 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "venus"    "4.867 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "earth"    "5.972 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "mars"     "0.65 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "jupiter"  "1900 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "saturn"   "570 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "uranus"   "87 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "neptune"  "100 x 10^24 kg"
                                     "pluto"    "1.3 × 10^22 kg"})

=> (redis/hmget conn "solar-system" ["earth" "mars"])
["5.972 x 10^24 kg" "0.65 x 10^24 kg"]

=> (redis/hgetall conn "solar-system")
{"earth" "5.972 x 10^24 kg",
 "saturn" "570 x 10^24 kg",
 "jupiter" "1900 x 10^24 kg",
 "pluto" "1.3 × 10^22 kg",
 "uranus" "87 x 10^24 kg",
 "mercury" "0.33 x 10^24 kg",
 "neptune" "100 x 10^24 kg",
 "mars" "0.65 x 10^24 kg",
 "venus" "4.867 x 10^24 kg"}

sorted set

user=> (redis/zadd conn "planets" {"mercury" 1.0
                                   "venus"   2.0
                                   "earth"   3.0
                                   "mars"    4.0
                                   "jupiter" 5.0
                                   "saturn"  6.0
                                   "uranus"  7.0
                                   "neptune" 8.0
                                   "pluto"   9.0})

=> (redis/zrange conn "planets" 3 7)
#{"mars" "jupiter" "saturn" "uranus" "neptune"}

=> (redis/zrange conn "planets" 0 -1)
#{"mercury" "venus" "earth" "mars" "jupiter" "saturn" "uranus" "neptune" "pluto"}

looking inside the source (redis server):> keys *
1) "planets"
2) "solar-system"> hgetall "solar-system"
 1) "mars"
 2) "0.65 x 10^24 kg"
 3) "pluto"
 4) "1.3 \xc3\x97 10^22 kg"
 5) "jupiter"
 6) "1900 x 10^24 kg"
 7) "uranus"
 8) "87 x 10^24 kg"
 9) "earth"
10) "5.972 x 10^24 kg"
11) "mercury"
12) "0.33 x 10^24 kg"
13) "venus"
14) "4.867 x 10^24 kg"
15) "saturn"
16) "570 x 10^24 kg"
17) "neptune"
18) "100 x 10^24 kg"> zrange planets 0 -1
1) "mercury"
2) "venus"
3) "earth"
4) "mars"
5) "jupiter"
6) "saturn"
7) "uranus"
8) "neptune"
9) "pluto">


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