A Clojure toolkit for testing Streaming Data Platforms
Initialize and interact with a streaming data platform (Zookeeper, Kafka, Cassandra) from the REPL
Initialize Zookeeper from the REPL
Initialize and interact with Kafka from the REPL
Initialize and interact with Cassandra from the REPL
brew install ccm
;; if using thimble-all, you may need to install modules (execute cmd from project root)
lein modules install
(require '[troy-west.thimble :as thimble])
=> nil
(def platform (thimble/start))
=> #'user/platform
{:thimble/zookeeper.server {:config {"tickTime" 3000,
"clientPort" 2181,
"maxClientCnxns" 30,
"minSessionTimeout" -1,
"maxSessionTimeout" -1},
:tx-log #object[org.apache.zookeeper.server.persistence.FileTxnSnapLog...],
:cx-factory #object[org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory...],
:server #object[org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer...]},
:thimble/kafka.broker {:config {"host.name" "localhost",
"port" "9092",
"num.partitions" "12",
"default.replication.factor" "1",
"offsets.topic.replication.factor" "1",
"zookeeper.connect" "localhost:2181",
"log.dir" "/var/folders/gz/7g238rvd6j1c_jrqqc87_7_m0000gn/T/thimble-temp-kf"},
:broker #object[kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable...],
:admin-client #object[org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.KafkaAdminClient...]},
:thimble/kafka.producer {:config {"value.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer",
"key.serializer" "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer",
"bootstrap.servers" "localhost:9092"},
:producer #object[org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer...]},
:thimble/cassandra.cluster {:contact-points [""], :port 19142},
:arche/cluster #object[com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster...,],
:arche/connection {:session #object[com.datastax.driver.core.SessionManager...],
:statements {},
:udt-encoders {}}}
;; use :thimble/kafka.broker -> :admin-client to perform Kafka admin actions (list topics, create topics, etc)
;; use :thimble/kafka.produer to write to Kafka
;; use :arche/connection to read/write Cassandra
;; see: thimble/start for an example Integrant configuration, change as required
;; see: com.troy-west/arche for details on initializing the Cassandra connection and Prepared Statements
;; the idea being you then start a Kafka Streams topology to compute over a topic and write to Cassandra..
(def a-k-stream
(let [builder (KStreamBuilder.)]
(-> (.stream builder ^"[Ljava.lang.String;" (into-array String ["test-topic-1"]))
(.mapValues (reify ValueMapper
(apply [_ v]
;; see: https://github.com/troy-west/arche for details on configuring statements
(arche/execute (:arche/connection platform)
{:values {:a-column v}}))))
(let [k-stream (KafkaStreams. builder (StreamsConfig. stream-config))]
(.start k-stream)
;; later
(.close ^KafkaStreams a-k-stream)
(thimble/stop platform)
Copyright © 2017 Troy-West Pty. Ltd.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 2.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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