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Note: Use this at your peril, this is a very very early version of the API and it is likely to be change. It has been built to 'scratch my own itch'

Clojure friendly library for using

This library has been written to allow more a clojure-ey way to use MuServer. It has been written with a view to keep dependencies down to a minimum and as a result does not try to compatible with other popular frameworks such as ring or compojure. This library has however been heavily inspired by them after more than a year of building services with them.

Get started quickly

Add clj-mu as a dependency to your project and then add the following to your require definition

[clj-mu.core :refer :all]

start and run a basic mu-server like this:

(let [mu-builder (configure-mu)
      mu-server (-> mu-builder
                    (GET "/" (fn [request] {:status 200 :body "Hello, World!"}))
      (println (str "Mu started here: " (.toString (.uri mu-server)))))


A request handler is defined like this:

(fn [request]
  ;; body of request
  ;; response is returned as map as per below "Response section

The request parameter passed into the function has the following key/values:

   :original-mu-request ORIGINAL_MU_REQUEST_IF_YOU_NEED_IT
   :method              HTTP_METHOD ;; e.g. GET
   :protocol            HTTP_PROTOCOL ;; e.g. HTTP/1.1
   :remote-address      REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS_OF_THE_REQUEST
   :context-path        RETURNS_CONTEXT_PATH_IF_USED
   :uri                 FULL_URI_OF_THE_REQUEST
   :path-params         PATH_PARAMETERS_AS_A_MAP
   :query-params        QUERY_PARAMETERS_AS_A_MAP ;; n.b. values are in a list as there
                                                  ;; could be more than one for each key
   :headers             HEADERS_AS_A_MAP


Responses are always returned as a map. The map has the following mandatory keys:

  • status - http status code
  • body - body to be returned

The follow are optional:

  • headers - http headers that will be added to the response. These are key/value pairs as you would have in the http response
  • cookies


    :status 200
    :body   "Hello, World"
    :headers {
      "content-type" "text/plain"

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