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A Wall Brew Leiningen plugin for managing Wall Brew Leiningen projects.


The Wall Brew Open Source Standard encourages development standards to be automated wherever possible. For Wall Brew projects, that often relies on a collection of Leiningen plugins and consistency across project.clj files. To automate the consistency checks, Bouncer is able to:


Bouncers are security guards at bars that make sure all patrons are following the rules.


Bouncer is available as a leiningen plugin and can be downloaded from clojars. To install Bouncer, add the following in your :plugins list in your project.clj file:

[com.wallbrew/bouncer "1.0.0"]

The first time you invoke this plugin, Leiningen will automatically fetch the dependency for you. Wall Brew projects should come with this dependency pre-installed. Non-Wall Brew projects are free to use this plugin if they want to follow our development practices as well.


From the root of your project directory, you may invoke the following commands:

  • init - To initialize Nouncer with a config file (if not present)
  • check - To validate Bouncer's rules against the current Leiningen project
  • fix - To automatically fix any issues that Bouncer can resolve
  • help - To view the help text of Bouncer or any command

Commands may accept several options, which can be configured by the command line arguments passed in or in project configuration. In all cases, the options will follow this order of precedence:

  1. Arguments passed by command line
  2. Values stored in configuration
  3. Default values in bouncer's implementation

Initialize Bouncer

Bouncer stores its configuration at .bouncer/config.edn. Since new projects will not have this directory by default, Bouncer may create it for you.

$ lein bouncer init
No configuration file found. Assuming default configuration.
Writing to .bouncer/config.edn
$ ls .bouncer -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 nnichols nnichols 1002 Sep 20 10:08 config.edn

If the .bouncer directory already exists, bouncer will perform no actions.

$ lein bouncer init
Reading from .bouncer/config.edn
Existing Bouncer configuration found.

Check A Project With Bouncer

Bouncer's configuration contains a collection of rules to run against a project. While rules may support additional data for configuration, each rule must support the following keys:

  • :comment - A human readable string describing the rule's purpose or intent.
  • :disabled - A boolean indicating if the rule is disabled. If the key is not present, the rule is assumed to be enabled.
  • :reason - A human readable string describing why a particular rule has been disabled. If :disabled is true, this value must be present.

If bouncer successfully validates all rules, it will print information about the checks it has performed and exit with a 0 status code.

$ lein bouncer check
Reading from .bouncer/config.edn
Checking project.clj against Wall Brew standards...
PASS: License information is valid.
WARN: Some plugins rules are disabled. Skipping...
PASS: Plugins information is valid.
PASS: Project conforms to all rules.

If bouncer cannot validate a rule, it will print one or more failure messages and exit with a 1 status code.

$ lein bouncer check
Reading from .bouncer/config.edn
Checking project.clj against Wall Brew standards...
PASS: License information is valid.
FAIL: One or plugins not installed: ("lein-cljsbuild")
FAIL: Project does not conform to one or more rules.

Bouncer currently validates the following rules:

Licensing Information

  • Rule Path [:project-rules :license]

Verifies that the root project.clj contains the following :license block (or one equivalent to it):

{:name         "MIT"
 :url          ""
 :distribution :repo
 :comments     "Same-as all Wall-Brew projects"}

This renders the license information in the project's pom.xml, which is automatically scanned by license checking tools such as Snyk.

Leiningen Plugins

  • Rule Path [:project-rules :plugins]

Verifies that the root project.clj contains the following plugins. This list is not exclusive, and a project may define additional tools; however, these tools are rquired by our GitHub Actions.

Individual plugin checks may set a :disabled key to opt-out on unrequired plugins. For example, clj-xml would opt-out of the lein-cljsbuild plugin since it is only available for JVM-based Clojure. Like all higher-level rules, disabled plugins must also provide a :reason.

Fix A Project With Bouncer

Bouncer can automatically fix some issues that it detects. This is useful for projects that are not yet compliant with Wall Brew standards. Bouncer's configuration contains a collection of rules to run against a project. While rules may support additional data for configuration, each rule must support the following keys:

  • :comment - A human readable string describing the rule's purpose or intent.
  • :disabled - A boolean indicating if the rule is disabled. If the key is not present, the rule is assumed to be enabled.
  • :reason - A human readable string describing why a particular rule has been disabled. If :disabled is true, this value must be present.

If bouncer successfully fixes the issues described by the rules, it will exit with a 0 status code.

Bouncer currently validates the following rules:

Namespace Sorting

  • Rule Path [:fixes :namespace-sorting]

Ensures that the :require blocks in each namespace declaration are sorted alphabetically.


Many of Bouncer's commands may be modified at execution time with additional arguments. As of version 1.1.0, Bouncer will inspect the following locations for configuration. The first location found will be used, and the others will be ignored:

  • The :bouncer key in the project's project.clj file
  • The .bouncer/config.edn file, relative to the project's root
  • The .wallbrew/bouncer/config.edn file, relative to the project's root
  • The default configuration that would be written by lein bouncer init

Bouncer will create this file while executing lein bouncer init if no prior Bouncer configuration file is detected. The file will be created with the defaults outlined in this README.


Copyright © Wall Brew Co

This software is provided for free, public use as outlined in the MIT License

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