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(sample coll)
(sample seed coll)

Returns a lazy sequence of samples from coll using an internal random generator. Requires that coll is a finite, countable collection that can be realized. If coll is empty, an empty sequence is returned. A seed can be provided to create reproducible sequences, otherwise a random seed is used.


(take 5 (sample 1 "abcde"))
; => (\a \e \b \d \a)

(take 3 (sample "hello" (range 99)))
; => (6 97 18)

coll can be:

  • a vector
  • a list
  • a finite lazy sequence
  • a set
  • a hashmap
  • a string

seed can be any value that can be cast to a string.

Returns a lazy sequence of samples from `coll` using an internal random generator.
Requires that `coll` is a finite, countable collection that can be realized.
If `coll` is empty, an empty sequence is returned.
A seed can be provided to create reproducible sequences, otherwise a random seed is used.


(take 5 (sample 1 "abcde"))
; => (\a \e \b \d \a)

(take 3 (sample "hello" (range 99)))
; => (6 97 18)

`coll` can be:
   - a vector
   - a list
   - a finite lazy sequence
   - a set
   - a hashmap
   - a string

`seed` can be any value that can be cast to a string.
sourceraw docstring


(weighted-sample weight-fn coll)
(weighted-sample seed weight-fn coll)

Returns a lazy sequence of samples from coll using an internal random generator, selecting each item i with a probability of (weight-fn i). Requires that coll is a finite, countable collection that can be realized. If coll is empty, an empty sequence is returned. weight-fn must be a function that takes an item from coll and returns a non-negative probability weight.

A seed can be provided to create reproducible sequences, otherwise a random seed is used.


(take 3 (weighted-sample inc (range 99)))
; => (16 92 91)

(first (weighted-sample (fn [x] (if (even? x) 1 0)) [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]))
; => 2

(-> (weighted-sample :score [{:name "Alice" :score 10}
                             {:name "Bob" :score 20}
                             {:name "Charlie" :score 30}])

coll can be:

  • a vector
  • a list
  • a finite lazy sequence
  • a set
  • a hashmap
  • a string

seed can be any value that can be cast to a string.

Returns a lazy sequence of samples from `coll` using an internal random generator, selecting each item `i` with a probability of `(weight-fn i)`.
Requires that `coll` is a finite, countable collection that can be realized.
If `coll` is empty, an empty sequence is returned.
`weight-fn` must be a function that takes an item from `coll` and returns a non-negative probability weight.

A seed can be provided to create reproducible sequences, otherwise a random seed is used.


(take 3 (weighted-sample inc (range 99)))
; => (16 92 91)

(first (weighted-sample (fn [x] (if (even? x) 1 0)) [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]))
; => 2

(-> (weighted-sample :score [{:name "Alice" :score 10}
                             {:name "Bob" :score 20}
                             {:name "Charlie" :score 30}])

`coll` can be:
   - a vector
   - a list
   - a finite lazy sequence
   - a set
   - a hashmap
   - a string

`seed` can be any value that can be cast to a string.
sourceraw docstring


(with-seed seed & body)

Execute body with a seed for the internal random generator over the scope of the body. Note, this is a dynamic var and will only affect the current thread.

This reuses the same generator for the duration of the execution of body, allowing multiple calls to sample and weighted-sample to be reproducible. If a seed is already set for sample or sample-weighted, it will be replaced for the duration of the execution of body.

For example:

(with-seed 12
  (apply str (take 25 (sut/sample "abcde"))) ;=> "caaebcdeccabaaccaeeabdbcd"
  (apply str (take 25 (sut/sample 2 "fghij"))) ;=> "jhihffggjjjhijgjjjjghjfji")
Execute `body` with a seed for the internal random generator over the scope of the `body`.
Note, this is a dynamic var and will only affect the current thread.

This reuses the same generator for the duration of the execution of body, allowing multiple calls to `sample` and `weighted-sample` to be reproducible.
If a seed is already set for `sample` or `sample-weighted`, it will be replaced for the duration of the execution of `body`.

For example:
(with-seed 12
  (apply str (take 25 (sut/sample "abcde"))) ;=> "caaebcdeccabaaccaeeabdbcd"
  (apply str (take 25 (sut/sample 2 "fghij"))) ;=> "jhihffggjjjhijgjjjjghjfji")
sourceraw docstring

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