(fill-vec fill-val s)
(alpha) Examines each item in a sequence in turn, replacing nils with fill-val. Returns a vector.
(alpha) Examines each item in a sequence in turn, replacing nils with fill-val. Returns a vector.
(mreduce sel f init & cs)
(alpha) Coordinated reduction across multiple collections. At each step, (sel cs) is used to select the collection to be used in the next step of the reduction. Terminates when all collections have been consumed.
(alpha) Coordinated reduction across multiple collections. At each step, (sel cs) is used to select the collection to be used in the next step of the reduction. Terminates when all collections have been consumed.
(retry-until done-pred wait-time f & args)
(alpha) Calls function f with args, and until (done-pred retries result) returns true, will re-invoke function f after waiting wait-time ms.
wait-time may be an integer value of ms to wait, or a function that accepts the current retry-count and returns the number of ms to wait.
(alpha) Calls function f with args, and until (done-pred retries result) returns true, will re-invoke function f after waiting wait-time ms. wait-time may be an integer value of ms to wait, or a function that accepts the current retry-count and returns the number of ms to wait.
(sreduce sel f coll)
(sreduce sel f init coll)
(alpha) Selectively reduce. Just like reduce, but takes an additional argument, (fn sel ([coll]) ([val coll])), which is expected to select one value out of the collection, returning a vector of the form [selected-item all-other-items]. It reduces over the collection but in the order that items are selected. If no initial value is supplied, the selector fn is called with its single arity. At all other times, it is passed the current state of the reduction as the first argument and the remainder of the collection as the second argument.
(alpha) Selectively reduce. Just like reduce, but takes an additional argument, (fn sel ([coll]) ([val coll])), which is expected to select one value out of the collection, returning a vector of the form [selected-item all-other-items]. It reduces over the collection but in the order that items are selected. If no initial value is supplied, the selector fn is called with its single arity. At all other times, it is passed the current state of the reduction as the first argument and the remainder of the collection as the second argument.
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