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Change Log


  • :agg behaviour changed for empty relations when grouping all rows (see below)
  • relic databases are wrapped with a custom type (RelicDB) to avoid surprises with metadata and changes to the databases state 'as a map'. Continues to meet all the map interfaces so should not cause any breakage. #52
  • existing covering indexes are now scored and used by joins (:join & :left-join). Previously you had to mat the join or create a specific :hash index with exactly the same indexed expressions.

:agg behaviour change (minor breaking)

:agg with over all rows now always returns a row with default values instead of nil.

e.g [[:const] [:agg [] [:n count]]] will return [{:n 0}] instead of nil.

This is closer to SQL and will mean a constraint like [[:from :a] [:agg [] [:n count]] [:check [= 1 :n]]] will throw if there are no rows, instead of just if there are more than 1.


  • fixed no results when using [:_ kw] with indexed :where queries
  • added rel/row
  • added rel/exists?
  • rel/transact can now take a function of db to tx op, i.e a transaction function.
  • :constrain form internals change, fixing issues with upserts not seeing :unique indexes, and therefore throwing.
  • :unique exception messages contain the index keys (and table if possible) to aid in debugging


  • #47 db without meta is acceptable to queries
  • fixed nil behaviour on multi-expr count-distinct
  • set-concat returns empty-set if no non-nil values



  • fixed glitches with materialized sorted-group deletes
  • (index) now returns nil for non-index operators (keep it secret, keep it safe.)



  • #45 join expr that return nil are not used in index lookups


Initial release

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