(assoc-if m k v)
(assoc-if m k v & kvs)
Like assoc, but noop if v is falsy.
Like assoc, but noop if v is falsy.
(coll-append-at-head? s)
Return true if column add items at head with conj.
Return true if column add items at head with conj.
(collection? x)
Returns true for sequential collections and sets, false for maps.
Returns true for sequential collections and sets, false for maps.
(conj-at-index v idx x)
Add element to a vector at some specific index. Only works with vectors!
Add element to a vector at some specific index. Only works with vectors!
(dedupe-by f)
(dedupe-by f coll)
Returns a lazy sequence removing consecutive duplicates in coll when passed to a function f. Returns a transducer when no collection is provided.
Returns a lazy sequence removing consecutive duplicates in coll when passed to a function f. Returns a transducer when no collection is provided.
(deep-merge & maps)
Recursively merges maps together. If all the maps supplied have nested maps under the same keys, these nested maps are merged.
A custom merge strategy may be configured for specific keys, to do so you need to bind the value of deep-merge-handlers, the keys are the keywords and the values are functions to handle the merge of that key.
(binding [*deep-merge-handlers* {:foo +}]
(deep-merge {:foo 1} {:foo 2}))
; => {:foo 3}
Another way to control the merge of values is to set some metadata to control the merge process (notice it only applies for types that support meta like maps and vectors, but not for keywords or numbers for example).
(deep-merge {:list [1 2 3]} ^{::merge-with into} {:list [:a :b]})
; => {:list [1 2 3 :a :b]}
The meta may go in the left or side of the merge, the right side has higher priority.
Note that meta mergers have higher priority than merge handlers.
Here is the merger pick order for clarity:
)Forked from Medley library.
Recursively merges maps together. If all the maps supplied have nested maps under the same keys, these nested maps are merged. A custom merge strategy may be configured for specific keys, to do so you need to bind the value of *deep-merge-handlers*, the keys are the keywords and the values are functions to handle the merge of that key. (binding [*deep-merge-handlers* {:foo +}] (deep-merge {:foo 1} {:foo 2})) ; => {:foo 3} Another way to control the merge of values is to set some metadata to control the merge process (notice it only applies for types that support meta like maps and vectors, but not for keywords or numbers for example). (deep-merge {:list [1 2 3]} ^{::merge-with into} {:list [:a :b]}) ; => {:list [1 2 3 :a :b]} The meta may go in the left or side of the merge, the right side has higher priority. Note that meta mergers have higher priority than merge handlers. Here is the merger pick order for clarity: 1. Value merger from meta at new value 2. Value merger from meta at current value 3. Merge key handler 4. Deep merge (in case both values are maps) 5. Keep the new value (as in `clojure.core/merge`) Forked from Medley library.
(distinct-by f)
(distinct-by f coll)
Returns a lazy sequence of the elements of coll, removing any elements that return duplicate values when passed to a function f.
Returns a lazy sequence of the elements of coll, removing any elements that return duplicate values when passed to a function f.
(find-first f coll)
Return the first element in coll that returns true for f.
Return the first element in coll that returns true for f.
(index-by f coll)
Like group by, but will keep only the last result.
Like group by, but will keep only the last result.
(index-of coll x)
Find the index of element x in coll. Return nil if element is not found.
Find the index of element x in coll. Return nil if element is not found.
(iterate-while f x)
Like iterate, but stops when it sees a nil
Like iterate, but stops when it sees a `nil` value.
(iterator coll)
CLJC utility to get an iterator from the collection.
CLJC utility to get an iterator from the collection.
(keep-current a _)
Merge util to keep the value from the left side.
Merge util to keep the value from the left side.
(keep-new _ b)
Merge util to keep the value from the right side.
Merge util to keep the value from the right side.
(keys-set m)
Return the map keys, as a set. This also checks if the entry is a map, otherwise returns nil (instead of throw).
Return the map keys, as a set. This also checks if the entry is a map, otherwise returns nil (instead of throw).
(make-map-entry k v)
CLJC helper to create MapEntry.
CLJC helper to create MapEntry.
(map-keys f m)
Map over the given hash-map keys.
Example: (map-keys #(str/replace (name %) "_" "-") {"foo_bar" 1}) => {"foo-bar" 1}
Map over the given hash-map keys. Example: (map-keys #(str/replace (name %) "_" "-") {"foo_bar" 1}) => {"foo-bar" 1}
(map-vals f m)
Map over the given hash-map vals.
Example: (map-vals inc {:a 1 :b 2})
Map over the given hash-map vals. Example: (map-vals inc {:a 1 :b 2})
(merge-defaults m defaults)
Like merge, but only add keys that are not present in the original map.
Like merge, but only add keys that are not present in the original map.
(merge-grow a)
(merge-grow a b)
Additive merging.
When merging maps, it does a deep merge. When merging sets, makes a union of them.
When value of the right side is nil, the left side will be kept.
For the rest works as standard merge.
Additive merging. When merging maps, it does a deep merge. When merging sets, makes a union of them. When value of the right side is nil, the left side will be kept. For the rest works as standard merge.
(queue coll)
Return a blank immutable queue or create one from coll.
Return a blank immutable queue or create one from coll.
(restore-order inputs key items)
(restore-order inputs key items default-fn)
Sorts output list to match input list order.
(coll/restore-order [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}] :id [{:id 4 :x "a"} {:id 1 :x "b"} {:id 3 :x "c"} {:id 2 :x "d"}])
=> [{:id 1 :x "b"} {:id 2 :x "d"} {:id 3 :x "c"}]
(coll/restore-order [{:id 1, :id2 1} {:id 2, :id2 0} {:id 3, :id2 1}] #(select-keys % [:id :id2]) [{:id 4 :id2 0 :x "a"} {:id 1 :id2 1 :x "b"} {:id 3 :id2 1 :x "c"} {:id 2 :id2 0 :x "d"}])
=> [{:id 1 :id2 1 :x "b"} {:id 2 :id2 0 :x "d"} {:id 3 :id2 1 :x "c"}]
Note it will also remove items that don't match anything in the original items list.
In case the items contains a matching key more than once, the last one will be taken.
Sorts output list to match input list order. (coll/restore-order [{:id 1} {:id 2} {:id 3}] :id [{:id 4 :x "a"} {:id 1 :x "b"} {:id 3 :x "c"} {:id 2 :x "d"}]) => [{:id 1 :x "b"} {:id 2 :x "d"} {:id 3 :x "c"}] (coll/restore-order [{:id 1, :id2 1} {:id 2, :id2 0} {:id 3, :id2 1}] #(select-keys % [:id :id2]) [{:id 4 :id2 0 :x "a"} {:id 1 :id2 1 :x "b"} {:id 3 :id2 1 :x "c"} {:id 2 :id2 0 :x "d"}]) => [{:id 1 :id2 1 :x "b"} {:id 2 :id2 0 :x "d"} {:id 3 :id2 1 :x "c"}] Note it will also remove items that don't match anything in the original items list. In case the items contains a matching key more than once, the last one will be taken.
(restore-order2 inputs key items)
(restore-order2 inputs key default-fn items)
Same functionality as restore-order, but fixes the arguments order to make it easier to thread with a default-fn.
Also, it returns nil for not found items instead of a map with the key.
Same functionality as restore-order, but fixes the arguments order to make it easier to thread with a default-fn. Also, it returns nil for not found items instead of a map with the key.
(update-contained m k f)
(update-contained m k f a1)
(update-contained m k f a1 a2)
(update-contained m k f a1 a2 a3)
(update-contained m k f a1 a2 a3 & args)
Update some key when that key is present in the map.
Update some key when that key is present in the map.
(update-if m k f)
(update-if m k f a1)
(update-if m k f a1 a2)
(update-if m k f a1 a2 a3)
(update-if m k f a1 a2 a3 & args)
Update some key if that key is present in the map and value is truthy.
Update some key if that key is present in the map and value is truthy.
(vector-compare [value1 & rest1] [value2 & rest2])
Compare two vectors, this expects the vectors to be ordered.
Compare two vectors, this expects the vectors to be ordered.
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