(ns pathom-docs.plugin-example
(:require [com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]))
(def my-plugin
; the ::p/wrap-parser entry point wraps the entire parser,
; this means it wraps the operation that runs once on each
; query that runs with the parser
(fn [parser]
; here you can initialize stuff that runs only once per
; parser, like a durable cache across requests
(fn [env tx]
; here you could initialize per-request items, things
; that needs to be set up once per query as we do on
; request cache, or the error atom to accumulate errors
; in this case, we are doing nothing, just calling the
; previous parser, a pass-through wrapper if you may
(parser env tx)))
; this wraps the read function, meaning it will run once for
; each recursive parser call that happens during your query
(fn [reader]
(fn [env]
; here you can wrap the parse read, in pathom we use this
; on the error handler to do the try/catch per node, also
; the profiler use this point to calculate the time spent
; on a given node
; this is also a good point to inject custom read keys if
; you need to, the profile plugin, for example, can capture
; the key ::p.profile/profile and export the current profile
; information
(reader env)))})