DEPRECATED: this whole namespaced is deprecated, it will stay in the codebase to keep compatibility for old users, but we recommend moving to the graphql2 ns, the issues that happen is that by trying to normalize the graphql names to be more clojure friendly we end up in cases were graphql things get unreachable, the new approach just sends the data as-is, making everything reachable
DEPRECATED: this whole namespaced is deprecated, it will stay in the codebase to keep compatibility for old users, but we recommend moving to the graphql2 ns, the issues that happen is that by trying to normalize the graphql names to be more clojure friendly we end up in cases were graphql things get unreachable, the new approach just sends the data as-is, making everything reachable
(alias-for-line query line)
(args-translate {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix ident-map]}
(ast->graphql {:keys [ast] :com.wsscode.pathom.connect/keys [indexes]} ent)
(build-query env)
(camel-key s)
{:com.wsscode.pathom.connect/keys [resolver-dispatch mutate-dispatch]}
{:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [resolver prefix] :as config})
(entity-field-key prefix entity field)
(error-stamper {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [errors base-path]
:com.wsscode.pathom.core/keys [path errors*]})
(filter-graphql-subquery {:com.wsscode.pathom.core/keys [parent-query]
:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix]
:as env})
(filter-mutation-subquery {:keys [ast] :as env})
(gql-ident-reader {:keys [ast] :as env})
(graphql-mutation config env)
(graphql-resolve config env)
(ident-map-entry prefix item)
(ident-map-params->io {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix]}
(ident-root {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix ident-map]}
{:keys [name] :as root-field})
(ident-root? {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [ident-map]}
{:keys [args]})
(index-autocomplete-ignore {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix
(index-graphql-errors errors)
(index-graphql-idents {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix schema
:com.wsscode.pathom.connect/keys [index-io]})
(index-idents {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix ident-map]})
(index-key s)
(index-mutations {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix schema]
:as config})
(index-schema {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [resolver prefix]
:as config})
(index-schema-io {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix schema
:as input})
(index-schema-oir {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [prefix schema
resolver ident-map]
:com.wsscode.pathom.connect/keys [index-io]
:as input})
(index-schema-types schema)
(index-type prefix {:keys [fields name interfaces] :as input})
(index-type-key prefix {:keys [name kind]})
(interface-key prefix s)
(kebab-key s)
(load-index req)
(load-index req indexes)
(mutation-key prefix s)
(normalize-schema schema)
Depending on encoding settings sometimes the :kind can come as a keyword, the indexer expects it to be a string, this function ensures all :kind fields are strings.
Depending on encoding settings sometimes the :kind can come as a keyword, the indexer expects it to be a string, this function ensures all :kind fields are strings.
(prefixed-key prefix p s)
(pull-idents data)
(query->graphql query)
Like the pg/query-graphql, but adds name convertion so clj names like :first-name turns in firstName.
Like the pg/query-graphql, but adds name convertion so clj names like :first-name turns in firstName.
(remove-pathom-params params)
(request {:com.wsscode.pathom.connect.graphql/keys [url] :as env} query)
(service-mutation-key prefix)
(service-resolver-key prefix)
(type->field-entry prefix type)
(type->field-name prefix {:keys [kind name ofType]})
(type-key prefix s)
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