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  • Add optimizations to OR branches that are sub-paths of each other
  • Support new ::pco/cache-key setting for custom cache keys at resolver level


  • Fix foreign mutation on async runner
  • Remove viz request snapshots to allow multiple connectors on the same meshed graph
  • Fix the flow of params on foreign-ast
  • Fix nested dependency process
  • Infer output shape in constantly resolver
  • Parallel processor 🎉


  • Fix cache store specs
  • Add ::pcr/wrap-process-sequence-item plugin entry point
  • Add filtered-sequence-items-plugin new built-in plugin
  • Batch support for dynamic resolvers
  • Batch support on foreign requests
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Dynamic resolvers always get rich inputs with input data and foreign ast
  • Dynamic mutations also go as input parts with params


  • Fix lenient mode optional inputs, it was marking errors when it shouldn't


  • Support disable input destructuring validation on pco/resolver with the flag ::pco/disable-validate-input-destructuring?
  • Run ::pco/transform before running the resolver validations
  • Fixed bug when combining batch + disabled cache + missing outputs doing infinite loops


  • Add p.eql/process-one and p.a.eql/process-one helpers


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Strict mode by default, now errors surface quickly
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Remove remove-stats-plugin, now must use the env flag :com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.runner/omit-run-stats? instead
  • Optional lenient mode via setting :com.wsscode.pathom3.error/lenient-mode? true on env
  • Boundary interface now accepts :pathom/lenient-mode? so the client can configure it
  • attribute-errors-plugin is deprecated, when using lenient mode that behavior comes automatically
  • Fix async runner reversing lists
  • Add ctry helper to handle exceptions in sync and async at same time
  • Foreign connection errors get wrapped to enrich the error context
  • Add spec for ::pci/index-source-id
  • Detect cycles in nested inputs to prevent stack overflow at planner
  • Support foreign unions
  • Entities can decide union path via ::pf.eql/union-entry-key


  • Add more info to pom.xml to add repository links from clojars and cljdoc


  • Add transit dependencies to fix cljdoc compilation


  • Initial JAR release

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Wilker Lucio & Henrik Eneroth
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