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A small testing utility library that helps you write clojure.test tests for async behavior in Clojure. It lets you write async tests, aka, tests for async code.



Add the following dependency to your project.clj:

[com.xadecimal/testa "0.1.0"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

Add the following dependency to your deps.edn:

{:deps {com.xadecimal/testa {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}}


Testa provides utilities to enqueue and dequeue values during async tests and a macro to scope these operations within individual tests.



Enqueue a value into the bound queue *q*. Use it in async tests to queue up values you want to assert later.

(q! x)


Dequeue from the bound queue *q*. Waits for a specified timeout (default 1000ms) for a value to show up in the queue. Returns :timeout if no value appears within the timeout period.

(dq! 5000)



Similar to clojure.test's testing macro, but binds *q* to a new queue for use within the test body. Use it for async tests.



Here are some simple example tests written with testa:

(ns some-test-ns
  (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
            [com.xadecimal.testa :refer [dq! q! testa]]))

(deftest testing-an-async-fn
  (testa "Async code fetches results as expected"
           ;; Imagine this fetches from a slow API
           (Thread/sleep 500)
           ;; Imagine this is the result from the fetch
           (q! :result1))
           ;; Imagine this fetches from a fast API
           (Thread/sleep 100)
           ;; Imagine this is the result from the fetch
           (q! :result2))
         ;; We want to assert each async code got the expected result, and
         ;; that they got it in the order we expected
         (is (= :result2 (dq!)))
         (is (= :result1 (dq!)))))

(deftest testing-an-async-fn-timeout
  (testa "Async code takes too long fetching results"
           ;; Imagine this fetches from an API
           (Thread/sleep 100)
           ;; Imagine this is the result from the fetch
           (q! :pretend-result))
         ;; We want to assert the async code does something in under 200ms and
         ;; that it does the correct thing.
         (is (= :pretend-result (dq! 200)))))

In the first test, we simulate asynchronous fetch operations with different delays to represent fetching from APIs with different response times. We use q! to queue the results and then assert that they are dequeued in the correct order. In the second test, we verify that an asynchronous operation completes within a specified timeout and produces the expected result.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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