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Statement generation.

Statement generation.
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(generate-statement {:keys [type-iri-map verb-map activity-map extension-map
                            statement-base-map parsed-rules-map actor alignment
                            template seed pattern-ancestors registration
                            sub-registration sim-t]
                     :as inputs})

Generate a single xAPI Statement. The inputs map accepts the following map arguments:

type-iri-mapA map from Profile object types to IDs to the object maps.
activity-mapA map from Activity Type IDs to Activity IDs to the Activity maps.
statement-base-mapA map from Template IDs to the Statement base created using template->statement-base.
parsed-rules-mapA map from Template IDs to its parsed rules parsed using template->parsed-rules.
actorThe Actor used in the Statement.
alignmentThe alignment map used for choosing Statement elements.
templateThe Template used to generate this Statement.
registrationThe registration UUID for the overall generated Statement sequence.
seedThe seed used to generate random numbers during generation.
pattern-ancestorsThe coll of Patterns visited en route to template.
sub-registration(NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) The sub-registration object of the Statement.
sim-tThe time (in ms) of this simulation.

Returns a Statement with a map of the following as metadata:

end-msThe time (in epoch ms) after which the actor can continue.
timestamp-msThe time of the timestamp (in epoch ms). It must be > sim-t and <= end-ms; for simplicity we just make it sim-t.
templateThe Template used to generate this Statement
Generate a single xAPI Statement. The `inputs` map accepts the following
map arguments:

| Argument | Description
| ---      | ---
| `type-iri-map`       | A map from Profile object types to IDs to the object maps.
| `activity-map`       | A map from Activity Type IDs to Activity IDs to the Activity maps.
| `statement-base-map` | A map from Template IDs to the Statement base created using `template->statement-base`.
| `parsed-rules-map`   | A map from Template IDs to its parsed rules parsed using `template->parsed-rules`.
| `actor`              | The Actor used in the Statement.
| `alignment`          | The alignment map used for choosing Statement elements.
| `template`           | The Template used to generate this Statement.
| `registration`       | The registration UUID for the overall generated Statement sequence.
| `seed`               | The seed used to generate random numbers during generation.
| `pattern-ancestors`  | The coll of Patterns visited en route to `template`.
| `sub-registration`   | (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED) The sub-registration object of the Statement.
| `sim-t`              | The time (in ms) of this simulation.

Returns a Statement with a map of the following as metadata:

| Metadata       | Description
| ---            | ---
| `end-ms`       | The time (in epoch ms) after which the `actor` can continue.
| `timestamp-ms` | The time of the timestamp (in epoch ms). It must be `> sim-t` and `<= end-ms`; for simplicity we just make it `sim-t`.
| `template`     | The Template used to generate this Statement
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