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The following clauses are used at the top level of SPARQL query maps and are used to modify the solution or introduce new values. These modifiers include:

Modifier clauses


Reference: 10.2 VALUES: Providing inline data

The :values clause associates values to variables in an inline fashion; it can be used in a graph pattern or a query. In Flint, each value can be one of the following:

  • An IRI or prefixed IRI
  • A literal value (number, string, etc.)
  • nil, which then becomes UNDEF during SPARQL translation.

In Flint, the clause can be written in two ways. The first format follows how they are written in SPARQL, as a mapping of a single variable vector to a collection of value vectors. For The example:

{:values {[?x ?y] [[:uri1 1] [:uri2 nil]]}}

associates ?x with values :uri1 and :uri2, while ?y is associated with 1 and nil. When translated to SPARQL, the :values clause becomes:

VALUES (?x ?y) {
    (:uri1 1)
    (:uri2 UNDEF)

which closely matches the original Clojure.

However, there is a second format that is more idiomatic to Clojure, where each variable is a key to its own collection of values. In this format, the equivalent :values clause is:

{:values {?x [:uri1 :uri2] ?y [1 nil]}}

which is then translated into the same SPARQL string.

NOTE: In the first format, the number of variables must be equal to the number of value vectors. In addition, in both formats the length of each value vector (including nil entries) must be the same.

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"}
 :select   [?name ?age],
 :where    [{?x {:foaf/name  #{?name}
                 :foaf/title #{?title}
                 :foaf/age   #{?age}}}]
 :values   {[?name ?title] [["Levi Ackerman" "Captain"]
                            ["Erwin Smith" "Commander"]]}}

which can also be written as:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"}
 :select   [?name ?age],
 :where    [{?x {:foaf/name  #{?name}
                 :foaf/title #{?title}
                 :foaf/age   #{?age}}}]
 :values   {?name  ["Levi Ackerman" "Erwin Smith"]
            ?title ["Captain" "Commander"]}}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?age
    ?x foaf:name ?name ;
       foaf:title ?title ;
       foaf:age ?age .
VALUES (?name ?title) {
    ("Levi Ackerman" "Captain")
    ("Erwin Smith" "Commander")


Reference: 11.2 GROUP BY

A :group-by clause is used to group results by variables or expressions. Syntactically, it consists of a vector of one or more of the following:

  • Variables
  • Expressions
  • [expr var] forms.

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"}
 :select   [[(sample ?n) ?name]]
 :where    [[?org :foaf/member ?x]
            [?x :foaf/name ?n]]
 :group-by [?org]}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT (SAMPLE(?n) AS ?name)
    ?org foaf:member ?x .
    ?x foaf:name ?n .

NOTE: A :group-by clause cannot be used with a wildcard :select.

NOTE: Adding a :group-by clause to a query introduces aggregate variable restrictions to the :select clause.


Reference: 11.3 HAVING

A :having clause filters out grouped results. Syntactically, it consists of a vector of one or more expressions (including aggregates.)

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"},
 :select   [[(sample ?n) ?name]]
 :where    [[?org :foaf/member ?x]
            [?x :foaf/name ?n]]
 :group-by [?org],
 :having   [(contains str(?org) "survey-corps")]}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT (SAMPLE(?n) AS ?name)
    ?org foaf:member ?x .
    ?x foaf:name ?n .
HAVING CONTAINS(STR(?org), "survey-corps")


Reference: 15.1 ORDER BY

An :order-by clause orders the results. Syntactically, it consists of a vector of one or more of the following:

  • Variables
  • Expressions (including aggregates)
  • (asc expr) or (desc expr) forms.

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"},
 :select   [?age ?name]
 :where    [[?x :foaf/name ?name]
            [?x :foaf/age ?age]]
 :order-by [(asc ?age)]}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?name ?age
    ?x foaf:name ?name .
    ?x foaf:age ?age .


Reference: 15.4 OFFSET

The :offset clause adds a pagination offset to the results. Syntactically, it must be an integer.

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"},
 :select   [?name]
 :where    [[?x :foaf/name ?name]]
 :offset   2}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?org ?name
    ?x foaf:name ?name .


Reference: 15.5 LIMIT

The :limit clause limits the number of results returned. Syntactically, it must be a non-negative integer.

The example:

{:prefixes {:foaf "<>"},
 :select   [?name]
 :where    [[?x :foaf/name ?name]]
 :limit    10}


PREFIX foaf: <>
SELECT ?org ?name
    ?x foaf:name ?name .

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