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Example error messages

(def minimal-profile
  {:id         ""
   :type       "Profile"
   :prefLabel  {"en" "Ex-Profile"}
   :definition {"en" "Example Profile"}
   :_context   ""
   :versions   [{:id ""
                 :generatedAtTime "2017-12-22T22:30:00-07:00"}]
   :author     {:url  ""
                :type "Organization"
                :name "Yet Analytics"}
   :conformsTo ""})

No arguments (i.e. :syntax? argument)

We invalidate the :id and :type properties of the Profile (these sorts of errors can also apply to Concepts, Templates, and Patterns).

(def bad-profile-1
  (-> minimal-profile
      (assoc :id "not an id")
      (assoc :type "FooBar")))

(pan/validate-profile bad-profile-1)
**** Syntax Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------

"not an id"

of property:

in object:
{:id "not an id",
 :type "FooBar",
 :prefLabel {"en" "Ex-Profile},
 :definition {"en" "Example Profile"},
 :_context "",
 :conformsTo "",
 {:url "",
  :type "Organization",
  :name "Yet Analytics"},
 [{:id "",
   :generatedAtTime "2017-12-22T22:30:00-07:00"}]}

should be a valid IRI

-- Spec failed --------------------


of property:

in object:
{:id "not an id",
 :type "FooBar",
 :prefLabel {"en" "Ex-Profile},
 :definition {"en" "Example Profile"},
 :_context "",
 :conformsTo "",
 {:url "",
  :type "Organization",
  :name "Yet Analytics"},
 [{:id "",
   :generatedAtTime "2017-12-22T22:30:00-07:00"}]}

should be: "Profile"

Detected 2 errors

:id? argument

We have duplicate IDs and :inScheme values that are not listed Profile versions:

(def bad-templates
  [{:id         ""
    :type       "StatementTemplate"
    :inScheme   ""
    :prefLabel  {"en" "Example 1"}
    :definition {"en" "Example Template 1"}
    :rules      [{:location "$.actor.mbox"
                  :all      [""]}]}
    {:id        ""
    :type       "StatementTemplate"
    :inScheme   ""
    :prefLabel  {"en" "Example 2"}
    :definition {"en" "Example Template 2"}
    :rules      [{:location "$"
                  :all      ["Yet Analytics"]}]}])

(def bad-profile-2
  (assoc minimal-profile :templates bad-templates))

(pan/validate-profile bad-profile-2 :syntax? false :ids? true)
**** ID Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------


which occurs 2 times in the Profile

should be a unique identifier value

Detected 1 error

**** Version Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------

InScheme IRI:

associated with the identifier:

in a Profile with the following version IDs:

should be a valid version ID

Detected 1 error

:relations? argument

The Statement Template links to a non-existent Verb, while the Patterns form a cyclical reference (so they both eventually contain themselves).

(def bad-templates-2
  [{:id         ""
    :type       "StatementTemplate"
    :inScheme   ""
    :prefLabel  {"en" "Example 1"}
    :definition {"en" "Example Template 1"}
    :verb       ""}])

(def bad-patterns
  [{:id        ""
    :type      "Pattern"
    :primary   true
    :oneOrMore ""}
  {:id        ""
    :type      "Pattern"
    :primary   true
    :oneOrMore ""}])

(def bad-profile-3
  (-> minimal-profile
      (assoc :templates bad-templates-2
      (assoc :patterns bad-patterns))))

(pan/validate-profile bad-profile-3 :syntax? false :relations? true)
**** Template Edge Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------

Statement Template:
{:id "",
 :type "StatementTemplate",
 :inScheme "",

that links to object:
{:id "",
 :type nil,
 :inScheme nil,

via the property:

should not link to non-existent Concept or Template

Detected 1 error

**** Pattern Cycle Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------

The following Patterns:

should not contain cyclical references

Detected 1 error

context? argument:

Invalid @context value:

-- Spec failed --------------------


in context:
{:id "@id",
 :type "@type",
 :Profile "profile:Profile",
 :prov "",
 :skos ""}

should be a JSON-LD context keyword


should be a JSON-LD prefix


should be a simple term definition with a valid prefix


should be an expanded term definition with a valid prefix

Detected 1 error

Key that cannot be expanded using a @context value:

**** Context Key Errors ****

-- Spec failed --------------------


in object:
{:id "",
 :type "Activity",
 :_context "",
 :hello "World"}

should be expandable into an absolute IRI


should be a JSON-LD keyword

Detected 1 error

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