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A reagent component that wraps CodeMirror and provides entry points for a reactive state manager.


To use re-codemirror add the git dependency to your project and use the latest sha release.


(ns ...
  (require [re-codemirror.core :as re-cm]))

;; Reagent Component
(defn editor
   {:lineNumbers true}
   {:name "form-input"}])


(ns ...
  (require ...

;; CodeMirror component
(defn clojure-editor
   {:mode "clojure"}
   {:name "form-input}])


(ns ...
  (require ...
;; CodeMirror component
(defn javascript-editor
   {:mode    "javascript"
    :gutters ["CodeMirror-link-markers"]
    :lint    true}
   {:name "form-input"}])

Reactive Statement Management

Manage state through re-frame.

(ns ...
  (require ...
           [re-frame.core :refer [subscribe dispatch]]))

;; CodeMirror component
(defn re-frame-editor
  [sub-key dis-key]
   {:name   "form-input"
    ;; subscribe to re-frame and get a possible text value
    :value  @(subscribe [sub-key])
    ;; This supports a simple use case of just catching when the text value changes.
    ;; Update the full text value from the .getValue function from CodeMirror
    ;; Any event can be added that is supported through CodeMirror in the map
    ;;    "name" (callback-fn ...)
    :events {"change" (fn [this [code-mirror-obj change-obj]]
                        (dispatch [dis-key (.getValue code-mirror-obj)]))}}])

You can also manage state through any other library of your choice.

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