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(-main input-path output-path & add-watch-paths)


(compile! input-path output-path & {:as opts})

Compile SASS file(s) to css. Input path is the root Sass file, output path is the compiled CSS file. No arg version attempts to read config from sass.edn in project root.

Compile SASS file(s) to css. Input path is the root Sass file, output path is
the compiled CSS file. No arg version attempts to read config from sass.edn
in project root.
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(input->watch-paths input-path)

Given an input SCSS file, infer the :paths key for Hawk

Given an input SCSS file, infer the :paths key for Hawk
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(time-ms expr)


(watch-compile input-path output-path & add-watch-paths)

Compiles input-path to output-path. Returns a function that stops the watch.

Compiles input-path to output-path.
Returns a function that stops the watch.
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(wrap-main! main-var input-path output-path & add-watch-paths)

Wrap a -main function (for instance, #'figwheel.main/-main) so that a watch starts when it starts, and terminates when it terminates.

Wrap a -main function (for instance, #'figwheel.main/-main) so that a watch
starts when it starts, and terminates when it terminates.
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