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CUIC - Concise UI testing with Clojure

Use the REPL, Luke!

Build Status Clojars Project

Quick start

(ns cuic.quick-start)
; eval these forms in your REPL
(require '[cuic.core :as c])
(require '[cuic.test :refer [is*]])
(require '

(c/goto! "")
(c/type! (c/q ".header-search-input") "milankinen/cuic" :enter)
(let [link (c/wait (->> (c/q ".codesearch-results .repo-list-item a")
                        (filter (comp #{"milankinen/cuic"} c/text-content))
  (c/click! link))
(is* (= "CUIC - Concise UI testing with Clojure" (c/text-content (c/q "#readme h1"))))

Goal of this project

At one day, one of my colleague came to me asking: "Matti, do you have any tips how to develop our UI tests with the REPL like we do with all other code?" No. I didn't have any. However, I started to think: why does it have to be like that? Why one couldn't just start a REPL, and start developing the UI tests, just like any other code?

The goal of this library is to enable a seamless REPL workflow for your UI tests so that you can develop and maintain them with smallest possible feedback loop: read-eval-print. Start a browser with one form, select elements with another and make the browser to click them with a third one. After you're satisfied with the result, wrap the forms into a defn and reuse it in other tests!

Design principles

  • Honor native data structures and function composition - CUIC query selectors return a vector of DOM nodes that can be further processed and queried with other query functions:

    ; visible, enabled input elements under #form
    (->> (c/q "#form input")
         (filter c/visible?)
         (remove c/disabled?))
    ; text contents of all p elements under #content, concatenated with newline
    (->> (c/q "#content p")
         (map c/text-content)
         (string/join "\n"))
  • Avoid DSLs. Asynchronous nature of UI testing and all possible race conditions are hard to understand, even without any extra obfuscating DSL.


For a complete reference, see API docs.




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