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(active? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node is active (focused) or not

Returns boolean whether the given node is active (focused) or not
sourceraw docstring


(attrs node)

Returns a map of attributes and their values for the given DOM node

Returns a map of attributes and their values for the given DOM node
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(checked? node)

Returns boolean whether the given radio button / checkbox is checked or not

Returns boolean whether the given radio button / checkbox is checked or not
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(classes node)

Returns a set of CSS classes for the given DOM node

Returns a set of CSS classes for the given DOM node
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(clear-text! input-node)

Clears all text from the given input DOM element by selecting all text and pressing backspace. If element is not active, it is activated first by clicking it.

Clears all text from the given input DOM element by selecting all
text and pressing backspace. If element is not active, it is
activated first by clicking it.
sourceraw docstring


(click! node)

Clicks the given DOM element.

Clicks the given DOM element.
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(close! resource)

Closes the given resource

Closes the given resource
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Returns the current browser instance.

Returns the current browser instance.
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Escape hatch for underlying Chrome dev tools service

Escape hatch for underlying Chrome dev tools service
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(disabled? node)

Returns boolean whether the given input / select / button is disabled or not

Returns boolean whether the given input / select / button is disabled or not
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Returns the root document node or nil if document is not available

Returns the root document node or nil if document is not available
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(eval js-code)

Evaluate JavaScript expression in the global JS context. Return value of the expression is converted into Clojure data structure. Supports async expressions (await keyword).

Evaluate JavaScript expression in the global JS context. Return value of the
expression is converted into Clojure data structure. Supports async
expressions (await keyword).
sourceraw docstring


(eval-in node-ctx js-code)


(focus! node)

Focus on the given DOM element.

Focus on the given DOM element.
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(goto! url)

Navigates the page to the given URL.

Navigates the page to the given URL.
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(has-class? node class)

Returns boolean whether the given DOM node has the given class or not

Returns boolean whether the given DOM node has the given class or not
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(hover! node)

Hover mouse over the given DOM element.

Hover mouse over the given DOM element.
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(inner-text node)

Returns the inner text of the given DOM node

Returns the inner text of the given DOM node
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(launch! opts)

TODO docs

TODO docs
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(matches? node selector)

Returns boolean whether the given node matches the given CSS selector or not.

Returns boolean whether the given node matches the given CSS selector or not.
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(options select-node)

Returns a list of options {:keys [value text selected]} for the given HTML select element.

Returns a list of options {:keys [value text selected]} for the given HTML
select element.
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(outer-html node)

Returns the outer html of the given node in format (node is a map of {:keys [tag attrs content]})

Returns the outer html of the given node in format
(node is a map of {:keys [tag attrs content]})
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Takes a screen capture from the currently visible page and returns a BufferedImage instance containing the screenshot.

Takes a screen capture from the currently visible page and returns a
BufferedImage instance containing the screenshot.
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(q selector)
(q root-node selector)

Performs a CSS query to the subtree of the given root node and returns a vector of matched nodes. If called without the root node, page document node is used as a root node for the query.

Performs a CSS query to the subtree of the given root node and returns a
vector of matched nodes. If called without the root node, page document node
is used as a root node for the query.
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(rect node)

Returns a bounding client rect for the given node

Returns a bounding client rect for the given node
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(run-mutation description mutation)

Helper macro to run wait/retry capable mutation (run-mutation (my-mutation ...) (do-something! (dev-tools)))

Helper macro to run wait/retry capable mutation
(run-mutation (my-mutation ...)
  (do-something! (dev-tools)))
sourceraw docstring


(run-query [binding expr] & body)

Helper macro to run query/queries to the given node: (run-query [n (c/q ...)] (do-something (dev-tools)))

Helper macro to run query/queries to the given node:
(run-query [n (c/q ...)]
  (do-something (dev-tools)))
sourceraw docstring


(screenshot node)

Takes a screen capture from the given DOM node and returns a BufferedImage instance containing the screenshot. DOM node must be visible or otherwise an exception is thrown.

Takes a screen capture from the given DOM node and returns a BufferedImage
instance containing the screenshot. DOM node must be visible or otherwise
an exception is thrown.
sourceraw docstring


(scroll-to! node)

Scrolls window to the given DOM node if that node is not already visible in the current viewport

Scrolls window to the given DOM node if that node is not already visible
in the current viewport
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(select! select-node & values)

Selects the given value (values if multiselect) to the given select node

Selects the given value (values if multiselect) to the given select node
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(select-text! input-node)

Selects all text from the given input DOM element. If element is not active, it is activated first by clicking it.

Selects all text from the given input DOM element. If element is
not active, it is activated first by clicking it.
sourceraw docstring


(set-files! input-node & files)

Sets the file(s) to the given input node. All files must instances of class

Sets the file(s) to the given input node. All files must instances of
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(sleep ms)

Holds the execution the given milliseconds

Holds the execution the given milliseconds
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(term-freqs node)

Returns a number of occurrences per term in the given nodes inner text

Returns a number of occurrences per term in the given nodes inner text
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(text-content node)

Returns the raw text content of the given DOM node.

Returns the raw text content of the given DOM node.
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(type! input-node & keys)

Types text to the given input element. If element is not active, it is activated first by clicking it.

Types text to the given input element. If element is not active,
it is activated first by clicking it.
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(value input-node)

Returns the current value of the given input element.

Returns the current value of the given input element.
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(visible? node)

Returns boolean whether the given DOM node is visible in DOM or not

Returns boolean whether the given DOM node is visible in DOM or not
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(wait expr)

Evaluates the given expression and returns the value if it is truthy, otherwise pauses execution for a moment and re-tries to evaluate the expression. Continues this until thruthy value or timeout exception occurs.

Evaluates the given expression and returns the value if it is truthy,
otherwise pauses execution for a moment and re-tries to evaluate the
expression. Continues this until thruthy value or timeout exception
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