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Core functions for UI queries and interactions

Core functions for UI queries and interactions
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Base url that will be prepended to cuic.core/goto url if the value does not contain hostname.

Use binding to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn local-server-test-fixture [t]
  (binding [*base-url* (str "http://localhost:" (get-local-server-port))]
Base url that will be prepended to [[cuic.core/goto]] url if the value does
not contain hostname.

Use `binding` to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn local-server-test-fixture [t]
  (binding [*base-url* (str "http://localhost:" (get-local-server-port))]
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Default browser that will be used for core queries such as cuic.core/find, cuic.core/document or cuic.core/window if not explicitly defined during the query invocation time.

Use binding to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn shared-chrome-fixture [t]
  (binding [*browser* (get-shared-chrome-instance-somehow)]
Default browser that will be used for core queries such as
[[cuic.core/find]], [[cuic.core/document]] or [[cuic.core/window]]
if not explicitly defined during the query invocation time.

Use `binding` to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn shared-chrome-fixture [t]
  (binding [*browser* (get-shared-chrome-instance-somehow)]
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DOM node that acts as a root node for cuic.core/find and cuic.core/query queries, unless othewise specified at query invocation time. Setting this value to nil indicates that queries should use document scope by default.

Do not bind this variable directly, instead use cuic.core/in to define query scope in your application code.

DOM node that acts as a root node for [[cuic.core/find]] and
[[cuic.core/query]] queries, unless othewise specified at query
invocation time. Setting this value to `nil` indicates that
queries should use document scope by default.

Do not bind this variable directly, instead use [[cuic.core/in]]
to define query scope in your application code.
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Default implicit timeout (in milliseconds) for queries and interactions before cuic.TimeoutException is thrown

Use binding to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn browser-test-defaults-fixture [t]
  (binding [*timeout*       20000
            *typing-speed* :tycitys]
Default implicit timeout (in milliseconds) for queries and interactions
before `cuic.TimeoutException` is thrown

Use `binding` to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn browser-test-defaults-fixture [t]
  (binding [*timeout*       20000
            *typing-speed* :tycitys]
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Default typing speed in typed characters per minute. Supports also the following preset values:

  • :slow - 300 chars/min
  • :normal - 600 chars/min
  • :fast - 1200 chars/min
  • :very-fast - 2400 chars/min
  • :tycitys - 12000 chars/min

Use binding to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn browser-test-defaults-fixture [t]
  (binding [*timeout*       20000
            *typing-speed* :tycitys]
Default typing speed in **typed characters per minute**. Supports
also the following preset values:
* `:slow` - 300 chars/min
* `:normal` - 600 chars/min
* `:fast` - 1200 chars/min
* `:very-fast` - 2400 chars/min
* `:tycitys` - 12000 chars/min

Use `binding` to assign default for e.g. single test run:

(defn browser-test-defaults-fixture [t]
  (binding [*timeout*       20000
            *typing-speed* :tycitys]
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(active-element browser)

Returns active element (DOM node) for the current default browser or nil if there are no active elements in the page at the moment. Default browser can be overriden by providing browser explicitly as a parameter.

Returns active element (DOM node) for the current default
browser or `nil` if there are no active elements in the
page at the moment. Default browser can be overriden by
providing browser explicitly as a parameter.
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(add-files node & files)

Add files to the given node. Node must be a valid html file input element or otherwise an exception is thrown. If node is not in the view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes available (visible and not disabled) or throws an exception if the timeout exceeds.

The given files must be instances and all of them must exist in the filesystem.

(require '[ :as io])
(def photo (c/find "input#photo"))
(c/add-files photo (io/file "photos/profile.jpg"))
Add files to the given node. Node must be a valid html file input
element or otherwise an exception is thrown. If node is not in the
view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]]
until the node becomes available (visible and not disabled) or throws
an exception if the timeout exceeds.

The given files must be `` instances and all of them
must exist in the filesystem.

(require '[ :as io])
(def photo (c/find "input#photo"))
(c/add-files photo (io/file "photos/profile.jpg"))
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(as node name)

Assigns a new debug name for the give node. The assigned name will be displayed in REPL and in error messages but it does not have any effect on other behaviour.

(-> (c/find "#sidebar")
    (c/as "Sidebar")

Note that usually one should prefer (find {:as <name> :by <sel>}) for assigning names instead of (-> (find <sel>) (as <name>) because then the name will be displayed in error message if find fails for some reason. See cuic.core/find and cuic.core/query for more details.

Assigns a new debug name for the give node. The assigned name
will be displayed in REPL and in error messages but it does
not have any effect on other behaviour.

(-> (c/find "#sidebar")
    (c/as "Sidebar")

Note that usually one should prefer `(find {:as <name> :by <sel>})`
for assigning names instead of `(-> (find <sel>) (as <name>)` because
then the name will be displayed in error message if `find` fails
for some reason. See [[cuic.core/find]] and [[cuic.core/query]] for
more details.
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(attributes node)

Returns node's HTML attributes as a map of keyword keys and string values. Boolean attribute values will be converted to true if they are present

;; html element <div id='foo' data-val='1' class='foo bar'></div>
(c/attributes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
{:id       "foo"
 :data-val "1"
 :class    "foo bar"}
Returns node's HTML attributes as a map of keyword keys and
string values. Boolean attribute values will be converted to
`true` if they are present

;; html element <div id='foo' data-val='1' class='foo bar'></div>
(c/attributes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
{:id       "foo"
 :data-val "1"
 :class    "foo bar"}
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(checked? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node is checked or not. Throws an exception if the node is not a valid input element.

Returns boolean whether the given node is checked or not. Throws
an exception if the node is not a valid input element.
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(choose node & options)

Chooses the given options (strings) from the given node. Node must be a html select element or otherwise an exception will be thrown. If node is not in the view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes fillable (visible and not disabled) or throws an exception if the timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.

Chooses the given options (strings) from the given node. Node must
be a html select element or otherwise an exception will be thrown.
If node is not in the view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits
[[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node becomes fillable (visible
and not disabled) or throws an exception if the timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.
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(classes node)

Returns a set of css classes (as strings) for the given node. Returns an empty set if node does not have any classes.

;; <div id='foo' class='foo bar'></div>
(c/classes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
#{"foo" "bar"}

;; <div id='foo'></div>
(c/classes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
Returns a set of css classes (as strings) for the given node. Returns
an empty set if node does not have any classes.

;; <div id='foo' class='foo bar'></div>
(c/classes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
#{"foo" "bar"}

;; <div id='foo'></div>
(c/classes (c/find "#foo"))
; =>
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(clear-text node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then clears all text from the node. Node must be an input/textarea element or otherwise an exception is thrown. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then clears
all text from the node. Node must be an input/textarea element or
otherwise an exception is thrown. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until
the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.
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(click node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then clicks the node once. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not clickable: it has either zero width or zero height or it is disabled.

Returns the clicked node for threading.

(c/click (c/find "button#save"))
First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then clicks
the node once. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node becomes
visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not clickable: it has either zero
width or zero height or it is disabled.

Returns the clicked node for threading.

(c/click (c/find "button#save"))
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(client-rect node)

Returns the bounding client rect for the given node as a map of:

{:top    <number>
 :left   <number>
 :width  <number>
 :height <number>}

See for more info.

Returns the bounding client rect for the given node as a map of:
{:top    <number>
 :left   <number>
 :width  <number>
 :height <number>}

for more info.
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(disabled? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node is disabled or not.

Returns boolean whether the given node is disabled or not.
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(document browser)

Returns a document object (DOM node) for the current default browser. Default browser can be overriden by providing browser explicitly as a parameter.

Returns a document object (DOM node) for the current default
browser. Default browser can be overriden by providing browser
explicitly as a parameter.
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(double-click node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then double-clicks the node once. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not clickable: it has either zero width or zero height or it is disabled.

Returns the clicked node for threading.

(c/double-click (c/find "button#save"))
First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then double-clicks
the node once. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node becomes
visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not clickable: it has either zero
width or zero height or it is disabled.

Returns the clicked node for threading.

(c/double-click (c/find "button#save"))
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(eval-js expr)
(eval-js expr args)
(eval-js expr args this)

Evaluates the given JavaScript expression in the given this object context and returns the expression's result value. Expression may take arguments from Clojure code.

By default this refers to the cuic.core/window of the current default browser but it may be rebound to any node or window object.

Arguments serializable JSON values:

  • nil (will be converted to null
  • booleans
  • numbers
  • maps (will be converted to objects)
  • collections (will be converted to arrays)

Likewise the return value of the expression is limited to JSON values:

  • null, undefined (will be converted to nil)
  • booleans
  • numbers
  • object (will be converted to maps)
  • arrays (will be converted to vectors)
;; Return title of the current browser window
(c/eval-js "document.title")

;; Return async value
(c/eval-js "await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('tsers'), 500))")

;; Increment list values in JS side
(c/eval-js " => x + 1)" {:xs [1 2 3]})

;; Perform some arithmetics in JS side
(c/eval-js "a + b.num" {:a 1000 :b {:num 337}})

;; Get placeholder value from the query input
(let [q (c/find "#query")]
  (c/eval-js "this.placeholder" {} q))

See also cuic.core/exec-js if you want to execute statements in JavaScript side.

Evaluates the given JavaScript expression in the given `this` object
context and returns the expression's result value. Expression may
take arguments from Clojure code.

By default `this` refers to the [[cuic.core/window]] of the current
default browser but it may be rebound to any node or window object.

Arguments serializable JSON values:
 * `nil` (will be converted to `null`
 * booleans
 * numbers
 * maps (will be converted to objects)
 * collections (will be converted to arrays)

Likewise the return value of the expression is limited to JSON
 * `null`, `undefined` (will be converted to `nil`)
 * booleans
 * numbers
 * object (will be converted to maps)
 * arrays (will be converted to vectors)

;; Return title of the current browser window
(c/eval-js "document.title")

;; Return async value
(c/eval-js "await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('tsers'), 500))")

;; Increment list values in JS side
(c/eval-js " => x + 1)" {:xs [1 2 3]})

;; Perform some arithmetics in JS side
(c/eval-js "a + b.num" {:a 1000 :b {:num 337}})

;; Get placeholder value from the query input
(let [q (c/find "#query")]
  (c/eval-js "this.placeholder" {} q))

See also [[cuic.core/exec-js]] if you want to execute statements
in JavaScript side.
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(exec-js body)
(exec-js body args)
(exec-js body args this)

Executes the given JavaScript function body in the given this object context. The executed body may also be parametrized by arguments from Clojure code, and it can return value by using JavaScript's return statement in the end. Function body may await async values/effects.

By default this refers to the cuic.core/window of the current default browser but it may be rebound to any node or window object.

Arguments serializable JSON values:

  • nil (will be converted to null
  • booleans
  • numbers
  • maps (will be converted to objects)
  • collections (will be converted to arrays)

Likewise the return value of the expression is limited to JSON values:

  • null, undefined (will be converted to nil)
  • booleans
  • numbers
  • object (will be converted to maps)
  • arrays (will be converted to vectors)
;; Reset document title
(c/exec-js "document.title = 'tsers'")

;; Reset input's placeholder value
(let [input (c/find "#my-input")]
  (c/exec-js "this.setAttribute('placeholder', text)" {:text "tsers"} input))

;; Reset document's title and return the prior value
(c/exec-js "const prev = document.title;
             document.title = 'tsers';
             return prev;")

See also cuic.core/eval-js if you only want to query data from JavaScript side without performing any side-effects.

Executes the given JavaScript function body in the given `this`
object context. The executed body may also be parametrized by
arguments from Clojure code, and it can return value by using
JavaScript's `return` statement in the end. Function body may
`await` async values/effects.

By default `this` refers to the [[cuic.core/window]] of the current
default browser but it may be rebound to any node or window object.

Arguments serializable JSON values:
 * `nil` (will be converted to `null`
 * booleans
 * numbers
 * maps (will be converted to objects)
 * collections (will be converted to arrays)

Likewise the return value of the expression is limited to JSON
 * `null`, `undefined` (will be converted to `nil`)
 * booleans
 * numbers
 * object (will be converted to maps)
 * arrays (will be converted to vectors)

;; Reset document title
(c/exec-js "document.title = 'tsers'")

;; Reset input's placeholder value
(let [input (c/find "#my-input")]
  (c/exec-js "this.setAttribute('placeholder', text)" {:text "tsers"} input))

;; Reset document's title and return the prior value
(c/exec-js "const prev = document.title;
             document.title = 'tsers';
             return prev;")

See also [[cuic.core/eval-js]] if you only want to query data
from JavaScript side without performing any side-effects.
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(fill node text)
(fill node text opts)

Fills the given text to the given input or textarea element, clearing any previous text before typing the new text. If node is not in the view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes fillable (visible and not disabled) or throws an exception if the timeout exceeds.

Uses cuic.core/*typing-speed* by default but it can be overrided by giving the speed as a third parameter. See cuic.core/*typing-speed* for valid values. Only text is allowed: if you need to type keycodes, use cuic.core/type instead. The exceptions are newline character \n and tab \t that will be interpreted as their respective key presses.

Returns the filled node for threading.

(def comment (c/find "input.comment"))

;; Fill some text to comment and commit by pressing enter
(c/fill comment "Tsers")
(c/press 'Enter)

;; Same in terser form
(c/fill comment "Tsers\n")

;; Fill text fast
(c/fill comment "Tsers" {:speed :tycitys})
Fills the given text to the given `input` or `textarea` element,
clearing any previous text before typing the new text. If node is not
in the view, scrolls the node into view first. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]]
until the node becomes fillable (visible and not disabled) or
throws an exception if the timeout exceeds.

Uses [[cuic.core/*typing-speed*]] by default but it can be overrided
by giving the speed as a third parameter. See [[cuic.core/*typing-speed*]]
for valid values. Only text is allowed: if you need to type keycodes,
use [[cuic.core/type]] instead. The exceptions are newline character
`\n` and tab `\t` that will be interpreted as their respective key

Returns the filled node for threading.

(def comment (c/find "input.comment"))

;; Fill some text to comment and commit by pressing enter
(c/fill comment "Tsers")
(c/press 'Enter)

;; Same in terser form
(c/fill comment "Tsers\n")

;; Fill text fast
(c/fill comment "Tsers" {:speed :tycitys})
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(find selector)

Tries to find exactly one element by the given css selector and throws an exception element wasn't found or there are multiple elements matching the selector.

If any element is not found from the DOM, find tries to wait for it until the element appears to the DOM or timeout exceeds. By default, the wait timeout is cuic.core/*timeout* but it can be overriden per invocation.

Basic usage:

(def search-input (c/find ".navi")

In addition to plain css selector, find can be invoked with more information by using map form:

(find {:by      <selector>  ; mandatory - CSS selector for the query
       :in      <scope>     ; optional - root scope for query, defaults to document see cuic.core/in
       :as      <name>      ; optional - name of the result node, see cuic.core/as
       :timeout <ms>        ; optional - wait timeout in ms, defaults to cuic.core/*timeout*

;; examples

(c/find {:by ".navi"
         :as "Quick search input"})

(c/find {:in      (find "#sidebar")
         :by      ".logo"
         :timeout 10000})
Tries to find **exactly one** element by the given css selector
and throws an exception element wasn't found **or** there are
multiple elements matching the selector.

If any element is not found from the DOM, `find` tries to wait
for it until the element appears to the DOM or timeout exceeds.
By default, the wait timeout is [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] but it
can be overriden per invocation.

Basic usage:
(def search-input (c/find ".navi")

In addition to plain css selector, `find` can be invoked with
more information by using map form:
(find {:by      <selector>  ; mandatory - CSS selector for the query
       :in      <scope>     ; optional - root scope for query, defaults to document see cuic.core/in
       :as      <name>      ; optional - name of the result node, see cuic.core/as
       :timeout <ms>        ; optional - wait timeout in ms, defaults to cuic.core/*timeout*

;; examples

(c/find {:by ".navi"
         :as "Quick search input"})

(c/find {:in      (find "#sidebar")
         :by      ".logo"
         :timeout 10000})
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(focus node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then focuses on the node. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the focused node for threading.

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then focuses
on the node. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node becomes
visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the focused node for threading.
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(go-back opts)

Simulates browser back button click. Returns boolean whether the back button was pressed or not. Back button pressing is disabled if there is no browser history to go back anymore.

;; Use default browser and timeout

;; Use non-default browser
(c/go-back {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/go-back {:timeout 1000})
Simulates browser back button click. Returns boolean whether the
back button was pressed or not. Back button pressing is disabled
if there is no browser history to go back anymore.

;; Use default browser and timeout

;; Use non-default browser
(c/go-back {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/go-back {:timeout 1000})
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(go-forward opts)

Simulates browser forward button click. Returns boolean whether the forward button was pressed or not. Forward button pressing is disabled if browser is already at the latest navigated page.

;; Use default browser and timeout

;; Use non-default browser
(c/go-forward {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/go-forward {:timeout 1000})
Simulates browser forward button click. Returns boolean whether the
forward button was pressed or not. Forward button pressing is disabled
if browser is already at the latest navigated page.

;; Use default browser and timeout

;; Use non-default browser
(c/go-forward {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/go-forward {:timeout 1000})
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(goto url)
(goto url opts)

Navigates browser to the given url, equivalent to user typing url to the browser address bar and pressing enter. Url must contain the protocol. Reloads the page, even if navigating to the current page, and waits until the page is loaded or timeout exceeds. Uses cuic.core/*timeout* by default but it can be overrided by giving the timeout as an option to the invodation.

If cuic.core/*base-url* is set, it'll be prepended to the given url if the given url does not contain hostname.

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided by providing browser as an option to the invocation.

;; Use default browser and timeout
(c/goto "")

;; Use non-default browser
(c/goto "" {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/goto "" {:timeout 300000})

;; Go to using base url
(binding [c/*base-url* ""]
  (c/goto "/clojure.core/map"))
Navigates browser to the given url, equivalent to user typing
url to the browser address bar and pressing enter. Url **must**
contain the protocol. Reloads the page, even if navigating to
the current page, and waits until the page is loaded or timeout
exceeds. Uses [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] by default but it can be
overrided by giving the timeout as an option to the invodation.

If [[cuic.core/*base-url*]] is set, it'll be prepended to the
given url if the given url does not contain hostname.

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided
by providing browser as an option to the invocation.

;; Use default browser and timeout
(c/goto "")

;; Use non-default browser
(c/goto "" {:browser another-chrome})

;; Use non-default timeout
(c/goto "" {:timeout 300000})

;; Go to using base url
(binding [c/*base-url* ""]
  (c/goto "/clojure.core/map"))
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(has-class? node class)

Returns boolean whether the given node has the tested css class or not

Returns boolean whether the given node has the tested
css class or not
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(has-focus? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node has focus or not

Returns boolean whether the given node has focus or not
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(hover node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then moves the mouse over the node. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not hoverable: it has either zero width or zero height.

Returns the target node for threading.

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then moves the
mouse over the node. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node
becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Throws an exception if node is not hoverable: it has either zero
width or zero height.

Returns the target node for threading.
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(in scope & body)

Macro that runs its body using the given node as "root scope" for queries: all matching elements must be found under the node. Scope must be a valid DOM node or otherwise an exception will be thrown.

;; the following codes are equivalent

(c/in (c/find "#header")
  (let [items (c/query ".navi-item")]

(let [header (c/find "#header")
      items (c/query {:in header :by ".navi-item"})]
Macro that runs its body using the given node as "root scope"
for queries: all matching elements must be found under the node.
Scope must be a valid DOM node or otherwise an exception will
be thrown.

;; the following codes are equivalent

(c/in (c/find "#header")
  (let [items (c/query ".navi-item")]

(let [header (c/find "#header")
      items (c/query {:in header :by ".navi-item"})]
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(in-viewport? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node is currently visible and in the viewport

Returns boolean whether the given node is currently visible and
in the viewport
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(inner-text node)

Returns the inner text of the given node. See for more info.

Returns the inner text of the given node. See
for more info.
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(matches? node selector)

Returns boolean whether the given node matches the tested css selector or not. Throws an exception if selector is not valid.

Returns boolean whether the given node matches the tested css
selector or not. Throws an exception if selector is not valid.
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(name node)

Returns the debug name of the given node or nil if debug name is not set for the node.

Returns the debug name of the given node or `nil` if debug name is
not set for the node.
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(options node)

Returns a list of options {:keys [value text selected]} for the given node. Throws an exception if node is not a HTML select element.

Returns a list of options `{:keys [value text selected]}` for the
given node. Throws an exception if node is not a HTML select element.
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(outer-html node)

Returns the outer HTML of the given node as hiccup. Comments will be returned using :-#comment tag and CDATA nodes will be returned using :-#data tag.

Returns the outer HTML of the given node as [hiccup](
Comments will be returned using `:-#comment` tag and CDATA nodes
will be returned using `:-#data` tag.
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(press key)
(press key browser)

Simulates key press of single key. The pressed key must be a symbol of a valid keycode with optional modifiers separated by '+' (see examples below). You can use e.g. to get desired key code (event.code) for the pressed key. The complete list of available key codes can be found from

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided by providing browser as a second parameter.

;; Focus on next tab index element
(c/press 'Tab)

;; Focus on previous tab index element
(c/press 'Shift+Tab)

;; Focus on next tab index element in custom browser
(c/press 'Tab another-chrome)
Simulates key press of single key. The pressed key must be a symbol
of a valid keycode with optional modifiers separated by '+' (see
examples below). You can use e.g. to get desired
key code (`event.code`) for the pressed key. The complete list of
available key codes can be found from

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided
by providing browser as a second parameter.

;; Focus on next tab index element
(c/press 'Tab)

;; Focus on previous tab index element
(c/press 'Shift+Tab)

;; Focus on next tab index element in custom browser
(c/press 'Tab another-chrome)
raw docstring


(query selector)

Works like cuic.core/find but returns 0..n nodes matching the given css selector. In case of no results, nil will be returned, otherwise the return value is a vector of DOM nodes.

Basic usage:

(def navi-items
  (c/query ".navi .item")

In addition to plain css selector, query can be invoked with more information by using map form:

(query {:by <selector>  ; mandatory - CSS selector for the query
        :in <scope>     ; optional - root scope for query, defaults to document see cuic.core/in
        :as <name>      ; optional - name for the result nodes

;; examples

(c/query {:by ".navi .item"
          :as "Navigation item"})

(c/find {:in (find "#sidebar")
         :by ".item"
         :as "Sidebar item"})

Note that unlike cuic.core/find, cuic.core/query does not wait for the results: if there are zero nodes matching the given selector at the query time, the result set will be nil. If some results are expected, use cuic.core/query in conjunction with cuic.core/wait e.g.

(c/wait (c/query ".navi .item"))
Works like [[cuic.core/find]] but returns 0..n nodes matching
the given css selector. In case of no results, `nil` will be
returned, otherwise the return value is a vector of DOM nodes.

Basic usage:
(def navi-items
  (c/query ".navi .item")

In addition to plain css selector, `query` can be invoked with
more information by using map form:
(query {:by <selector>  ; mandatory - CSS selector for the query
        :in <scope>     ; optional - root scope for query, defaults to document see cuic.core/in
        :as <name>      ; optional - name for the result nodes

;; examples

(c/query {:by ".navi .item"
          :as "Navigation item"})

(c/find {:in (find "#sidebar")
         :by ".item"
         :as "Sidebar item"})

Note that unlike [[cuic.core/find]], [[cuic.core/query]] **does not
wait** for the results: if there are zero nodes matching the given
selector at the query time, the result set will be `nil`. If some
results are expected, use [[cuic.core/query]] in conjunction with
[[cuic.core/wait]] e.g.

(c/wait (c/query ".navi .item"))
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(screenshot {:keys [browser format quality timeout]
             :or {format :png quality 50 timeout *timeout*}})

Captures a screenshot from the current page and returns a byte array the the captured image data. Image format and quality can be configured by the following options:

{:format  ... ; either :jpeg or :png>
 :quality ... ; 0-100, applied only if format is :jpeg

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided by providing browser as an option to the invocation.

;; Take PNG screenshot and save it the disk
(let [data (c/screenshot)]
  (io/copy data (io/file "screenshots/example.png")))

;; Take JPEG screenshot with quality of 75
(c/screenshot {:format :jpeg :quality 75})

;; Take screenshot from non-default browser
(c/screenshot {:browser another-chrome})
Captures a screenshot from the current page and returns a byte
array the the captured image data. Image format and quality can
be configured by the following options:

{:format  ... ; either :jpeg or :png>
 :quality ... ; 0-100, applied only if format is :jpeg

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided by
providing browser as an option to the invocation.

;; Take PNG screenshot and save it the disk
(let [data (c/screenshot)]
  (io/copy data (io/file "screenshots/example.png")))

;; Take JPEG screenshot with quality of 75
(c/screenshot {:format :jpeg :quality 75})

;; Take screenshot from non-default browser
(c/screenshot {:browser another-chrome})
raw docstring


(scroll-into-view node)

Scrolls the given node into view if it's not in the view already. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.

Scrolls the given node into view if it's not in the view already.
Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until the node becomes visible or
throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.
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(select-text node)

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then selects all text from the node. Node must be an input/textarea element or otherwise an exception is thrown. Waits cuic.core/*timeout* until the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.

First scrolls the given node into view (if needed) and then selects
all text from the node. Node must be an input/textarea element or
otherwise an exception is thrown. Waits [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] until
the node becomes visible or throws an exception if timeout exceeds.

Returns the target node for threading.
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(set-base-url! base-url)

Globally resets the default base url. Useful for example REPL usage. See cuic.core/*timeout* for more details.

Globally resets the default base url. Useful for example REPL
usage. See [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] for more details.
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(set-browser! browser)

Globally resets the default browser. Useful for example REPL usage. See cuic.core/*browser* for more details.

Globally resets the default browser. Useful for example REPL
usage. See [[cuic.core/*browser*]] for more details.
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(set-timeout! timeout)

Globally resets the default implicit timeout. Useful for example REPL usage. See cuic.core/*timeout* for more details.

Globally resets the default implicit timeout. Useful for
example REPL usage. See [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] for more details.
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(set-typing-speed! speed)

Globally resets the default typing speed. Useful for example REPL usage. See cuic.core/*typing-speed* for more details.

Globally resets the default typing speed. Useful for example
REPL usage. See [[cuic.core/*typing-speed*]] for more details.
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(sleep ms)

Stops the current thread execution for the given n milliseconds.

Stops the current thread execution for the given
n milliseconds.
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(text-content node)

Returns the text content of the given node. See for more info.

Returns the text content of the given node. See
for more info.
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(timeout-ex? ex)

Return true if the given exception is caused by timeout while waiting for certain condition, for example node becoming visible before click or custom condition from cuic.core/wait.

Return true if the given exception is caused by timeout while waiting
for certain condition, for example node becoming visible before click
or custom condition from [[cuic.core/wait]].
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(type text)
(type text opts)

Simulates keyboard typing. Characters are pressed and released one by one using the provided typing speed. Typing speed uses cuic.core/*typing-speed* by default but it can be overrided by giving it as :speed option to the invocation.

Note that this function is pretty low level and it does not focus the typed text to any node. See cuic.core/fill for a more high-level alternative.

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided by providing :browser option to the invocation.

;; Type some text
(c/type "Tsers!")

;; Type some text very fast
(c/type "Tsers!" {:speed :tycitys})

;; Type some text to non-default browser
(c/type "Tsers!" {:browser another-chrome})
Simulates keyboard typing. Characters are pressed and released one by one
using the provided typing speed. Typing speed uses [[cuic.core/*typing-speed*]]
by default but it can be overrided by giving it as `:speed` option
to the invocation.

Note that this function is pretty low level and it **does not** focus
the typed text to any node. See [[cuic.core/fill]] for a more high-level

Uses the current browser by default but it can be overrided
by providing `:browser` option to the invocation.

;; Type some text
(c/type "Tsers!")

;; Type some text very fast
(c/type "Tsers!" {:speed :tycitys})

;; Type some text to non-default browser
(c/type "Tsers!" {:browser another-chrome})
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(value node)

Returns the current string value of the given input/select/textarea element. Throws an exception if node is not a valid input element

Returns the current string value of the given input/select/textarea
element. Throws an exception if node is not a valid input element
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(visible? node)

Returns boolean whether the given node is visible in DOM or not

Returns boolean whether the given node is visible in DOM or not
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(wait expr)
(wait expr timeout)

Macro that waits until the given expression returns a truthy value or timeouts. Uses cuic.core/*timeout* by default but the timeout value can be overrided by providing it as a second parameter.

Attention: the waited expression may be invoked multiple times so it should not mutate anything during the invocation!

Macro that waits until the given expression returns a
truthy value or timeouts. Uses [[cuic.core/*timeout*]] by
default but the timeout value can be overrided by providing
it as a second parameter.

**Attention:** the waited expression may be invoked
multiple times so it should **not** mutate anything during
the invocation!
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(window browser)

Returns a window object for the current default browser. Note that window can only be used as this in cuic.core/eval-js and cuic.core/exec-js but not as query scope. For query scopes, use cuic.core/document instead.

Default browser can be overriden by providing browser explicitly as a parameter.

Returns a window object for the current default browser.
Note that window can only be used as `this` in [[cuic.core/eval-js]]
and [[cuic.core/exec-js]] but not as query scope. For query
scopes, use [[cuic.core/document]] instead.

Default browser can be overriden by providing browser
explicitly as a parameter.
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