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REPL usage

REPL is one of the most power tools that separates Clojure (or Lisps in general) from other languages. That's why the REPL usage has been on the top of the mind when designing cuic's API. There will be a lot of cases where you can benefit from proper REPL usage, for example when building a new test from scratch or when debugging some failed assertion. In such cases, evaluation of single test forms is crucial. However, binding based approach does not work at all if you want to evaluate just one form inside from a binding block.

In order to make REPL usage as fluent as possible, cuic provides set-<config>! functions for each configration variables that can be used to override variable's default value globally. First you need roughly the following function that you can evaluate in REPL before you start to use cuic:

(ns my.project.repl
  (:require [cuic.core :as c]
            [ :as chrome]))

(defn setup-env! []
  (c/set-browser! (chrome/launch {:headless false}))
  (c/set-timeout! 1000)
  (c/set-base-url! (get-development-server-url-somehow))
  ;; set some other project specific variables if needed

After you've evaluated the (my.project.repl/setup-env!), you should have a new non-headless chrome opened and ready for use. Then you can start "replaying" your test, form-by-form:

(ns my.project.user-tests
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [cuic.core :as c]
            [my.project.common :refer [ui-test-fixture]))

(use-fixtures :once ui-test-fixture)
(use-fixtures :each (fn [t]
                      (c/goto "/users"))   ;; <- evaluate this first to go to the proper page

(deftest user-seach-test 
  (c/fill (c/find ".search") "matti")      ;; now you can evaluate these forms in your repl
  (c/press 'Enter)                         ;; one by one and see how they affect the browser
  (-> (c/query ".result-row")
  (is (= "tsers." (c/text-content (c/find "#user-bio"))))

Another cool thing is that you can interact with the launched Chrome manually as well: click, type, inspect it with devtools etc. and all the changes you make can also be queried from REPL (for example if you change #user-bio value, the next evaluation of (c/text-content (c/find "#user-bio")) will return the modifed value)!

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