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A Clojure library for combining directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) via unification. Unification is similar to Clojure core's merge, except that if arguments have the same keys, the arguments' values for those keys will be recursively combined (as described below) to yield the value for the key in the combined map.


% git clone
% cd dag-unify
% lein repl
nREPL server started on port 56364 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.3.7, nREPL 0.2.12
Clojure 1.8.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_121-b13
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e

user=> (require '[dag_unify.core :as dag])

First, let's create a Clojure map that is also a directed acyclic graph by using a Clojure atom within the map:

user=> (def foo (let [shared-value (atom :top)]
  #_=>            {:a {:b shared-value}
  #_=>                 :c shared-value}))

If you print foo it looks like:

user=> foo
{:a {:b #object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x6ee6ded {:status :ready, :val :top}]}, :c #object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x6ee6ded {:status :ready, :val :top}]}

In the above output, it can be seen that in foo, the value for the path [:a :b] is set to the same value (the atom shared-value) as the path [:c].

You can use dag/pprint to show this more readably:

user=> (dag/pprint foo)
{:a {:b [[1] :top]}, :c [1]}

In the above output, the [1] is used to represent the atom that is the shared value. If there were other shared values, they would be represented by [2], [3], ...

The special keyword :top

We used the keyword :top in the above example because it is a special keyword for the purposes of unification.

For this keyword :top, the following is true for all X:

(unify X :top) => X

In other words, :top is the identity element of unification. It is the most unspecific, most general value possible.

The result of unifying any value with :top is that same value, just as in arithmetic, the result of multiplying any number with 1 is that same number.

Unification with non-:top values.

Continuing with our foo map above, let's unify it with another map: {:c 42}:

user=> (dag/pprint (dag/unify foo {:c 42}))
{:c [[1] 42], :a {:b [1]}}

Since foo's value for :c is :top, the special identity element, when we unify that with 42, the result is that same value 42.

However, suppose we unify that value again, with another map: {:c 99}:

user=> (dag/pprint (-> foo 
                       (dag/unify {:c 42}) 
					   (dag/unify {:c 99})))

Unification of these three input maps failed, because it could not unify the two non-identical values 42 and 99.

The same would happen if we unified with the map {:a {:b 99}},

user=> (dag/pprint (-> foo 
                       (dag/unify {:c 42}) 
					   (dag/unify {:a {:b 99}})))

Because the paths [:a :b] and [:c] share the same value in foo, all results of unifications using it must also have that same path shared within the result.

The special keyword :fail

The result of unifying any a and b is :fail, if:

  • a and b are not :top, and
  • a and b are not maps (i.e. they are numbers, strings, keywords, etc), and
  • (= a b) => false

Thus in the example above, (unify 42 99) => :fail, since 42 and 99 are not maps and (= 42 99) => false.

The result of unifying any a and b is also :fail, if:

  • Either a and b are :fail.

Thus the result of unifying any value with :fail is itself :fail, just as in arithmetic, the result of multiplying any number with 0 is itself 0.

clojure.core/get-in vs. dag_unify.core/get-in

For the above graph foo:

user=> (dag/pprint foo)
{:a {:b [[1] :top]}, :c [1]}

Compare the output of clojure.core/get-in on foo using the path [:a :b]:

user=> (get-in foo [:a :b])
#object[clojure.lang.Atom 0x6ee6ded {:status :ready, :val :top}]

Versus the output of dag_unify.core/get-in with foo on the same path:

user=> (dag/get-in foo2 [:a :b])

Thus dag_unify.core/get-in resolves any atoms it finds as it traverses within its input map and returns the value within the atom rather than the atom itself.

Unification with atoms whose values are maps

If one of the arguments to unify is a map with a key whose value is an atom, then the value of that key will still be that same atom, but its value will be an atom whose value is the unification of the arguments. For example:

(let [shared-value (atom {:b 42})
      foo {:a shared-value}
      bar {:a {:c 43}}]
	(dag/unify foo bar))
=> {:a #<Atom@344dc027: {:c 43, :b 42}>}

Above, foo's value for :a is a reference to the value {:b 42}. foo's value for :a is unified with bar's value for :a ({:c 43}), and the result

{:b 42, c 43}

is the new value of the reference, and this reference is the value :a for the unification of foo and bar.

In a graph where there is only a single path to an atom, the atom will not be shown by dag_unify.pprint for legibility; thus, looking at the same example immediately above, but with dag_unify.pprint:

(let [shared-value (atom {:b 42})
      foo {:a shared-value}
      bar {:a {:c 43}}]
	(dag/pprint (dag/unify foo bar)))
=> {:a {:c 43, :b 42}}

:fail within maps

In any map, if any key's value is equal to :fail, the entire map is equal to :fail. For example, the following map, despite its complicated structure:

{:a 42
 :b {:c {:d :fail
         :e {:f 43}
	 :g 44}}
 :h {:i "hello"}}

is no different from :fail as far as unification is concerned.

unify! versus unify

unify! is destructive: it will modify its arguments if they contain references, whereas unify copies its arguments before performing unification, so that the input arguments are never modified.


Copyright © 2015 Eugene Koontz

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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