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Simple, composable dependency injection container for Clojure with support for multiple runtime levels and async computations.


Available via Clojars


Container is defined as a clojure map from keys to tasks, i.e. instructions on how to compute corresponding values. Tasks come in two forms:

  1. plain values (those known in advance)
  2. functions (computable values, which evaluated at runtime)

Below is an example of container defintion

(def spec
  {:a {:value 1}
   :b {:value 2}
   :c {:args [:a :b]
       :fn (fn [a b]
             (+ a b))}})

Runtime instance of container is called app, although this is an overloaded term and may refer to spec as well. App is created with start function

(def app (start spec))

Once an app is created you can evaluate tasks defined in container

(evaluate app :a) ; => 1
(evaluate app :c) ; => 3

All results are cached on an app instance and each function is evaluated at most once.

###Runtime levels

App instance forms a runtime level. Levels might be named.

(def app (start spec)) ; base level (has an :app name by default)
(def request (start app :request {})) ; next level instance, it shares spec with app
                                      ; and has a name :request

Now, each task might be marked as belonging to a particular level. If so, we lookup entire app chain for a appropriate instance and do computations exactly on that. So, for example, if we want to share database connection between requests, we mark it as an :app level, then, even if evaluated on request it will always be computed on app, thus shared between requests.

(def spec
  {:db {:level :app
        :fn #(rand-int 10)}
   :response {:args [:db]
              :fn (fn [db] db)}})

(def app (start spec))
(def r1 (start app))
(def r2 (start app))

(evaluate r1 :response) ; => 5
(evaluate r2 :response) ; => 5


All computations performed by container are completely non-blocking. It treats all return values as instances of dar.async.promise/IPromise protocol. Since Object and nil are already extended to be a special cases of promise, you can perform sync computations seamlessly. However, in the case of async value, it will wait for result and return undelivered promise accordingly.


There is a notion of Closeable value.

(def spec
  {:file {:close #(.close %) ; make a value closeable by providing cleanup function
          :fn (fn []
                (open "some-file.txt"))}})

(def app (start spec))
(stop! app) ; will close all closeable values of the current instance

###Spec API

There is a special API, that allows to define container in clojure vars like manner.

(application app)

(define :a 1)

(swap assoc :b {:value 2})

(define :c
  :args [:a :b]
  :fn +)

(evaluate (start app) :c) ; => 3


All presented functions are defined in a single dar.container namespace. Please refer to inline docs for complete list of options.


This work was initially inspired by The-Kiln


Copyright © 2014 Eldar Gabdullin

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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