This project is a port of datascript to the hitchhiker-tree. All datascript tests are passing, but we are still working on the internals. Having said this we consider datahike usable for small projects, since datascript is very mature and deployed in many applications and the hitchhiker-tree implementation is at least heavily tested through generative testing. We are only providing the glue code between the two projects and the storage backends for the hitchhiker-tree through konserve. The codebase is subject to change though. We would like to hear experience reports and are happy if you join us.
In general all datascript documentation applies.
The code is currently a drop-in replacement for datascript on the JVM. If you are interested in this topic, please play around and give suggestions.
The following example is taken from the store test which tests writing and reading the hitchhiker-tree. Notice that you have control when you flush to the store and can also use batching.
#?(:cljs [cljs.test :as t :refer-macros [is are deftest testing]]
:clj [clojure.test :as t :refer [is are deftest testing]])
[datahike.core :as d]
[datahike.db :as db]
[datahike.query-v3 :as q]
[datahike.test.core :as tdc]
[hitchhiker.konserve :as kons]
[hitchhiker.tree.core :as hc :refer [<??]]
[konserve.filestore :refer [new-fs-store]]))
(def db (d/db-with
(d/empty-db {:name {:db/index true}})
[{ :db/id 1, :name "Ivan", :age 15 }
{ :db/id 2, :name "Petr", :age 37 }
{ :db/id 3, :name "Ivan", :age 37 }
{ :db/id 4, :age 15 }]))
(def store (kons/add-hitchhiker-tree-handlers
(async/<!! (new-fs-store "/tmp/datahike-play"))))
(def backend (kons/->KonserveBackend store))
(defn store-db [db backend]
(let [{:keys [eavt-durable aevt-durable avet-durable]} db]
{:eavt-key (kons/get-root-key (:tree (<?? (hc/flush-tree eavt-durable backend))))
:aevt-key (kons/get-root-key (:tree (<?? (hc/flush-tree aevt-durable backend))))
:avet-key (kons/get-root-key (:tree (<?? (hc/flush-tree avet-durable backend))))}))
(defn load-db [stored-db]
(let [{:keys [eavt-key aevt-key avet-key]} stored-db
empty (d/empty-db)
eavt-durable (<?? (kons/create-tree-from-root-key store eavt-key))]
(assoc empty
:max-eid (datahike.db/init-max-eid (:eavt empty) eavt-durable)
:eavt-durable eavt-durable
:aevt-durable (<?? (kons/create-tree-from-root-key store aevt-key))
:avet-durable (<?? (kons/create-tree-from-root-key store avet-key)))))
(let [stored-db (store-db db backend)
loaded-db (load-db stored-db)]
(is (= (d/q '[:find ?e
:where [?e :name]] loaded-db)
#{[3] [2] [1]}))
(let [updated (d/db-with loaded-db
[{:db/id -1 :name "Hiker" :age 9999}])]
(is (= (d/q '[:find ?e
:where [?e :name "Hiker"]] updated)
Copyright © 2014–2018 Christian Weilbach, Nikita Prokopov
Licensed under Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).
Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Nikita Prokopov, Anders Hovmöller, David Whittington, Tyler Pirtle, Christian Weilbach, Robert Stuttaford, zachcp, Nuttanart Pornprasitsakul, Mike Ivanov, Denis Krivosheev, Linus Ericsson, Matthias Nehlsen, Thomas Schranz & VladEdit on GitHub
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