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Datalevin Command Line Tool

dtlv is a native command line tool for Datalevin. The single binary executable can work as an interactive console, a *nix shell command, a Babashka pod, or a server.

$ dtlv help

  Datalevin (version: 0.5.16)

Usage: dtlv [options] [command] [arguments]

  copy  Copy a database, regardless of whether it is now in use
  drop  Drop or clear a database
  dump  Dump the content of a database to standard output
  exec  Execute database transactions or queries
  help  Show help messages
  load  Load data from standard input into a database
  repl  Enter an interactive shell
  serv  Run as a server
  stat  Display statistics of database

  -a, --all                            Include all of the sub-databases
  -c, --compact                        Compact while copying
  -d, --dir PATH                       Path to the database directory
  -D, --delete                         Delete the sub-database, not just empty it
  -f, --file PATH                      Path to the specified file
  -g, --datalog                        Dump/load as a Datalog database
  -h, --help                           Show usage
  -l, --list                           List the names of sub-databases instead of the content
  -p, --port PORT  8898                Listening port number
  -r, --root ROOT  /var/lib/datalevin  Server root data directory
  -v, --verbose                        Show verbose server debug log
  -V, --version                        Show Datalevin version and exit

Type 'dtlv help <command>' to read about a specific command.

Interactive Console

Start dtlv without any arguments or options, or start with dtlv repl command will initiate an interactive console (REPL).

$ dtlv

  Datalevin (version: 0.5.16)

  Type (help) to see available functions. Clojure core functions are also available.
  Type (exit) to exit.


The REPL runs a Simple Clojure Interpreter, so basic Clojure programming is supported, e.g.

user> (+ 1 2 3 4)

As a REPL for Datalevin, all Datalevin public functions can be directly used, without needing to require the namespace.

user> (help)

In addition to Clojure core functions, the following functions are available:

In namespace datalevin.core

add                   clear                 clear-dbi             close
close-db              close-kv              closed-kv?            closed?
conn-from-datoms      conn-from-db          conn?                 copy
create-conn           datom                 datom-a               datom-e
datom-v               datom?                datoms                db
db?                   dir                   drop-dbi              empty-db
entid                 entity                entity-db             entries
get-conn              get-first             get-range             get-some
get-value             index-range           init-db               k
list-dbis             listen!               open-dbi              open-kv
pull                  pull-many             put-buffer            q
range-count           range-filter          range-filter-count    read-buffer
reset-conn!           resolve-tempid        retract               rseek-datoms
schema                seek-datoms           stat                  tempid
touch                 transact              transact!             transact-async
transact-kv           unlisten!             update-schema         v

In namespace datalevin.interpret

exec-code             inter-fn              inter-fn?

In namespace datalevin.client

assign-role           close-database        create-database       create-role
create-user           disconnect-client     drop-database         drop-role
drop-user             grant-permission      list-databases        list-databases-in-use
list-role-permissions list-roles            list-user-permissions list-user-roles
list-users            new-client            query-system          reset-password
revoke-permission     show-clients          withdraw-role

Can call function without namespace: (<function name> <arguments>)

Type (doc <function name>) to read documentation of the function

user> (def conn (get-conn "/tmp/test-db"))
user> (transact! conn [{:greeting "hello"}])
{:datoms-transacted 1}

We are unapologetic about the use of Clojure language. Unlike most other database software, the same code for embedded Datalevin library works in the Datalevin REPL. There's no need to learn a new language just for the command line shell.

Shell Command

dtlv can be used to execute queries and conduct transactions in shell scripting.

dtlv exec executes the followed text as code.

$ dtlv exec '(def conn (get-conn "/tmp/test-db")) \
> (q (quote [:find ?e ?n :where [?e :name ?n]]) @conn) \
> (close conn)'

If no code is given, dtlv exec takes the code from the standard input. For example, Here Doc is used here to give input:

$ dtlv exec << EOF
> (def conn (get-conn "/tmp/test-db"))
> (q '[:find ?g :where [__ :name ?g]] @conn)

dtlv is also the tool for database maintenance. etc.

Use dtlv copy to backup databases, optionally compacting the database files.

$ dtlv help copy

  Command copy - Copy the database. This can be done regardless of whether it is
  currently in use.

  Required option:
      -d --dir PATH   Path to the source database directory
  Optional option:
      -c --compact    Compact while copying. Only pages in use will be copied.
  Required argument:
      Path to the destination directory.

      dtlv -d /data/companydb -c copy /backup/companydb-2021-09-14

Use dtlv dump and dtlv load to export and import databases as text files.

$ dtlv help dump

  Command dump - dump the content of the database or sub-database(s)

  Required option:
      -d --dir PATH   Path to the source database directory
  Optional options:
      -a --all        All of the sub-databases
      -f --file PATH  Write to the specified target file instead of stdout
      -g --datalog    Dump as a Datalog database
      -l --list       List the names of sub-databases instead of the content
  Optional arguments:
      Name(s) of sub-database(s)

      dtlv -d /data/companydb -l dump
      dtlv -d /data/companydb -g dump
      dtlv -d /data/companydb -f ~/sales-data dump sales
      dtlv -d /data/companydb -f ~/company-data -a dump

$ dtlv help load

  Command load - load data into the database or a sub-database.

  Required option:
      -d --dir  PATH  Path to the target database directory
  Optional option:
      -f --file PATH  Load from the specified source file instead of stdin
      -g --datalog    Load a Datalog database
  Optional argument:
      Name of the single sub-database to load the data into, useful when loading
      data into a sub-database with a name different from the original name

      dtlv -d /data/companydb -f ~/sales-data load new-sales
      dtlv -d /data/companydb -f ~/sales-data -g load

dtlv drop and dtlv stat exposes some functionalities of the underlying LMDB databases. dtlv drop clear/delete LMDB sub-databases. dtlv stat show statistics of LMDB sub-databases.

Babashka Pod

See here


See here

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