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(merge-fields form-or-fields1 fields2)

Combines two sequences of field specifications into a single sequence, using the following rules for each fields2 spec:

  • If the :name key matches an existing field, the spec is merged.
  • If an :after key is set, the spec will be inserted after the field whose :name matches :after.
  • If a :before key is set, the spec will be inserted before the field whose :name matches :before.
  • Otherwise, the spec will be appended.

If a form is given, its fields will be used and the updated form will be returned.

This function is mainly useful for making runtime tweaks to form fields.

Combines two sequences of field specifications into a single sequence,
using the following rules for each fields2 spec:

- If the :name key matches an existing field, the spec is merged.
- If an :after key is set, the spec will be inserted after the field whose
  :name matches :after.
- If a :before key is set, the spec will be inserted before the field whose
  :name matches :before.
- Otherwise, the spec will be appended.

If a form is given, its fields will be used and the updated form will be

This function is mainly useful for making runtime tweaks to form fields.
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-field field)

Ensures :name and :type keys are in the right format

Ensures :name and :type keys are in the right format
sourceraw docstring


Prepares a field for rendering, dispatching on :type. The default preparation is to populate the :value key and add a label if not present. Each type may have its own particular preparation steps. For example, the :checkbox type adds a :checked key.

Prepares a field for rendering, dispatching on :type. The default
preparation is to populate the :value key and add a label if not present.
Each type may have its own particular preparation steps. For example, the
:checkbox type adds a :checked key.
sourceraw docstring


(prep-fields fields values & [form])

Normalizes field specifications and populates them with values

Normalizes field specifications and populates them with values
sourceraw docstring


(prep-form spec)

Prepares a form for rendering by normalizing and populating fields, adding a submit button field, etc. See render-form for a description of the form specification.

Prepares a form for rendering by normalizing and populating fields, adding
a submit button field, etc. See render-form for a description of the form
sourceraw docstring


(remove-fields form-or-fields names)

Removes fields from form-or-fields according to their name

Removes fields from form-or-fields according to their name
sourceraw docstring


(render-field field)
(render-field field value)

Render an individual form field element as Hiccup data. See render-form for field specification format.

Render an individual form field element as Hiccup data. See render-form
for field specification format.
sourceraw docstring


(render-form spec)

Given a form specification, returns a rendering of the form - e.g., Hiccup data, an HTML string, etc.

Valid keys for spec include the following HTML form attributes:

:action :method :enctype :accept :name :id :class
:onsubmit :onreset :accept-charset :autofill :novalidate

Unlike an HTML form, :method defaults to :post. If method is something other than :get or :post, a hidden field with name "_method" will be added, and the form method set to :post. If you are using Compojure for routing, it will recognize the "_method" field.

The following special keys are also supported:

:renderer     - Determines renderer to use. Built-in options:
                  :bootstrap-horizontal (the default)
                Custom renderers can be created by implementing the
                formative.render/render-form multimethod.
:fields       - Sequence of form field specifications. See below.
:values       - Map of values used to populate the form fields, or a
                form-data-encoded string
:submit-label - Label to use on the submit button. Defaults to "Submit"
:cancel-label - Label to use on the cancel button. Defaults to "Cancel"
:cancel-href  - When provided, shows a "Cancel" hyperlink next to the
                submit button
:validations  - A sequence of validation specifications
:validator    - A function to call to validate parsed values for this
                form. The function should take a map of values and return
                a sequence of problem maps for each field that failed to
                validate. The problem map should contain the keys :keys
                and :msg.
:validate-types - Whether to validate datatypes; true by default.
:blank-nil    - When values are parsed, replace blank strings with nil
:problems     - Sequence of field names or problem maps. Form
                renderers typically add a class and style to highlight
                problem fields and, if problem maps are provided,
                show descriptive messages.
:timezone     - String of timezone with which to localize the display of
                :datetime-select fields. The default is UTC. JVM only.

A field specification is a map with the following keys:

:name         - Required name of the field, a keyword or string. Use
                dotted keywords like to represent fields that
                will parse as nested map values.
:label        - Optional display name. Auto-generated from :name if not
:type         - Type of the field. Defaults to :text. See below for
                built-in types. If an unrecognized type is provided,
                an <input> element with that type will be assumed.
                Certain types imply particular parsing or validation
                rules - e.g., an :email field must be a valid email.
:datatype     - Optional. Datatype of the field used for parsing. Can be
                one of:

                :str, :int, :long, :boolean, :float, :double, :decimal,
                :bigint, :date, :time, :instant, :file.

                Defaults to :str.

                All types can be appended with an "s" when a sequence
                is expected - e.g., :ints for a sequence of integers. This
                is useful for fields that have composite values, such as

                :date field values are expected to be in yyyy-MM-dd
                format by default. Set :date-format to change that. :time
                fields may be in H:m or H:m:s format. :instant fields
                are in EDN instant (RFC-3339) format.

                All date/time fields are parsed into java.util.Date
                or java.sql.Time (or Date for ClojureScript) objects
                created using the UTC timezone.
:datatype-error - Optional custom error message to use if datatype
                validation fails.
:blank-nil    - When the value is parsed, replace a blank string with nil
:flatten      - If a value parses to a map (e.g. for :compound fields),
                adds each key of the map to the top level values map,
                prefixed with the field name and a dash.
:note         - A bit of explanatory content to accompany the field
:prefix       - Content to insert before a field
:suffix       - Content to insert after a field

Built-in field types:

:text         - Single-line text input
:textarea     - Multi-line text input
:select       - Dropdown. Special keys:
                  :options - options to display; see below for format
                  :placeholder - text for a first, disabled option
                  :first-option - option to prepend to the other options

:checkbox - Defaults to true/false when no :value is given. Special keys: :value - value of a checked input (default true) :unchecked-value - value of an unchecked input (default false) :checkboxes - Multiple checkboxes that parse to a collection of values. Special keys: :options - options to display; see below for format :cols - number of columns to group checkboxes into :radios - Multiple radio inputs that parse to a single value. Special keys: :options - options to display; see below for format :email - Email text input :us-state - United States state dropdown. Accepts :select special keys. :us-zip - United States ZIP code :ca-state - Canadian province :country - Country dropdown. Accepts :select special keys. :date-select - Date dropdown. Renders as multiple :select fields, parses as a UTC java.util.Date (or Date for ClojureScript). Accepts Joda dates as values. Special keys: :year-start :year-end :year-select - Year dropdown, parses to integer. Accepts :select special keys plus: :start :end :month-select - Month dropdown, parses to integer (1-12). Accepts :select special keys plus: :numbers - when true, shows numbers instead of month names :time-select - Time dropdown. Renders as multiple :select fields, parses as a UTC java.sql.Time (or Date for ClojureScript). Accepts Joda times as values. Special keys: :compact - true to use a single dropdown (default false) :ampm - true to use am/pm (the default); false to use 24-hour format :step - step between minutes/seconds; default 5 :seconds - whether to include a seconds field :start - when :compact is true, start time :end - when :compact is true, end time (inclusive) :datetime-select - Combined date/time dropdown. Parses as a UTC java.util.Date (or Date for ClojureScript). Accepts Joda date values. See :date-select and :time-select for special keys, plus: :timezone - String of timezone with which to localize the display. The default is UTC. JVM only. :currency - Text input for money. Parses as a :decimal datatype :file - File upload input. Special keys: :upload-handler - optional handler called when a file is uploaded. The field's specification and Ring param value are passed as arguments to the handler. The handler can return whatever value is appropriate (e.g., a String or a File). :compound - Multiple fields displayed and parsed as one field. Special keys: :separator - string or Hiccup data; defaults to a space :combiner - a function which takes a collection of the rendered fields and returns Hiccup data that represents the combined field; by default, fields are combined by interposing the separator :submit - Submit button. Included by default, but can be added explicitly if you prefer. Unlike with a default submit button, its value will be parsed.

The :options key for :select and other types accepts a collection of any of the following formats:

["value" "label" sub-options] {:value "value" :label "label" :options sub-options} "value and label"

If sub-options are provided, the element is rendered as a group (e.g., optgroup for :select fields).

The :options value can also be a function of no arguments or a Delay object -- either of which must yield a collection in one of the above formats.

The following presentational types are also available. They are excluded from parsing.

:heading - Section heading. In the default renderer, acts as a fieldset separator. Special keys: :text - heading text :html - Custom, unlabeled HTML. Special keys: :html - HTML string or Hiccup data :labeled-html - Custom, labeled HTML. Special keys: :html - HTML string or Hiccup data

Field types are extensible with the formative.render/render-field and formative.parse/parse-input multimethods.

Given a form specification, returns a rendering of the form - e.g., Hiccup
data, an HTML string, etc.

Valid keys for spec include the following HTML form attributes:

    :action :method :enctype :accept :name :id :class
    :onsubmit :onreset :accept-charset :autofill :novalidate

Unlike an HTML form, :method defaults to :post. If method is something other
than :get or :post, a hidden field with name "_method" will be added, and
the form method set to :post. If you are using Compojure for routing, it will
recognize the "_method" field.

The following special keys are also supported:

    :renderer     - Determines renderer to use. Built-in options:
                      :bootstrap-horizontal (the default)
                    Custom renderers can be created by implementing the
                    formative.render/render-form multimethod.
    :fields       - Sequence of form field specifications. See below.
    :values       - Map of values used to populate the form fields, or a
                    form-data-encoded string
    :submit-label - Label to use on the submit button. Defaults to "Submit"
    :cancel-label - Label to use on the cancel button. Defaults to "Cancel"
    :cancel-href  - When provided, shows a "Cancel" hyperlink next to the
                    submit button
    :validations  - A sequence of validation specifications
    :validator    - A function to call to validate parsed values for this
                    form. The function should take a map of values and return
                    a sequence of problem maps for each field that failed to
                    validate. The problem map should contain the keys :keys
                    and :msg.
    :validate-types - Whether to validate datatypes; true by default.
    :blank-nil    - When values are parsed, replace blank strings with nil
    :problems     - Sequence of field names or problem maps. Form
                    renderers typically add a class and style to highlight
                    problem fields and, if problem maps are provided,
                    show descriptive messages.
    :timezone     - String of timezone with which to localize the display of
                    :datetime-select fields. The default is UTC. JVM only.

A field specification is a map with the following keys:

    :name         - Required name of the field, a keyword or string. Use
                    dotted keywords like to represent fields that
                    will parse as nested map values.
    :label        - Optional display name. Auto-generated from :name if not
    :type         - Type of the field. Defaults to :text. See below for
                    built-in types. If an unrecognized type is provided,
                    an <input> element with that type will be assumed.
                    Certain types imply particular parsing or validation
                    rules - e.g., an :email field must be a valid email.
    :datatype     - Optional. Datatype of the field used for parsing. Can be
                    one of:

                    :str, :int, :long, :boolean, :float, :double, :decimal,
                    :bigint, :date, :time, :instant, :file.

                    Defaults to :str.

                    All types can be appended with an "s" when a sequence
                    is expected - e.g., :ints for a sequence of integers. This
                    is useful for fields that have composite values, such as

                    :date field values are expected to be in yyyy-MM-dd
                    format by default. Set :date-format to change that. :time
                    fields may be in H:m or H:m:s format. :instant fields
                    are in EDN instant (RFC-3339) format.

                    All date/time fields are parsed into java.util.Date
                    or java.sql.Time (or Date for ClojureScript) objects
                    created using the UTC timezone.
    :datatype-error - Optional custom error message to use if datatype
                    validation fails.
    :blank-nil    - When the value is parsed, replace a blank string with nil
    :flatten      - If a value parses to a map (e.g. for :compound fields),
                    adds each key of the map to the top level values map,
                    prefixed with the field name and a dash.
    :note         - A bit of explanatory content to accompany the field
    :prefix       - Content to insert before a field
    :suffix       - Content to insert after a field

Built-in field types:

    :text         - Single-line text input
    :textarea     - Multi-line text input
    :select       - Dropdown. Special keys:
                      :options - options to display; see below for format
                      :placeholder - text for a first, disabled option
                      :first-option - option to prepend to the other options
  :checkbox     - Defaults to true/false when no :value is given. Special
                    :value - value of a checked input (default true)
                    :unchecked-value - value of an unchecked input (default
  :checkboxes   - Multiple checkboxes that parse to a collection of values.
                  Special keys:
                    :options - options to display; see below for format
                    :cols - number of columns to group checkboxes into
  :radios       - Multiple radio inputs that parse to a single value.
                  Special keys:
                    :options - options to display; see below for format
  :email        - Email text input
  :us-state     - United States state dropdown. Accepts :select special
  :us-zip       - United States ZIP code
  :ca-state     - Canadian province
  :country      - Country dropdown. Accepts :select special keys.
  :date-select  - Date dropdown. Renders as multiple :select fields, parses
                  as a UTC java.util.Date (or Date for ClojureScript).
                  Accepts Joda dates as values.
                  Special keys:
  :year-select  - Year dropdown, parses to integer. Accepts :select special
                  keys plus:
  :month-select - Month dropdown, parses to integer (1-12). Accepts :select
                  special keys plus:
                    :numbers - when true, shows numbers instead of month
  :time-select  - Time dropdown. Renders as multiple :select fields, parses
                  as a UTC java.sql.Time (or Date for ClojureScript).
                  Accepts Joda times as values.
                  Special keys:
                    :compact - true to use a single dropdown (default false)
                    :ampm - true to use am/pm (the default); false to use
                            24-hour format
                    :step - step between minutes/seconds; default 5
                    :seconds - whether to include a seconds field
                    :start - when :compact is true, start time
                    :end - when :compact is true, end time (inclusive)
  :datetime-select - Combined date/time dropdown. Parses as a UTC
                  java.util.Date (or Date for ClojureScript). Accepts Joda
                  date values. See :date-select and :time-select for special
                  keys, plus:
                    :timezone - String of timezone with which to localize the
                                display. The default is UTC. JVM only.
  :currency     - Text input for money. Parses as a :decimal datatype
  :file         - File upload input. Special keys:
                    :upload-handler - optional handler called when a file is
                      uploaded. The field's specification and Ring param
                      value are passed as arguments to the handler. The
                      handler can return whatever value is appropriate
                      (e.g., a String or a File).
  :compound     - Multiple fields displayed and parsed as one field. Special
                    :separator - string or Hiccup data; defaults to a space
                    :combiner - a function which takes a collection of the
                                rendered fields and returns Hiccup data
                                that represents the combined field; by
                                default, fields are combined by interposing
                                the separator
  :submit       - Submit button. Included by default, but can be added
                  explicitly if you prefer. Unlike with a default submit
                  button, its value will be parsed.

The :options key for :select and other types accepts a collection of any
of the following formats:

  ["value" "label" sub-options]
  {:value "value" :label "label" :options sub-options}
  "value and label"

If sub-options are provided, the element is rendered as a group (e.g.,
optgroup for :select fields).

The :options value can also be a function of no arguments or a Delay object --
either of which must yield a collection in one of the above formats.

The following presentational types are also available. They are excluded from

  :heading      - Section heading. In the default renderer, acts as a fieldset
                  separator. Special keys:
                    :text - heading text
  :html         - Custom, unlabeled HTML. Special keys:
                    :html - HTML string or Hiccup data
  :labeled-html - Custom, labeled HTML. Special keys:
                    :html - HTML string or Hiccup data

Field types are extensible with the `formative.render/render-field` and
`formative.parse/parse-input` multimethods.
sourceraw docstring


(with-renderer renderer & body)

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