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Consider trivial example:

(defn handler [req db]
  (if-let [user (:user req)]
    (if-let [id (:id req)]
      (if (get db id)
        (if (accessible? db id user)
          (update! db id (:params req))
          {:error "Access denied" :code 403})
        {:error "Entity not found" :code 404})
      {:error "Missing entity id" :code 400})
    {:error "Login required" :code 401}))

Looks ugly enough? How about extracting each check to function?

(defn check-login [req next]
  (if (:user req)
    {:error "Login required"  :code 401}))

(defn check-id [req next]
  (if (:id req)
    {:error "Missing entity id" :code 400}))

(defn check-entity [req db next]
  (if (get db (:id req))
    {:error "Entity not found" :code 404}))

(defn check-access [req db next]
  (if (accessible? db (:id req) (:user req))
    {:error "Access denied" :code 403}))

(defn update-entity [req db]
  (update! db (:id req) (:params req)))

(defn handler [req db]
   (check-id req
             (check-entity req db
                           (check-access req db (update-entity db req))))))

Hmm, that haven't made it better. Adding threading macro (for readability) adds obscurity instead due to reversed order:

(defn handler [req db]
  (->> (update-entity req db)
       (check-access req db)
       (check-entity req db)
       (check-id req)
       (check-login req)))

Ok, don't panic, let's add some flow:

(require '[dawcs.flow :refer [then else fail fail-data]])

(defn handler [{:keys [id user params]} db]
  (->> (or user (fail {:error "Login required" :code 401}))
       (then (fn [_] (or id (fail {:error "Missing entity id" :code 400}))))
       (then (fn [_] (or (get db id) (fail {:error "Entity not found" :code 404}))))
       (then (fn [_] (or (accessible? db id user) (fail {:error "User cannot update entity" :code 403}))))
       (then (fn [_] (update! db id params)))
       (else fail-data)))

Basic blocks

Let's see what's going on here:

fail is just a small wrapper around Clojure's core ex-info which allows to call it with single argument. There's also fail? helper which checks if given value is an instance of Throwable.

then accepts value and a function, if value is not an exception instance, it calls function on it, returning result, otherwise it returns given exception instance

else works as opposite, simply returning non-exception values and applying given function to exception instance values

fail-data is also small helper for extracting data passed to ex-info. There are also fail-cause and fail-trace for extracting ex-info message and traceroute respectively.

Ok, that looks simple and easy, but what if update! or any other function will throw real Exception? then is designed to catch all exceptions and return their instances so any exception will go through chain correctly. If we need to start a chain with something which can throw an exception, we should use call. call accepts a function and its arguments, wraps function call to try/catch block and returns either caught exception instance or function call result, example:

(call / 1 0) ;; => #error {:cause "Divide by zero" :via ...}
(call / 0 1) ;; => 0

else has also a syntax-sugar version: else-if, it accepts exception class as first agrument, making it pretty useful as functional catch branches replacement:

(->> (call / 1 0)
     (then inc) ;; bypassed
     (else-if ArithmeticError :bad-math)
     (else-if Throwable :unknown-error)) ;; this is also bypassed cause previous function will return normal value

If we need to pass both cases (exception instances and normal values) through some function, thru is right tool. It works similar to doto but accepts function as first argument, so supplied function is called only for side-effects(like error logging or cleaning up):

(->> (call / 1 0) (thru println)) ;; => #error {:cause "Divide by zero" :via ...}
(->> (call / 0 1) (thru println)) ;; => 0

thru may be used similarly to finally, despite it's not exactly the same.

IMPORTANT! then uses call under the hood to catch exception instances. else and thru don't wrap handler to call, so you should do it manually if you need that.

Having in mind that then will catch exceptions and return them immediately, throwing fail may be used as replacement for return:

(->> (call get-objects)
     (then (partial map
                    (fn [obj]
                      (if (unprocessable? obj)
                        (throw (fail "Unprocessable object" {:object obj}))
                        (calculate-result object))))))

Another example where early return may be useful is let:

(defn assign-manager [db report-id manager-id]
  (->> (call
         (fn []
           (let [report (->> (call db-find db report-id) (else (throw %)))
                 manager (->> (call db-find db manager-id) (else (throw %)))]
             {:manager manager :report report})))
       (then #(store-to-db %))
       (else log-error)))

Wrapping function to call and throwing inside let in order to achieve early return in case of failure may look ugly and verbose, so flow has own version of let - flet, which wraps all evaluations to call. In case of returning fail during bindings or body evaluation, it's immediately returned, otherwise it works as normal let:

(flet [a 1 b 2] (+ a b)) ;; => 3
(flet [a 1 b (fail "oops")] (+ a b)) ;; => #error { :cause "oops" ... }
(flet [a 1 b 2] (fail "oops")) ;; => #error { :cause "oops" ... }
(flet [a 1 b (throw (Exception. "boom"))] (+ a b)) ;; => #error { :cause "boom" ... }
(flet [a 1 b 2] (throw (Exception. "boom"))) ;; => #error { :cause "boom" ... }

(defn assign-manager [db report-id manager-id]
  (->> (flet [report (call db-find db report-id)
              manager (call db-find db manager-id)]
         {:manager manager :report report})
       (then #(store-to-db %))
       (else log-error)))

Tuning exceptions catching

call catches java.lang.Throwable by default, which may be not what you need, so this behavior can be changed:

;; global override
(catch-from! java.lang.Exception)

;; dynamically define for a block of code
(catching java.lang.Exception (call / 1 0))

Some exceptions (like clojure.lang.ArityException) signal about bad code or typo and throwing them helps to find it as early as possible, while catching may lead to obscurity and hidden problems. In order to prevent catching them by call, certain exception classes may be added to ignored exceptions list:

;; global override
(ignore-exceptions! #{IllegalArgumentException ClassCastException})

;; add without overwriting previous values
(add-ignored-exceptions! #{NullPointerException})

;; dynamically define for a block of code
(ignoring #{clojure.lang.ArityException} (call fail))

Who’s using Flow?

  • Eventum - connects event organizers with their dream venue


Thanks to Scott Wlaschin for his inspiring talk about Railway Oriented Programming


Copyright © 2018 DAWCS

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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