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HTTP Effects Handler For re-frame

Herein a re-frame "Effects Handler", keyed :http-xhrio, which leverages cljs-ajax using the goog xhrio API. Whilst cljs-ajax supports other APIs, this library currently only provides xhrio but others could easily be added e.g. as :http-xml or :http-apache

Quick Start Guide

Step 1. Add Dependency

Add the following project dependency:
Clojars Project

Step 2. Registration And Use

In the namespace where you register your event handlers, perhaps called events.cljs, you have 2 things to do.

First, add this "require" to the ns:

(ns app.core
    []   ;; <-- add this

Because we never subsequently use this require, it appears redundant. But its existence will cause the :http-xhrio effect handler to self-register with re-frame, which is important to everything that follows.

Second, write a an event handler which uses this effect:

(def-event-fx                             ;; note the trailing -fx
  :handler-with-http                      ;; usage:  (dispatch [:handler-with-http])
  (fn [{:keys [db]} _]                    ;; the first param will be "world"
    {:db   (assoc db :show-twirly true)   ;; causes the twirly-waiting-dialog to show??
     :http-xhrio {:method          :get
                  :uri             ""
                  :timeout         8000                                           ;; optional see API docs
                  :response-format (ajax/json-response-format {:keywords? true})  ;; optional see API docs
                  :on-success      [:good-http-result]
                  :on-failure      [:bad-http-result]}}))

Look at the :http-xhrio line above. This library defines the "effects handler" which implements :http-xhrio.

The supplied value should be an options map as defined by the simple interface ajax-request see: api docs. Except for :on-success and :on-failure.

Don't provide:

 :api     - the effects handler explicitly uses xhrio so it will be ignored.
 :handler - we substitute this with one that dispatches the :on-success & :on-failure

You can also pass a list or vector of these options maps where multiple HTTPs are required.

###Step 3. Handlers for :on-success and :on-failure

Provide normal re-frame handlers for :on-success and :on-failure. You event handlers will get the result as the last arg of their event-v. Here is an example written as another effect handler to put the result into db.

  (fn [db [_ result]
    (assoc db :api-result result)}))

The result passed to your :on-failure is always a map with various xhrio details provided. See the fn ajax-handler for details

###TIP: If you need additional arguments or identifying tokens in your handler, then include them in your :on-success and :on-failure event vector in Step 3. they will be passed along. Actual result will always be the last value.


  • XXX could we introduce the notion of delay. Wait N ms before actioning. To assist with retries?

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