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This Leiningen middleware allows you to automatically embed certain values in your ClojureScript application - interesting values which were ambient at build-time.

Your application will contain one or more defs and they will be bound to build-time values such as:

  • the git tag for the source code being used to build the app (the equivalent to what would be returned by git describe --tags --dirty --long)
  • the build date/time
  • the user doing the build

You can then use these values for purposes like logging.

How It works

The process has two steps, and this middleware handles the first of them.

Because it is a Leiningen middleware, this utility runs at build-time, and it is able to alter the edn of your defproject (within your project.clj file).
It does a particular search and replace on this edn. It searches for four special keywords or strings - referred to as substitution keys - and, when it finds one of them, it replaces that key with the associated value from the build context.

The second step is to use :clojure-defines to push values within the defproject itself into defs within your application.

How To Use It

Here's how to coordinate those two steps in your project.clj ...

;; This note applies to the first line below.  
;; Normally, a "substitution key" like :lein-git-inject/version can be 
;; used within the edn in either its string-form or aa a keyword, either way is fine. 
;; But within the `defproject` "version" you must use the string variant, 
;; IF YOU ARE USING CURSIVE, because Cursive does some inspection
;; of your project.clj ahead of any lein use - and it doesn't like to 
;; to see a keyword where a string is expected, in this one case.

(defproject day8/lein-git-inject-example "lein-git-inject/version"


  :plugins      [[day8/lein-git-inject "0.0.2"]   ;; <--- you must include this plugin
                 [lein-shadow          "0.1.7"]]

  :middleware   [leiningen.git-inject/middleware]  ;; <-- you must include this middleware
  ;; Assuming you are using the shadow-clj compiler and lein-shadow so that the
  ;; shadow-cljs configuration is in project.clj, below is an example of how to 
  ;; combine this middleware with a `:clojure-define` in order to 
  ;; inject an ambient build value into a def within your application.
  ;; You'll notice the use of the substitution key ":lein-git-inject/version".  
  ;; At build time, this middleware will replace that keyword with the value for 
  ;; the current git tag. 
  ;; In turn, that value is used within a `:clojure-define` 
  ;; to place it into a def (called "version" within the namespace "some.namespace"). 
  :shadow-cljs {:builds {:app {:target :browser
                               :release {:compiler-options {:closure-defines {some.namespace.version  :lein-git-inject/version}}}}}}

  ;; Note: by default, lein will change the version in project.clj when you do a `lein release`. 
  ;; To avoid this (because you now want the version to come from the git tag), explicitly include
  ;; the following steps to avoid using the default release process provided by lein. 
  :release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]

  ;; Optional configuration:
  :git-inject {
    ;; Optional: you may choose to ignore ahead or dirty state like this:
    :ignore-ahead?            true
    :ignore-dirty?            true

    ;; Optional: you may customize the patterns used to extract versions from
    ;; tags like below. Note only ahead (or ignore-ahead?) and dirty
    ;; (or ignore-dirty?) state is used to choose between release or snapshot
    ;; versions. The below patterns simply extract values from the tag to be
    ;; injected.
    :release-version-pattern  #"v?(.*)"
    :snapshot-version-pattern #"v?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-.+)?"

    ;; Optional: if git is not in your path or you want to explicitly refer to a
    ;; certain version of git. You may configure it like this:
    :git                      "/usr/local/bin/my-special-git-binary"})

The Four Substitution Keys

This middleware performs search and replace on four substitution keys within defproject edn. It will search for these values as keywords or strings.

substituion keyexample replacement

To debug you may use lein pprint to see the the entire project map after injection has taken place.


Copyright © 2019 Mike Thompson

Derived from lein-git-version © 2017 Reid "arrdem" McKenzie

Derived from lein-git-version © 2016 Colin Steele

Derived from lein-git-version © 2011 Michał Marczyk

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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Mike Thompson & Isaac Johnston
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