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Find files on the classpath

Find files on the classpath
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(file->files prefix f)

Map a classpath file to the namespaces it contains. prefix allows for reducing the namespace search space. For large directories on the classpath, passing a prefix can provide significant efficiency gains.

Map a classpath file to the namespaces it contains. `prefix` allows for
reducing the namespace search space. For large directories on the classpath,
passing a `prefix` can provide significant efficiency gains.
sourceraw docstring


(files-in-dir dir)

Return a seq of all files found in dir.

Return a seq of all files found in dir.
sourceraw docstring


(files-on-classpath &
                    {:keys [prefix classpath]
                     :or {classpath (classpath-files)}})

Return classpath relative file paths matching the given prefix both on disk and inside jar files. If :prefix is passed, only return files that begin with this prefix. If :classpath is passed, it should be a seq of File objects or a classpath string. If it is not passed, default to java.class.path and the current classloader, assuming it is a URL classloader.

Return classpath relative file paths matching the given prefix both on disk
and inside jar files.  If :prefix is passed, only return files that begin with
this prefix.  If :classpath is passed, it should be a seq of File objects or a
classpath string.  If it is not passed, default to java.class.path and the
current classloader, assuming it is a URL classloader.
sourceraw docstring



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