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(clojure-eval-classes normalized-settings)

Takes settings and returns a set of the html classes that imply clojure eval.

Takes settings and returns a set of the html classes that imply clojure eval.
sourceraw docstring


(clojure-eval? normalized-settings html)

Takes settings and html and returns whether there is any clojure eval.

Takes settings and html and returns whether there is any clojure eval.
sourceraw docstring


A set of selectors that imply clojure evaluation.

A set of selectors that imply clojure evaluation.
sourceraw docstring


(code-block-classes html)

Takes a string of html and returns a sequence of all the classes on all code blocks.

Takes a string of html and returns a sequence of
all the classes on all code blocks.
sourceraw docstring


(deep-merge & ms)

Like clojure.core/merge, but also merges nested maps under the same key.

Like clojure.core/merge, but also merges nested maps under the same key.
sourceraw docstring




(emit config html)

Takes the :klipse config from config.edn and the :klipse config from the current post, and returns the html to include on the bottom of the page.

Takes the :klipse config from config.edn and the :klipse config from the
current post, and returns the html to include on the bottom of the page.
sourceraw docstring


(eval-classes settings)

Takes the :settings map and returns all values that are css class selectors.

Takes the :settings map and returns all values that are css class selectors.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-html-elems pred html-elems)

Recursively walks a sequence of enlive-style html elements depth first and returns a flat sequence of the elements where (pred elem)

Recursively walks a sequence of enlive-style html elements depth first
and returns a flat sequence of the elements where (pred elem)
sourceraw docstring


(include-css href)


(include-js src)


(infer-clojure-eval config html)

Infers whether there's clojure eval and returns the config with the appropriate value assoc'd to :js. Returns the config untouched if :js is already specified.

Infers whether there's clojure eval and returns the config with the
appropriate value assoc'd to :js.
Returns the config untouched if :js is already specified.
sourceraw docstring


(map-keys f m)

Applies f to each key in m

Applies f to each key in m
sourceraw docstring




(merge-configs global-config post-config)

Merges the defaults, global config and post config, transforms lisp-case keywords into snake_case/camelCase strings Returns nil if there's no post-config. A post-config with the value true counts as an empty map.

Merges the defaults, global config and post config,
transforms lisp-case keywords into snake_case/camelCase strings
Returns nil if there's no post-config.
A post-config with the value true counts as an empty map.
sourceraw docstring


(normalize-settings settings)

Transform the keys to the correct snake-case or camelCase strings.

Transform the keys to the correct snake-case or camelCase strings.
sourceraw docstring


(tag-nohighlight html settings)

Takes html as a string and a coll of class-selectors and adds nohighlight to all code blocks that includes one of them.

Takes html as a string and a coll of class-selectors and adds
nohighlight to all code blocks that includes one of them.
sourceraw docstring


(update-existing m k f & args)

Like clojure.core/update, but returns m untouched if it doesn't contain k

Like clojure.core/update, but returns m untouched if it doesn't contain k
sourceraw docstring

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