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Usage Reference-Targets Reference-Domain-API Reference-Infra-API Compatibility License


  • uses iptables-persistent
  • provides ipv4 & ipv6 support
  • prebuild rules for antilockout-ssh, drop-ping (also fine grained on ipv6), allow-ftp-as-client, allow-dns-as-client, ...
  • ubuntu unattended upgrades
  • sshd hardening


  1. Download the jar-file from the releases page of this repository (e.g. curl -L -o hardening.jar
  2. Create the hardening.edn configruration file in the same folder where you saved the jar-file. The hardening.edn file specifies the hardenings to apply. You may use the following example as a starting point and adjust it according to your own needs:
    {:additional-incomming-ports ["23442"]}}
  1. (optional) If you want to perform the tests on a remote server, please create additionally a targets.edn file. In this file you define gainst which server(s) the tests are performed and the corresponding login information. You may use and adjust the following example config:
{:existing [{:node-name "target1"                      ; semantic name (keep the default or use a name that suits you)
             :node-ip ""}]               ; the ip4 address of the machine to be provisioned
             {:node-name "target2"                     ; semantic name (keep the default or use a name that suits you)
                          :node-ip ""}]  ; the ip4 address of the machine to be provisioned
 :provisioning-user {:login "initial"                  ; user on the target machine, must have sudo rights
                     :password {:plain "secure1234"}}} ; password can be ommited, if a ssh key is authorized
  1. Run the jar with the following options and inspect the output. For installation on localhost:
java -jar dda-hardening-crate-standalone.jar hardening.edn

For installation on remote server(s) please specify the targets file:

java -jar dda-hardening-crate-standalone.jar --targets targets.edn hardening.edn


You will find here the reference for

  • target: How targets can be specified
  • Domain-Level-API: The high level API with many built-in conventions.
  • Infra-Level-API: If the domain conventions don't fit your needs, you can use our low-level API (infra) and easily realize your own conventions.


The schema of the domain layer for the targets is:

(def ExistingNode
  "Represents a target node with ip and its name."
  {:node-name s/Str   ; semantic name (keep the default or use a name that suits you)
   :node-ip s/Str})   ; the ip4 address of the machine to be provisioned

(def ExistingNodes
  "A sequence of ExistingNodes."
  {s/Keyword [ExistingNode]})

(def ProvisioningUser
  "User used for provisioning."
  {:login s/Str                                ; user on the target machine, must have sudo rights
   (s/optional-key :password) secret/Secret})  ; password can be ommited, if a ssh key is authorized

(def Targets
  "Targets to be used during provisioning."
  {:existing [ExistingNode]                                ; one ore more target nodes.
   (s/optional-key :provisioning-user) ProvisioningUser})  ; user can be ommited to execute on localhost with current user

The "targets.edn" file has to match this schema.


The schema for the hardening is:

(def HardeningDomain
    {:webserver                ; block incoming traffic except 22, 80 & 443
          {:additional-incomming-ports [s/Str]}}
    {:all-tier-appserver       ; block incoming traffic except 22, 80 & 443, allow ajp from known ip
        {:additional-incomming-ports [s/Str]
         :allow-ajp-from-ip [s/Str]}}
    {:ssh-only-server          ; block incoming traffic except 22
        {:incomming-ports [s/Str]}}))

The "hardening.edn" file has to match this schema.


The infra configuration is a configuration on the infrastructure level of a crate. It contains the complete configuration options that are possible with the crate functions.

The schema is:

(def IpVersion           ; for which ip-versions ip-tables should be applied.
  (s/enum :ipv6 :ipv4))  ; we apply the same rules to both ip-versions

(def IpTables
  {:ip-version (hash-set IpVersion)
   :static-rules (hash-set (s/enum :antilockout-ssh :allow-local :drop-ping
                                   :allow-ftp-as-client :allow-dns-as-client
                                   :allow-established-input :allow-established-output
                                   :log-and-drop-remaining-input :log-and-drop-remaining-output))
   (s/optional-key :allow-ajp-from-ip) [s/Str] ;incoming ip address
   (s/optional-key :incomming-ports) [s/Str]
   (s/optional-key :outgoing-ports) [s/Str]}) ; allow-destination-port)

(def HardeningInfra
 {:settings (hash-set (s/enum :unattende-upgrades
  (s/optional-key :iptables) iptables/IpTables})


dda-pallet is compatible to the following versions

  • pallet 0.8
  • clojure 1.7
  • (x)ubunutu14.04 / 16.04


Copyright © 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 meissa GmbH Published under apache2.0 license

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