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The Infra configuration is a configuration on the infrastructure level of a crate. It contains the complete configuration options that are possible with the crate functions. You can find the details of the infra configurations at the other crates used:

For installation & configuration with the dda-managed-ide the schema is:

(def ArgoUml
   {:version s/Str})

(def Yed
   {:download-url s/Str})

(def Dbvis
   {:version s/Str})

(def Basics
 {(s/optional-key :argo-uml) ArgoUml
  (s/optional-key :yed) Yed})

(def BasicsSettings

; ----------------------- db --------------------------

(def Dbvis
  {:version s/Str})

(def Db
 {(s/optional-key :dbvis) Dbvis})

(def Settings

; ----------------------- clojure --------------------------

(def RepoAuth
 {:repo s/Str
  :username s/Str
  :password s/Str})

(def Clojure
 {(s/optional-key :signing-gpg-key) s/Str
  (s/optional-key :lein-auth) [RepoAuth]})

; ----------------------- java --------------------------

(def CustomJava
   {:tar-download-url s/Str
    :jdk-filesystem-name s/Str
    (s/optional-key :md5-hash) s/Str})

(def Gradle
   {:version s/Str})

(def Java
  {(s/optional-key :custom-java) CustomJava
   (s/optional-key :gradle) Gradle})

; ----------------------- java-script --------------------------

(def NodeJs
   s/Str) ; e.g. 6.x, 8.x or 10.x works

(def JavaScript
   {:nodejs-use NodeJs})

(def JavaScriptSettings

; ----------------------- java-script --------------------------
(def PythonSettings

; ----------------------- devops --------------------------

(def Aws
   {(s/optional-key :simple) {:id s/Str
                              :secret s/Str}})

(def Terraform
   {:version s/Str
    (s/optional-key :sha256-hash) s/Str})

(def Packer
   {:version s/Str
    (s/optional-key :sha256-hash) s/Str})

(def Docker
   {:bip s/Str})

(def Devops {(s/optional-key :terraform) Terraform
             (s/optional-key :aws) Aws
             (s/optional-key :docker) Docker
             (s/optional-key :packer) Packer})

(def DevopsSettings

; ----------------------- idea --------------------------

(def IdeaSettings

; ----------------------- atom --------------------------

(def Atom {(s/optional-key :plugins) [s/Str]})

(def AtomSettings

; ----------------------- all together --------------------------

(def DdaIdeConfig
  {:ide-user s/Keyword
   (s/optional-key :basics) Basics
   (s/optional-key :db) Db
   (s/optional-key :clojure) Clojure
   (s/optional-key :java) Java
   (s/optional-key :java-script) JavaScript
   (s/optional-key :devops) Devops
   (s/optional-key :atom) Atom
   (hash-set (apply s/enum

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