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tomcat-crate and liferay-crate

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The crates run and work on

  • pallet 0.8
  • ubuntu 16.04


This crate installs a tomcat application server on the target machine. Additionally, the dda-liferay-crate can be utilized together with the tomcat installation.

Usage documentation

This crate is responsible for configuring and installing the tomcat application server. If you desire to use a combination of tomcat and httpd you need to use the dda-httpd-crate together with this crate. The and forwarding configuration is done in the dda-httpd-crate.

Prepare vm

This crate was tested on an installed ubuntu 16.04 installation.

  1. Install ubuntu16.04
  2. In some cases update and upgrade can be fix some minor problems. Be sure the remote machine has a running ssh-service.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install openssh-server


The configuration consists of two files defining both WHERE to install the software and WHAT to install and configure.

  • targets.edn: describes on which target system(s) the software will be installed
  • tomcat.edn: describes the configuration of the application-server.

Examples of these files can be found in the root directory of this repository.

Targets config example

Example content of file targets.edn:

{:existing [{:node-name "test-vm1"            ; semantic name
             :node-ip ""}]       ; the ip4 address of the machine to be provisioned
 :provisioning-user {:login "initial"         ; account used to provision
                     :password "secure1234"}} ; optional password, if no ssh key is authorized

Tomcat config example

Example content of file tomcat.edn:

{:standalone                                  ; The keyword :standalone specifies a tomcat installation without httpd
  {:xmx-megabyte 512}}                       ; Specifies the maximum heap size.

The tomcat configuration is responsible for configuring and installing tomcat only. If you wish to use it together with liferay see the dda-liferay-crate for configuration and usage.

Use Integration

The dda-tocmat-crate provides easy access to the required installation and configuration process. To apply your configuration simply create the necessary files and proceed to the corresponding integration namespace. For example:

(in-ns '

This will apply the installation and configuration process to the provided targets defined in targets.edn.

Watch log for debug reasons

In case of problems you may want to have a look at the log-file: less logs/pallet.log


Some details about the architecture: We provide two levels of API. Domain is a high-level API with many build in conventions. If this conventions don't fit your needs, you can use our low-level infra API and realize your own conventions.


The schema for the targets config is:

(def ExistingNode {:node-name Str  ; your name for the node
  :node-ip Str                     ; nodes ip4 address

(def ProvisioningUser {:login Str                   ; user account used for provisioning / executing tests
  (optional-key :password) Str ; password, is no authorized ssh key is avail.

(def Targets {:existing [ExistingNode]              ; nodes to test or install
  :provisioning-user ProvisioningUser   ; common user account on all nodes given above

Domain API

The schema for the tomcat configuration is:

(def LrCommon
  {:xmx-megabyte s/Num                   ; e.g. 6072 or 2560
   :lr-home dir-model/NonRootDirectory}) ; e.g. /var/lib/liferay

(def LR6
  {:lr-6x LrCommon})

(def LR7
  {:lr-7x LrCommon})

(def StandaloneConfig
  "Represents the tomcat configuration."
  {(s/optional-key :xmx-megabyte) s/Num})

(def DomainConfig
  "Represents all possible domain configurations."

Please note, the Liferay domain configurations are only usable if you wish to use a liferay together with tomcat. They might be usable for other scenarios but will be most likely less than ideal.

Infra API

The Infra configuration is a configuration on the infrastructure level of a crate. It contains the complete configuration options that are possible with the crate functions. The tomcat crate does not use any infrastructure config form any other crate.

(def JavaConfig
  {:java-version s/Num
   (s/optional-key :download-url) s/Str})

(def TomcatManaged
   {:package-name s/Str}})

(def TomcatDownload
   {:os-user s/Str
    :tomcat-home-location dir-model/NonRootDirectory
    :custom-bin-location dir-model/NonRootDirectory
    :download-url s/Str}})

(def TomcatSource

(def BaseTomcatVmConfig
  {:tomcat-version (s/enum 7 8)
   :os-user s/Str
   :java-home s/Str
   :xms s/Str
   :xmx s/Str
   :max-perm-size s/Str
   :settings (hash-set (s/enum :prefer-ipv4 :disable-cl-clear-ref
                               :conc-mark-sweep-gc :timezone-gmt
   (s/optional-key :catalina-opts) s/Str})

(def TomcatVmConfig
      {:download {:config-setenv-sh-location s/Str}})
      {:managed {:config-default-location s/Str}})))

(def ServerXmlConfig
  {:tomcat-version (s/enum 7 8)
   :config-server-xml-location s/Str
   :os-user s/Str
   :shutdown-port s/Str
   :start-ssl s/Bool
   :executor-daemon s/Str
   :executor-max-threads s/Str
   :executor-min-spare-threads s/Str
   :service-name s/Str
   :connector-port s/Str
   :connector-protocol (s/pred #(contains? #{"HTTP/1.1" "AJP/1.3"} %))
   :connection-timeout s/Str
   (s/optional-key :uri-encoding) s/Str})

 (def ManagementWebapp
   {:webapps-location dir-model/NonRootDirectory
    :os-user s/Str})

(def CatalinaProperties
  {:tomcat-version (s/enum 7 8)
   :config-catalina-properties-location s/Str
   :os-user s/Str
   :common-loader s/Str})

(def RootXml
 {:webapps-root-xml-location s/Str
  :os-user s/Str
  :lines [s/Str]})

(def TomcatConfig
  "The configuration for tomcat crate."
  {:java JavaConfig
   :tomcat-source TomcatSource
   :tomct-vm TomcatVmConfig
   :server-xml ServerXmlConfig
   (s/optional-key :remove-manager-webapps) ManagementWebapp
   (s/optional-key :catalina-properties) CatalinaProperties
   (s/optional-key :catalina-policy) CatalinaPolicy
   (s/optional-key :root-xml) RootXml})


Published under apache2.0 license

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