(caller rpc)
Given an rpc, this returns a function that takes arguments as specified in the rpc, and returns a reacl-c-basics ajax request. If executed successfull, the response value of the request will be the result of the rpc.
This is intended to not be called directly, but to be used as the
context caller
with active.data.http.rpc/set-context-caller
(set-context-caller my-api active.data.http.rpc.reacl-c/caller)
Given an rpc, this returns a function that takes arguments as specified in the rpc, and returns a reacl-c-basics ajax request. If executed successfull, the response value of the request will be the result of the rpc. This is intended to not be called directly, but to be used as the `context caller` with [[active.data.http.rpc/set-context-caller]]. ``` (set-context-caller my-api active.data.http.rpc.reacl-c/caller) ```
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