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Introduction to Active Data

Clojure endorses data-oriented programming - the idea that all structured data should be represented as maps with public keys.

This is great for introspection and makes it very easy to access data, but it also comes at a cost: an impoverished idea of domain modelling that encourages sloppiness, loss of abstraction, and hidden coupling.

This library enables a style of programming based on systematic data modelling, recovering what is lost with data-oriented programming. The central ideas are from How to Design Program's design recipes. (For similar material in our native German, check out DeinProgramm!.)

The central idea with design recipes is to distinguish between compound data and mixed data.

Compound data refers to values that have several properties, or consist of several parts. ("A position on the plane consists of X and Y coordinates." "An address has name, street, zip code, and city.")

Mixed data refers to values that are mixed together from different kinds of data. ("An animal can be an armadillo or a parrot." "An article can be a fruit or a vegetable.")

Note the contrasting use of "and" and "or" in the examples.

As Clojure is dynamically typed, we don't need to do anything special to mix data. With compound data, we need something in the language to package data up. Clojure natively has two ways of doing that, maps and records, where records are special cases of maps.

Both are suboptimal for implementing design recipes. This is where Active Data comes in, which offers a superior replacement for Clojure's records,

Our records have lightweight notation, and are tagged, so instances of one record can always be distinguished from other types of data. This specifically enables a common patterrn in design recipes, where data is mixed from several kinds of compound data. Here's an example:

An animal is one of the following:

  • An armadillo, which is dead or alive, AND weight -OR-
  • A (talking) parrot, which has a sentence, AND weight.

This translates to record definitions as follows:

(def-record dillo [dillo-liveness dillo-weight])
(def-record parrot [parrot-sentence parrot-weight])

Coincidentally, this also corresponds to algebraic data types in ML-like languages.

The weight field, which is common to both record types, can also be lifted into a common record base type through record extension:

(def-record animal [animal-weight])
(def-record dillo :extends animal [dillo-liveness])
(def-record parrot :extends animal [parrot-sentence])

Active Data comes with another major component, realms. Realms are a language for describing data, consistent with the ideas of Active Data and design recipes. As such, they are a replacement for clojure.spec, and support validation and user uses.

Our Gripes with Data-Oriented Programming

Why Active Data you might wonder - what's so bad about data-oriented programming? This section has some details, along with how Active Data addresses those gripes.

The central technique of data-oriented programming is to use "maps for everything", and to make the keys (namespaced) keywords, making them inherently inspectable.

This is a poor fit for design recipes, as it supports compound data, but not mixed data.

To illustrate, in the above example, we could represent armadillos like so:

(def dillo {:animal/animal-weight 8, :animal/dillo-liveness true})
(def parrot {:animal/animal-weight 1, :animal/parrot-sentence "hello, world" })

This is very lightweight - no need to define a record type. But this representation has several drawbacks:

  1. There's no standard way to tell whether we're looking at an armadillo or a parrot. (We've added dillo- to the liveness attribute, but might rename it later when other animals also gain this attribute.) Sure, we could add a special :type entry, but it's unlikely all parts of our software could agree on a common convention.

  2. Clojure makes it very easy to make mistakes dealing with keyword maps: If you make a typo such as (::animal/armadillo-liveness dillo), Clojure does not raise an exception but just returns nil - with the result of the error silently propagating through the program.

  3. As there's no way to restrict access to keyworded map entries, code using maps is inherently coupled to a concrete representation, making the code architecturally brittle and hard to refactor.

  4. There's no way to prevent maps floating around your program that have invalid/unexpected values attached to certain keys. You can validate using clojure.spec, but the program needs to re-validate deeply every single time it encounters such a map. This is not practical.

Clojure's defrecord doesn't really address most of these problems: Records are still keyworded maps. While records are distinguishable via instance?, assoc and dissoc are unrestricted, meaning that instance? doesn't really tell you the structure of the record you're looking at. Moreover, defrecord has issues with AOT compilation, making it primarily useful as a Java interop mechanism.

Active Data's records address the above issues as follows:

  1. The is-a? predicate is robust, as records always have exactly the keys in the def-record declaration.

  2. While records can be treated as maps (which you can, and possibly should avoid), the keys are first-class objects. Access to those keys can be restricted via Clojure's private annotation.

  3. Record fields work as lenses, so there's no need to expose the fact that records are maps.

  4. Records enable Yaron Minsky's "make illegal states unrepresentable" doctrine: You can (and should) implement a validating constructor, or specify realms for the record fields, to make sure that only valid records are created. If your program then encounters a record, there's no need to validate its contents.

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