Facilities for logging events.
Facilities for logging events.
(log-event ?level ?msg)
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-event! ?level ?msg)
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (imperative version; global config).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (imperative version; global config). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-event* ?level ?msg ?map)
Log an event with more data, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an event with more data, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-event-with-context! ?context ?level ?msg)
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (imperative version; global config).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an event, described by a level and the arguments (imperative version; global config). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-exception-event ?level ?msg ?throwable)
Log an exception event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an exception event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-exception-event! ?level ?msg ?throwable)
Log an exception event.
Log an exception event.
(log-exception-event* ?level ?msg ?throwable ?map)
Log an exception event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version).
Uses current namespace as origin.
Log an exception event, described by a level and the arguments (monadic version). Uses current namespace as origin.
(log-exception-event-with-context! ?context ?level ?msg ?throwable)
Log an exception event.
Log an exception event.
(log-msg & ?args)
Convenience macro for assembling a log message from objects.
Convenience macro for assembling a log message from objects.
(with-log-context context body)
Construct a WithLogContext
(Execute a command within
a log context. The context is a map that is merged
with the log context that's already active, if present.) record.
: access via active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context-context
: access via active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context-body
Construct a `WithLogContext` (Execute a command within a log context. The context is a map that is merged with the log context that's already active, if present.) record. `context`: access via [[active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context-context]] `body`: access via [[active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context-body]]
(with-log-context-body rec__8684__auto__)
(with-log-context-body data__8685__auto__ v__8686__auto__)
Lens for the body
field from a [[WithLogContext]] record. See active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context
Lens for the `body` field from a [[WithLogContext]] record. See [[active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context]].
(with-log-context-context rec__8684__auto__)
(with-log-context-context data__8685__auto__ v__8686__auto__)
Lens for the context
field from a [[WithLogContext]] record. See active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context
Lens for the `context` field from a [[WithLogContext]] record. See [[active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context]].
(with-log-context? thing)
Is object a WithLogContext
record? See active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context
Is object a `WithLogContext` record? See [[active.clojure.logger.event/with-log-context]].
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