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(get-openid-configuration-url scheme host port realm)


(launch-uri openid-profile)

Returns the qualified launch-uri of an openid-profile.

Returns the qualified launch-uri of an `openid-profile`.
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(make-launch-handler openid-profile)


(make-openid-instance-not-available tried-endpoint error-msg)

Construct a OpenidInstanceNotAvailable record.

tried-endpoint: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-instance-not-available-tried-instance error-msg: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-instance-not-available-error-msg

Construct a `OpenidInstanceNotAvailable` record.

`tried-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-instance-not-available-tried-instance]]
`error-msg`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-instance-not-available-error-msg]]
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(make-openid-profile name

Construct a OpenidProfile (Wraps all necessary information for a openid identity provider profile.) record.

name: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-name openid-provider-config: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-openid-provider-config client-id: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-client-id client-secret: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-client-secret scopes: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-scopes launch-uri: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-launch-uri redirect-uri: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-redirect-uri landing-uri: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-landing-uri logout-uri: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-logout-uri basic-auth?: access via active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-basic-auth?

Construct a `OpenidProfile` (Wraps all necessary information for a openid identity provider profile.) record.

`name`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-name]]
`openid-provider-config`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-openid-provider-config]]
`client-id`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-client-id]]
`client-secret`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-client-secret]]
`scopes`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-scopes]]
`launch-uri`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-launch-uri]]
`redirect-uri`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-redirect-uri]]
`landing-uri`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-landing-uri]]
`logout-uri`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-logout-uri]]
`basic-auth?`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-profile-basic-auth?]]
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(make-openid-profiles! config)

Takes a [[active.clojure.config/Configuration]] and extracts all configured OpenidProfiles from the config.

If any openid instance is not available, returns an [[%openid-instance-not-available]]] condition instead of an OpenidProfile for that instance..

Takes a [[active.clojure.config/Configuration]] and extracts all
configured [[OpenidProfile]]s from the config.

If any openid instance is not available, returns
an [[%openid-instance-not-available]]] condition instead of
an [[OpenidProfile]] for that instance..
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(make-openid-provider-config authorize-endpoint
Construct a `OpenIdProviderConfig` record.

`authorize-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-authorize-endpoint]]
`token-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-token-endpoint]]
`userinfo-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-userinfo-endpoint]]
`end-session-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-end-session-endpoint]]
`check-session-endpoint`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-check-session-endpoint]]
`supports-backchannel-logout?`: access via [[active.clojure.openid/openid-provider-config-supports-backchannel-logout?]]
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(make-redirect-handler openid-profile

Creates a redirect (callback) handler for a openid-profile. A successful login might result in an exceptional state (i.e. when the server cannot be reached after receiving the code. Such errors will be returned as a ring-response with code 500 and the class and message as a Clojure-map.

Creates a redirect (callback) handler for a `openid-profile`.  A
successful login might result in an exceptional state (i.e. when
the server cannot be reached after receiving the code.  Such
errors will be returned as a ring-response with code 500 and the
class and message as a Clojure-map.
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(openid-instance-not-available-error-msg rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-instance-not-available-error-msg data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)
Lens for the `error-msg` field from a [[OpenidInstanceNotAvailable]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-instance-not-available]].
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(openid-instance-not-available-tried-instance rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-instance-not-available-tried-instance data__3473__auto__

Lens for the tried-endpoint field from a OpenidInstanceNotAvailable record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-instance-not-available.

Lens for the `tried-endpoint` field from a [[OpenidInstanceNotAvailable]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-instance-not-available]].
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(openid-instance-not-available? thing)

Is object a OpenidInstanceNotAvailable record? See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-instance-not-available.

Is object a `OpenidInstanceNotAvailable` record? See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-instance-not-available]].
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(openid-logout openid-profile)

Function that performs a logout at the idp for the current user. Clears the whole :session for the openid-profile.

Function that performs a logout at the idp for the current user.
Clears the whole :session for the `openid-profile`.
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(openid-profile-basic-auth? rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-basic-auth? data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the basic-auth? field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `basic-auth?` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-client-id rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-client-id data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the client-id field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `client-id` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-client-secret rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-client-secret data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the client-secret field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `client-secret` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-landing-uri rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-landing-uri data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the landing-uri field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `landing-uri` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-launch-uri rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-launch-uri data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the launch-uri field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `launch-uri` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-logout-uri rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-logout-uri data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the logout-uri field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `logout-uri` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-name rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-name data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the name field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `name` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-openid-provider-config rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-openid-provider-config data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the openid-provider-config field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `openid-provider-config` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-redirect-uri rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-redirect-uri data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the redirect-uri field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `redirect-uri` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile-scopes rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-profile-scopes data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the scopes field from a OpenidProfile record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Lens for the `scopes` field from a [[OpenidProfile]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-profile? thing)

Is object a OpenidProfile record? See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile.

Is object a `OpenidProfile` record? See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-profile]].
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(openid-provider-config-authorize-endpoint rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-authorize-endpoint data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the authorize-endpoint field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `authorize-endpoint` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config-check-session-endpoint rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-check-session-endpoint data__3473__auto__

Lens for the check-session-endpoint field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `check-session-endpoint` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config-end-session-endpoint rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-end-session-endpoint data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the end-session-endpoint field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `end-session-endpoint` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config-supports-backchannel-logout? rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-supports-backchannel-logout? data__3473__auto__

Lens for the supports-backchannel-logout? field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `supports-backchannel-logout?` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config-token-endpoint rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-token-endpoint data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the token-endpoint field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `token-endpoint` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config-userinfo-endpoint rec__3472__auto__)
(openid-provider-config-userinfo-endpoint data__3473__auto__ v__3474__auto__)

Lens for the userinfo-endpoint field from a OpenIdProviderConfig record. See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Lens for the `userinfo-endpoint` field from a [[OpenIdProviderConfig]] record. See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(openid-provider-config? thing)

Is object a OpenIdProviderConfig record? See active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config.

Is object a `OpenIdProviderConfig` record? See [[active.clojure.openid/make-openid-provider-config]].
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(prefixed-uri openid-profile uri)

Returns a uri prefixed with the name of the openid-profile.

Returns a `uri` prefixed with the name of the `openid-profile`.
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(redirect-uri openid-profile)

Returns the qualified redirect-uri of an openid-profile.

Returns the qualified redirect-uri of an `openid-profile`.
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(reitit-routes openid-profiles
               [{:keys [no-auth-code-handler state-mismatch-handler]
                 :or {no-auth-code-handler default-no-auth-code-handler
                      state-mismatch-handler default-state-mismatch-handler}}])

Based on a sequence of OpenidProfiles, returns a vector of two reitit routes that handle the initial login launch and the openid callback. Takes an optional map with up to two keys

  • :no-auth-code-handler: Handler that the callback handler calls on the result when no authentication code is provided. Defaults to default-no-auth-code-handler.

  • :state-mismatch-handler: Handle the callback handler calls on the result when the state provided by this applcication doesn't match the state given in the response of the idp. Defaults to default-state-mismatch-handler.

Each of them will be applied to every profile.

After a login attempt, the identity provider calls the provided callback handler which results in three possible scenarios:

  1. A valid login: The login was successful. The callback handler will use the code provided by the idp and fetches an access token (a JWT token). The token will be assed to the session under [::access-tokens <openid-profile-name> <access-token>].

  2. The idp didn't provide an authorization code. The callback handler returns the [[no-auth-code-response]].

  3. The state code's did not match. The callback handle rreturns the [[state-mismatch-response]].

Based on a sequence of [[OpenidProfile]]s, returns a vector of two
reitit routes that handle the initial login launch and the openid
Takes an optional map with up to two keys

- `:no-auth-code-handler`: Handler that the callback handler calls
on the result when no authentication code is provided.  Defaults
to [[default-no-auth-code-handler]].

- `:state-mismatch-handler`: Handle the callback handler calls on
the result when the state provided by this applcication doesn't
match the state given in the response of the idp.  Defaults
to [[default-state-mismatch-handler]].

Each of them will be applied to _every_ profile.

After a login attempt, the identity provider calls the provided
callback handler which results in three possible scenarios:

1. A valid login: The login was successful.  The callback handler
will use the code provided by the idp and fetches an access token (a
JWT token).  The token will be assed to the session under
`[::access-tokens <openid-profile-name> <access-token>]`.

2. The idp didn't provide an authorization code.  The callback
handler returns the [[no-auth-code-response]].

3. The state code's did not match.  The callback handle rreturns
the [[state-mismatch-response]].
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(reitit-routes-for-profile openid-profile

For a given OpenidProfile, returns a vector containing the launch- and login-callback handlers.

For a given [[OpenidProfile]], returns a vector containing the launch-
and login-callback handlers.
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(req->access-token-for-profile req openid-profile)

Returns the access token for openid-profile if there is one.

Returns the access token for `openid-profile` if there is one.
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(req->access-token-type-for-profile req openid-profile)

Returns the access token's type for openid-profile if there is one.

Returns the access token's type for `openid-profile` if there is
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(req->access-tokens req)

Returns a map of all access-tokens from a ring req. The format is [name-of-profile access-token].

Returns a map of all access-tokens from a ring `req`.  The format
is [name-of-profile access-token].
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(req->openid-profile req openid-profiles)

Get the OpenidProfile out of openid-profiles that is used for req. Assumes there is only one active session.

Get the [[OpenidProfile]] out of `openid-profiles` that is used for
`req`.  Assumes there is only one active session.
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