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Introduction to Reacl-c


Reacl-c consists of these main namespaces:

  • reacl-c.core for basic functions,
  • reacl-c.dom for functions related to a browser's DOM, and
  • reacl-c.main for functions to actually run an item in a browser.

In the following, a :require clause like this is assumed:

 (:require [reacl-c.core :as c :include-macros true]
           [reacl-c.main :as main]
           [reacl-c.dom :as dom])

Basic concepts

In Reacl-c, the user interface is defined by an Item.

All items have an implicit state, an optional visual appearance, consisting of one or more DOM nodes (elements or text), and some behaviour, like how they initialize their state. Items without a visual appearance, are called invisible.

The reacl-c/dom namespace contains functions that construct items with a visual appearance, while the functions from reacl-c/core that create items, are related to the behaviour of the user interface, and are usually invisible themself.

Just like in the DOM, some items can have child items. So together they form a tree, with one item at the top.

All items may emit actions, which propagate upwards in the item tree, until they are handled.

All items may be sent messages to. Those can be handled, but some items forward such a message down to a child item, while others always raise an error.

All items have a state, which may change over time, as the user interacts with the user interface. That state however, is not stored or mutated inside an item. It can instead be thought of as an implicit argument the item, which can be passed to it multiple times. Also, a change of the state can be though of as an implicit return value from the item.

Most items just pass the state they get down to all their child items, and propagate any changed state from any of their children upwards in the item tree. A state change that reaches the toplevel, is then actually stored by the Reacl-C runtime, and passed back to the root item as its new state. Like that, the state becomes an application state, as all items share the same state, and all of them can update any part of it. But of course, there are ways to break this basic model up at certain points in the item tree - by either making a child item work on just a part of the state, or by introducting new state, that is stored at a lower part in the tree as so called local state.

Finally, an item can be run in a browser, underneath a specific DOM node, by calling reacl-c.main/run, optionally specifying an initial state for the given item:

(main/run (js/document.getElementById "app")
          "Hello World"
          {:initial-state nil})

With these basic concepts explained, we can now go through all the functions that allow you to create new items, and which visual appearance and behaviour they will have.

DOM and other simple items

The most simple item is the empty item:


It has no visual appearance, can take any state, never changes the state, never emits any actions and sending a message to it always raises an error.

The empty item is actually nothing else than a fragment item with no children. But fragment items can be constructed from arbitrarily many items:

(c/fragment item1 ...)

The visual appearance of fragment items is that of the child items concatenated. They can take any state, which they pass to all child items, and any changed state from a child item is passed upwards unchanged. They also pass all actions from any child item upwards, and sending a message to a fragment always raises an error.

Next, all strings are items:

"Hello World"

Strings have a corresponding text node as their visual appearance in the browser, can take any state, don't change the state, don't emit any actions, and sending a message to them raises an error.

Now DOM elements make things interesting. For all HTML tags, there is a function in the reacl-c.dom namespace, that creates an item with that visual appearance. Some examples:


(dom/h1 "Hello")

(dom/a {:href "#"} "Link")

(dom/div (dom/span {:class "verb"} "Bla") "Blub")

(dom/div {:style {:width "100px"}} "Foo")

All these functions take an optional map of attributes as the first argument, and then arbitrarily many child items. The style attribute is somewhat special, in that it can be a map of CSS style settings.

DOM elements can take any state, which they pass down to all child items, and they pass any changed state from a child upwards. They also pass actions from any child upwards, and raise an error if a message is sent to them.

Things get interactive, when adding event handlers to DOM elements. Resembling HTML, event handlers are functions that can be attached to an element via attributes that start with :on, like :onclick:

(dom/button {:onclick (fn [state event] ...)} "Click me")

An event handler function takes the current state of the item and the DOM Event object as arguments. It can then do three things: Pass a state change upwards, emit an action, or send a message to some other item. To specify that, the event handler function must return a value created by c/return. For example:


(c/return :state "foo")

(c/return :action "baz")

(c/return :message [target "message"])

(c/return :state "foo" :action "bar" :action "baz")

So the state change is optional, but can be specified at most once. Actions and messages can be specified multiple times. What a valid target for messages is, will be described later in this document.

The c/return values will also be used to specify the reaction to many other discrete events, like when handling actions for example. These return values are a central concept of Reacl-c.

Items that add behavior

With the items described so far, your application will be very static, always look the same, and the user cannot not really interact with it. This chapter introduces the various ways to create items that change their appearance over time, the ways to change state and how to trigger or react to discrete events in the application.

Working with state

Reacting to state changes over time is introduced by dynamic items:

  (fn [state]
    (if (> state 0)
      "not positive")))

So dynamic creates a dynamic item. Initially and whenever the state changed, the given function is called and must return an item. The dynamic item has the same visual appearance as the returned item for the current state, passes the state down to it and every state change upwards, passes all actions upwards, and forwards all messages sent to it to the item returned for the current state.

Reacl-c also offers a convenient macro to create dynamic items called with-state-as:

(c/defn-item greeting [lang]
  (c/with-state-as state
    (dom/div (if (= lang "de") "Hallo, " "Hello, ")
(greeting "de")   ;; is an item

Note that the defn-item macro of Reacl-c was used here to define a function that returns an item. That macro is basically like an enhanced variant of Clojure's defn, but can only be used to define abstractions over items. See below for more features of the defn-item and def-item macro.

Items created by this greeting function expect a string as their state - the name of a person for example. To use this item in a place where the state is a map of things, we can use focus:

(c/focus :name (greeting "de"))

This creates an item with the same visual appearance as the item passed as the second argument, but the state can be any associative collection with a key :name in it. When the greeting item causes a state change to a new string, the focus item will embed the new string in its current state via assoc in this case, and pass the resulting new map as a state change upwards. Of course the focused item also passes all actions from the inner item upwards and forwards all messages sent to it down.

The possible values for the first argument to focus are not restricted to keywords. You can also pass any function of two arities: The single arity is used to extract the inner state from the outer state, and the two-argument arity is used to embed a new inner state in the current outer state:

  ([outer-state] ...inner-state)
  ([outer-state new-inner-state]

This conforms to the functional programming concept of a lens. All functions like this can be used, as well as keywords with the aforementioned meaning. Look at a large collection of useful lenses and lens combinators in active.clojure.lens.

The next thing concerning the state of items, is introducing new state into a branch of the item tree, or hiding a part of the inner state, which is the same thing but from the other perspective. The most primitive way to do that, is the local-state function:

(c/local-state 42 (c/dynamic pr-str))

If the state of the resulting item is "foo" for example, then the state of the inner dynamic item will be ["foo" 42] initially. When the inner item changes the state, the first part will be propagated upwards as a state change, and the second part of the tuple will be stored at this point in the item tree, and will be passed down again afterwards.

Note that this depends on the position of the item in the tree. If you 'move' that item to a different position, it might 'restart' with the initial state again. Actually, as most primitive items in Reacl-c are referentially transparent values, using the the created item multiple times is possible, but at each place it will start with 42 intially, and then store updated states independantly from each other.

One way to allow an item to 'move' in a limited way, is adding a key on it:

(c/keyed some-item "some-key")

Within a list of child items (in a fragment or DOM item), a keyed item may change its position over time and still keep the same local state without being reset to the initial state. The keys within the same child list must of course be unique.

Because it's often convenient to use the current value of the local state to change the returned item, new state can also be introduced directly with the with-state-as macro:

(c/with-state-as [outer inner :local 42]
  (dom/div (pr-str (+ outer inner))))

The state of the returned item is bound to outer, and inner to the new local state, initialized to 42. Note that the state of the inner item (the div in this case) is again a tuple of the outer and inner states. The above is equivalent to

(c/local-state 42
  (c/dynamic (fn [[outer inner]]
                (dom/div (pr-str (+ outer inner))))))

Finally, static items can be created. Static items ignore the state they receive from above, and, to prevent mistakes, it's an error if they try to change the state:

(c/static (fn [] (dom/h1 "Foo")))

They are similar to the items created by c/isolate-state with an initial local state of nil, but because of the indirection via the no-argument function, the inner item does not have to be constructed again, given the same function. Static items are mainly a way to increase the performance of your application, by 'cutting off' larger item branches from any state update. Note that it is important that you pass the same function to static each time. In Clojure, anonymous functions are different objects each time the fn form is evaluated. So when used as an optimization, you should use the defn-item macros of Reacl-c, which can define abstract static items in the following way:

(c/defn-item table-1-header :static [label1 label2]
  (dom/tr (dom/th label1) (dom/th label2)))

In this way, the body of table-1-header will not be evaluated again nor re-rendered on any state change from above, as long as it's used with same arguments.

Working with actions

Actions emitted by an item should be handled somewhere up in the item tree. The c/handle-action creates an item that does this:

  (fn [state action]
    (c/return ...)))

Any action emitted by some-other-item is not passed upwards, but is passed to the given function, which must return a c/return value to specify what to do as a reaction to the action. See above for an explanation of c/return. Note that handle-action returns a new item; the action handler is not 'attached' to the given item in any way. New state is passed unchanged to the inner item, and any state changes made by it are passed upwards, and messages sent to the resulting item are forwarded to the inner item.

There is also c/map-actions, that can be used to simply transform actions on their way up in the tree.

Working with messages

To create an item that accepts messages, the function c/handle-message can be used:

  (fn [state message]
    (c/return ...))

Just like always, the resulting item looks like some-other-item, has the same state that, and passes all actions emitted by it upwards.

The other task regarding messages, is of course sending messages to items, either in reaction to an action or to a received message, for example. The key concept to this are references. Messages can be targeted indirectly to a reference, which resolve to a concrete item at a place in the item tree, or directly to an item to which a reference was assigned to. There are low-level utilities to do that (c/with-ref and c/set-ref), but the most convenient way for the common use cases is the c/ref-let macro:

(c/ref-let [child some-other-item]
    (fn [state msg]
	  (c/return :message [child msg]))
    (dom/div child)))

This example defines an item, whose visual appearance is that of some-other-item, wrapped in a dom/div, and messages sent to the item are forwarded unchanged to some-other-item. Note that you must use child at both places in this code - it is also just an item, but it contains the reference information that is needed to identify the target for the message. As usual, ref-let passes any state down and up unchanged, as well as any action upwards. Messages sent to the ref-let item are forwarded to the item bound - some-other-item in this case.

Note that an item with a reference assigned (child in this case), can only be used once in the body of ref-let.

Also note that the item created by the ref-let macro is not referentially transparent, i.e. evaluating the same code twice will not be be equal as of Clojure's = function. When optimizing an application for performance, you can use the functional equivalent c/ref-let* to create referntially transparent items.

Unexpected errors

Sometimes, items may fail at runtime, for example dynamic items that make wrong assumptions on the state they get, or are being used on the wrong state of course. There is one primitive way to handle such errors, c/error-boundary, and a slightly more convenient way: the items created by the try-catch function:

(def try-item (dynamic (fn [state] (/ 42 state))))
(def catch-item (dynamic (fn [[state error]] ...)))

(c/try-catch try-item catch-item)

The item returned by c/try-catch will initially look and behave like the item given as the first argument - the try-item. After that causes a runtime exception, the catch-item will be shown instead. The state of the catch-item will be a tuple of the outer state and the exception value. The catch-item may then, automatically or after a user interaction, change the second part of the tuple state to nil. That causes the error to be cleared, and the try-catch item shows the try-item again. Sometimes, you may also want to reset the left part of the tuple, the main state, to something that might prevent the error from happening again.

Note that these utilities will not catch errors in message, action or event handlers, but only those during the creation or update of the item tree after a state change.

The lifetime of an item

Although items are usually just a referentially transparent description of a visual appearance and a behaviour (i.e. items have no identity), when they are used at a specific place in the item tree, a certain lifetime can be associated with them, starting when they are first used in that position, via changes of the state they get from above over time, the points in time at which they handle messages and action, to the point in time they are no longer used at that place in item tree again.

Above, we already mentioned a few cases where the lifetime of an item plays a role, e.g. for local-state items. But occasionally, one also want's to make use of that and write items that can react to those transitions in the lifecycle of an item.

The first such items are those created by the c/init and c/finalize functions:

  (c/init (c/return :action "I'm in use"))
  (c/finalize (c/return :action "I'm not in use anymore")))

In this example the first action is emitted by the resulting item when it is used at some place in the tree, and the second action when it is not used anymore there.

For more advanced reactions to lifecycle events, there are the c/once and the c/lifecycle items.

Note that you can easily combine these items with others in a fragment item, which is then equivalent to their lifetime:

(c/fragment (c/init ...) some-other-item)

The outside world

There are hardly any applications that do not interact with the outside world and be useful at the same time. So most of the time, you will want to modify the browser's session store, retrieve or push data to a server, or modify the browser history. In this chapter we go through the utilities that Reacl-c offers to do this in a safe, functional and fully testable way.


Another concept of Reacl-c is that of effects. You should encapsulate all side effects of your application in effects - be it the communication with a server, creating a random number or just looking up the current time. Effects are a special kind of action, which can not be captured by c/handle-action, but are implicitly handled at the toplevel, by executing them. Effects can be created by c/effect, but more conveniently with the c/defn-effect macro:

(c/defn-effect reload! [force?]
  (.reload (.-location js/window) force?))

With this definition, an item may trigger a reload as a reaction to some other event by returning the effect as an action. For example:

(dom/buttom {:onclick (fn [state ev]
                        (c/return :action (reload! true)))})

Or, for effects that have a result, for example generating random numbers:

(c/defn-effect rand-int [n]
  (clojure.core/rand-int n))

the function c/handle-effect-result can be used:

  (fn [state v]
    (c/return :state (assoc state :next-id v)))
  (rand-int 1000))

Note that c/handle-effect-result returns an item, which triggers the given effect each time it is placed in the item tree somewhere.


Subscriptions are a high-level feature included in Reacl-c, which make it easy to register at a global source of asynchronous discrete events and create items that handle them. Such sources can be Ajax requests to a HTTP server, which will usually create only one asynchronous result, or an interval timer which can make inifinitely many:

(c/defn-subscription interval-timer deliver! [ms]
  (let [id (js/window.setInterval (fn []
                                    (deliver! :tick))
    (fn [] (js/window.clearInterval id))))

With this definition, you can create an item that emits :tick as an action every 100 milliseconds:

(c/handle-action (interval-timer 100)
  (fn [state tick]
    (c/return ...)))

You can of course create multiple subscription items from the same subscription definition. In this case, they will all have their own timer running though.

Note that the subscription definition must return a stop function, which is called when an item creted from it is removed from the item tree. The subscription definition must make sure that the deliver! function is not called again, after the stop function has been called.

There are also more primitive items that can be used to attach asynchronous sources of events or data (c/with-async-return and variants of it), but they are more difficult to use, as you must take care that they stop emitting events when the receiving item is removed from the item tree. Subscription items are the most convenient way.

External control

When using Reacl-c in an outer framework, it is sometimes necessary to communicate with a 'running item'. The run function from the reacl-c.main namespace mentioned in the beginning of this document, actually returns an application handle:

(def my-app
  (main/run (js/document.getElementById "app")

If my-item handles messages sent to it, you can do so with main/send-message!:

(main/send-message! my-app :a-message)

To receie results or handling unsolicited events from an application, you could use an effect that sets an atom for example, or use the :handle-action! option of run with a side effect that push actions into a core.async channel for example.

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