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(->db-connection conn)

Positional factory function for class sqlosure.db_connection.db-connection.

Positional factory function for class sqlosure.db_connection.db-connection.
sourceraw docstring


(db-connection-conn db-connection)

Access conn field (The database connection map as used by jdbc.) from a [[db-connection]] record. See sqlosure.db-connection/make-db-connection.

Access `conn` field (The database connection map as used by jdbc.) from a [[db-connection]] record. See [[sqlosure.db-connection/make-db-connection]].
sourceraw docstring


(db-connection? thing)

Is object a db-connection record? See sqlosure.db-connection/make-db-connection.

Is object a `db-connection` record? See [[sqlosure.db-connection/make-db-connection]].
sourceraw docstring


(define-type-method-implementations ty set-parameter-fn get-parameter-fn)

Conveniently define the set-parameter and get-parameter of a type simultaniously.

Conveniently define the `set-parameter` and `get-parameter` of a type
sourceraw docstring


(delete! conn sql-table criterion-proc)

delete! takes a db-connection, a sql-table and a criterion function and deletes all entries in sql-table that satisfy the criteria. criterion-proc is a function that takes as many arguments as the relation has fields. In it's body one can specify the criteria in the same manner as in regular sqlosure queries.


(def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
(def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                           "value" $string-t}))
;; Delete all records where key > 10.
(delete! (db-connect db-spec) kv-table
         (fn [k v]
           ($> k ($integer 10))))
`delete!` takes a db-connection, a sql-table and a criterion function and
deletes all entries in `sql-table` that satisfy the criteria.
`criterion-proc` is a function that takes as many arguments as the relation
has fields. In it's body one can specify the criteria in the same manner as
in regular sqlosure queries.


    (def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
    (def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                               "value" $string-t}))
    ;; Delete all records where key > 10.
    (delete! (db-connect db-spec) kv-table
             (fn [k v]
               ($> k ($integer 10))))
sourceraw docstring


Creates the type method ::get-from-result-set with a default get function using .getObject on every input value and type.

Creates the type method `::get-from-result-set` with a default get function
using `.getObject` on every input value and type.
sourceraw docstring


(insert! conn sql-table & args)

insert! takes a db-connection and an sql-table and some rest args and attempts to insert them into the connected databases table. The table to insert into is the relational-algebra/base-relation-handle of sql-table.

args can either be:

  • a set of values to insert if there is a value for each column. Those must be in the order of the columns in the table.
  • a rel-scheme, specifying the columns to insert the values into follwed by the desired values.


(def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
;; For inserts that contain every column of the specified table:
(insert! (db-connect db-spec) some-table arg1 arg2 ... argN)

;; For inserts that only specify a subset of all columns:
(insert! (db-connect db-spec) some-table
                              (alist->rel-scheme {"foo" $integer-t
                                                  "bar" $string-t}
                              integer-value string-value))
`insert!` takes a db-connection and an sql-table and some rest `args` and
attempts to insert them into the connected databases table.
The table to insert into is the `relational-algebra/base-relation-handle` of

`args` can either be:

 - a set of values to insert if there is a value for each column. Those
   must be in the order of the columns in the table.
 - a rel-scheme, specifying the columns to insert the values into follwed
   by the desired values.


    (def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
    ;; For inserts that contain every column of the specified table:
    (insert! (db-connect db-spec) some-table arg1 arg2 ... argN)

    ;; For inserts that only specify a subset of all columns:
    (insert! (db-connect db-spec) some-table
                                  (alist->rel-scheme {"foo" $integer-t
                                                      "bar" $string-t}
                                  integer-value string-value))
sourceraw docstring


(make-db-connection conn)

Construct a db-connection (db-connection serves as a container for storing the current db-connection as well as backend specific conversion and printer functions.) record.

conn (The database connection map as used by jdbc.): access via sqlosure.db-connection/db-connection-conn

Construct a `db-connection` (`db-connection` serves as a container for storing the current
          db-connection as well as backend specific conversion and printer
          functions.) record.

`conn` (The database connection map as used by jdbc.): access via [[sqlosure.db-connection/db-connection-conn]]
sourceraw docstring


(map->db-connection m__7585__auto__)

Factory function for class sqlosure.db_connection.db-connection, taking a map of keywords to field values.

Factory function for class sqlosure.db_connection.db-connection, taking a map of keywords to field values.
sourceraw docstring


(result-set-seq rs col-types)

Creates and returns a lazy sequence of maps corresponding to the rows in the java.sql.ResultSet rs.

Creates and returns a lazy sequence of maps corresponding to the rows in the
java.sql.ResultSet rs.
sourceraw docstring


(run-query conn q & {:keys [optimize?] :or {optimize? true} :as opts-map})

Takes a database connection and a query and runs it against the database.


(def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
(def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                           "value" $string-t}))
;; Get all records from kv-table where "key" is less than 10.
(run-query (db-connect db-spec)
           (query [kv (<- kv-table)]
                  (restrict ($> (! k "key")
                              ($integer 10)))
                  (project {"value" (! kv "value")})))
Takes a database connection and a query and runs it against the database.


    (def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
    (def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                               "value" $string-t}))
    ;; Get all records from kv-table where "key" is less than 10.
    (run-query (db-connect db-spec)
               (query [kv (<- kv-table)]
                      (restrict ($> (! k "key")
                                  ($integer 10)))
                      (project {"value" (! kv "value")})))
sourceraw docstring


(run-sql conn sql)


Creates the type method ::set-parameter with a default set function using .setObject on every input value and type.

Creates the type method `::set-parameter` with a default set function
using `.setObject` on every input value and type.
sourceraw docstring


(update! conn sql-table criterion-proc alist-first & args)

update! takes a db-connection, a sql-table, a criterion-proc and and map and updates all entries of sql-table that satisfy criterion-proc with the new key->value pairs specified in alist-first function.


(def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
(def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                           "value" $string-t}))
;; Update the "value" field all records where key > 10 to "NEWVAL".
(update! (db-connect db-spec) kv-table
         (fn [k v]
           ($> k ($integer 10)))  ;; Read: "key" > 10
         (fn [k v]
           {"value" ($string "NEWVAL")})
`update!` takes a db-connection, a sql-table, a criterion-proc and and map
and updates all entries of `sql-table` that satisfy `criterion-proc` with the
new key->value pairs specified in `alist-first` function.


    (def db-spec { ... })  ;; Your db-connection map.
    (def kv-table (table "kv" {"key" $integer-t
                               "value" $string-t}))
    ;; Update the "value" field all records where key > 10 to "NEWVAL".
    (update! (db-connect db-spec) kv-table
             (fn [k v]
               ($> k ($integer 10)))  ;; Read: "key" > 10
             (fn [k v]
               {"value" ($string "NEWVAL")})
sourceraw docstring

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