(avro-field->edn-field field)
(avro-name->edn-name schema)
(avro-name-str->edn-name-kw name-str)
(avro-schema-type-dispatch avro-schema)
(avro-type-dispatch edn-schema & args)
(avro-type-dispatch-lt edn-schema & args)
(byte-array->byte-str ba)
(clj-namespace->java-namespace ns)
(contains-union? edn-schemas)
Inputs: [] Returns: s/Num
Inputs: [] Returns: s/Num
(dedupe-schemas schemas)
(default-data edn-schema)
(default-data edn-schema field-default)
(default-data edn-schema field-default name->edn-schema)
(edn->json-string edn)
(edn-name-kw->avro-name kw)
(edn-schema->name-kw edn-schema)
Inputs: [edn-schema] Returns: s/Keyword
Inputs: [edn-schema] Returns: s/Keyword
(edn-schema->named-name-kw edn-schema)
(edn-schema->pred edn-schema name->edn-schema)
(edn-schema->pred-and-plumatic-schema edn-schema name->edn-schema)
(edn-schemas-match? writer-edn-schema
(ensure-edn-schema schema)
(ex-msg-and-stacktrace e)
Inputs: [e] Returns: s/Str
Inputs: [e] Returns: s/Str
(ex-stacktrace e)
Inputs: [e] Returns: s/Str
Inputs: [e] Returns: s/Str
(first-arg-dispatch first-arg & rest-of-args)
(fix-alias alias-kw)
(fix-aliases edn-schema)
(fix-field-name field-name)
(fix-fields edn-schema)
(fix-name edn-schema)
(fix-symbols edn-schema)
(fullname->name fullname)
(fullname->ns fullname)
(fullname? s)
(get-avro-type edn-schema)
Inputs: [edn-schema] Returns: s/Keyword
Inputs: [edn-schema] Returns: s/Keyword
(get-schemas! edn-schema *name->edn-schema)
(get-type-key data path num-maplike)
(get-type-keys-for-schema sch name->edn-schema single-maplike?)
(mark this)
(read-byte this)
(read-bytes this num-bytes)
(read-double this)
(read-float this)
(read-len-prefixed-bytes this)
(read-utf8-string this)
(reset-to-mark! this)
(fingerprint256 this)
(fingerprint128 this)
(edn-schema this)
(serialize this data)
(serialize this os data)
(plumatic-schema this)
(child-schema this)
(child-schema this field-name-kw)
(parsing-canonical-form this)
(json-schema this)
(fingerprint64 this)
(deserialize this writer-pcf is)
(int->long n)
(ints->long high low)
Inputs: [high :- s/Int low :- s/Int] Returns: Long
Inputs: [high :- s/Int low :- s/Int] Returns: Long
(to-byte-array this)
(write-byte this b)
(write-bytes this bs num-bytes)
(write-bytes-w-len-prefix this bs)
(write-double this d)
(write-float this f)
(write-utf8-string this s)
(java-namespace->clj-namespace ns)
(json-schema->avro-schema json-str)
(long->int l)
Inputs: [l :- LongOrInt] Returns: s/Int
Inputs: [l :- LongOrInt] Returns: s/Int
(long->ints l)
Inputs: [l :- Long] Returns: (s/pair s/Int :high-int s/Int :low-int)
Inputs: [l :- Long] Returns: (s/pair s/Int :high-int s/Int :low-int)
(long->str l)
(long-or-int? x)
Inputs: [x :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool
Is the argument a long or an integer?
Inputs: [x :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool Is the argument a long or an integer?
(long= a b)
Inputs: [a :- s/Any b :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool
Inputs: [a :- s/Any b :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool
(long? x)
Inputs: [x :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool
Inputs: [x :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool
(make-default-fixed-or-bytes num-bytes default)
(make-default-record record-edn-schema default-record name->edn-schema)
(make-field-info record-name-kw field-schema name->edn-schema *name->serializer)
(make-initial-*name->f make-f)
(make-lt-test-branch-info-pairs union-schema
(make-name->edn-schema edn-schema)
(make-serialize-set edn-schema)
Implemented as an Avro map w/ null values.
Implemented as an Avro map w/ null values.
(make-type->branch-info edn-schema
(maplike? edn-schema name->edn-schema)
(match-exception? e)
(more-than-one? schema-set edn-schemas)
(name-keyword? x)
(name-kw->name-str kw)
Inputs: [kw :- s/Keyword] Returns: s/Str
Inputs: [kw :- s/Keyword] Returns: s/Str
(named-type->name edn-schema)
(num-maplike-schemas union-edn-schema name->edn-schema)
(path-key? k)
(path? x)
(pprint x)
(pprint-str x)
(qualify-name-kw name-kw)
(read-long-varint-zz input-stream)
(read-long-varint-zz-long input-stream)
(records-match? writer-edn-schema
(schema-name clj-name)
(str->long s)
Inputs: [s :- s/Str] Returns: Long
Inputs: [s :- s/Str] Returns: Long
(string-set? edn-schema)
(strip-lt-attrs edn-schema)
(swap-named-value! *atom edn-schema value)
Add a thing to a named atom map. Used for *name->serializer and name->edn-schema. Adds the bare name as a keyword and the namespaced keyword if it exists.
Add a thing to a named atom map. Used for *name->serializer and name->edn-schema. Adds the bare name as a keyword and the namespaced keyword if it exists.
(sym-map & syms)
Builds a map from symbols. Symbol names are turned into keywords and become the map's keys. Symbol values become the map's values. (let [a 1 b 2] (sym-map a b)) => {:a 1 :b 2}
Builds a map from symbols. Symbol names are turned into keywords and become the map's keys. Symbol values become the map's values. (let [a 1 b 2] (sym-map a b)) => {:a 1 :b 2}
(throw-bad-enum-data data path symbols edn-schema)
(throw-invalid-data-error edn-schema data path)
(throw-missing-key-error k data path)
(throw-non-nilable-value-error k data path)
(throw-non-string-map-key k v edn-schema data path)
(throw-non-string-set-element k edn-schema data path)
(throw-ns-error k unq-k data path)
(throw-overlapping-type-key type-key edn-schema-1 edn-schema-2 union-edn-schema)
(union-reader-match? writer-edn-schema
(union-writer-match? writer-edn-schema
(valid-array? data)
(valid-bytes-or-string? data)
(valid-double? data)
(valid-float? data)
(valid-int? data)
(valid-long? data)
(valid-map? data)
(valid-record? data)
(write-long-varint-zz output-stream l)
(write-long-varint-zz* output-stream l)
(write-long-varint-zz-long output-stream l)
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