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(array-schema items-schema)

Inputs: [items-schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro array with the given items schema.

Inputs: [items-schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro array
 with the given items schema.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro boolean.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro boolean.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro bytes.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro bytes.
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(child-schema schema)
(child-schema schema field-kw-or-branch-i)
(child-schema G__13481)
(child-schema G__13485 G__13486)

Inputs: ([schema] [schema field-kw-or-branch-i]) Returns: LancasterSchema

Returns the child schema of the given schema

Inputs: ([schema] [schema field-kw-or-branch-i])
Returns: LancasterSchema

Returns the child schema of the given schema
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(def-array-schema clj-name items-schema)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster array schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster array schema object
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(def-enum-schema clj-name & args)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster enum schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster enum schema object
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(def-fixed-map-schema clj-name key-size values-schema)

Defines a var whose value is an fixed-map-schema object

Defines a var whose value is an fixed-map-schema object
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(def-fixed-schema clj-name size)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster fixed schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster fixed schema object
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(def-int-map-schema clj-name values-schema)

Defines a var whose value is an int-map-schema object

Defines a var whose value is an int-map-schema object
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(def-long-map-schema clj-name values-schema)

Defines a var whose value is an long-map-schema object

Defines a var whose value is an long-map-schema object
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(def-map-schema clj-name values-schema)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster map schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster map schema object
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(def-maybe-schema clj-name schema)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster union schema whose members are l/null-schema and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable.

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster union schema whose members
are l/null-schema and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable.
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(def-record-schema clj-name & args)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster record schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster record schema object
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(def-union-schema clj-name & member-schemas)

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster union schema object

Defines a var whose value is a Lancaster union schema object
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(default-data schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Any

Creates default data that conforms to the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Any

Creates default data that conforms to the given Lancaster schema.
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(deserialize reader-schema writer-schema ba)

Inputs: [reader-schema :- LancasterSchema writer-schema :- LancasterSchema ba :- ba/ByteArray] Returns: s/Any

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given reader and writer schemas.

Inputs: [reader-schema :- LancasterSchema writer-schema :- LancasterSchema ba :- ba/ByteArray]
Returns: s/Any

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given reader and
 writer schemas.
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(deserialize-same schema ba)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema ba :- ba/ByteArray] Returns: s/Any

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given schema as both the reader and writer schema. Note that this is not recommended, since the original writer's schema should always be used to deserialize. The writer's schema (in Parsing Canonical Form) should always be stored or transmitted with encoded data.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema ba :- ba/ByteArray]
Returns: s/Any

Deserializes Avro-encoded data from a byte array, using the given schema
 as both the reader and writer schema. Note that this is not recommended,
 since the original writer's schema should always be used to deserialize.
 The writer's schema (in Parsing Canonical Form) should always be stored
 or transmitted with encoded data.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro double.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro double.
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(edn schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Any

Returns an EDN representation of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Any

Returns an EDN representation of the given Lancaster schema.
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(edn->schema edn)

Inputs: [edn :- s/Any] Returns: LancasterSchema

Inputs: [edn :- s/Any]
Returns: LancasterSchema
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(enum-schema name-kw symbol-keywords)
(enum-schema name-kw docstring symbol-keywords)
(enum-schema G__13354 G__13355)
(enum-schema G__13359 G__13360 G__13361)

Inputs: ([name-kw :- s/Keyword symbol-keywords :- [s/Keyword]] [name-kw :- s/Keyword docstring :- s/Str symbol-keywords :- [s/Keyword]]) Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro enum with the given symbol keywords. For a more concise way to declare an enum schema, see def-enum-schema.

Inputs: ([name-kw :- s/Keyword symbol-keywords :- [s/Keyword]] [name-kw :- s/Keyword docstring :- s/Str symbol-keywords :- [s/Keyword]])
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro enum
 with the given symbol keywords. For a more concise way to declare
 an enum schema, see def-enum-schema.
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(fingerprint128 schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: ba/ByteArray

Returns the 128-bit MD5 digest of the Parsing Canonical Form of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: ba/ByteArray

Returns the 128-bit MD5 digest of the Parsing Canonical Form
 of the given Lancaster schema.
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(fingerprint256 schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: ba/ByteArray

Returns the 256-bit SHA-256 hash of the Parsing Canonical Form of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: ba/ByteArray

Returns the 256-bit SHA-256 hash of the Parsing Canonical Form
 of the given Lancaster schema.
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(fingerprint64 schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: Long

Returns the 64-bit Rabin fingerprint of the Parsing Canonical Form of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: Long

Returns the 64-bit Rabin fingerprint of the Parsing Canonical Form
 of the given Lancaster schema.
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(fixed-map-schema name-kw key-size values-schema)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of long keys to values described by the given values-schema. Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of `long` keys
to values described by the given `values-schema`.
Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.
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(fixed-schema name-kw size)

Inputs: [name-kw :- s/Keyword size :- s/Int] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro fixed with the given size. For a more concise way to declare a fixed schema, see def-fixed-schema.

Inputs: [name-kw :- s/Keyword size :- s/Int]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro fixed
 with the given size. For a more concise way to declare a fixed
 schema, see def-fixed-schema.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro float.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro float.
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(int-map-schema name-kw values-schema)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of int keys to values described by the given values-schema. Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of `int` keys
to values described by the given `values-schema`.
Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro int.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro int.
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(json schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Str

Returns an Avro-compliant JSON representation of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Str

Returns an Avro-compliant JSON representation of the given Lancaster schema.
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(json->schema json)

Inputs: [json :- s/Str] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object from an Avro schema in JSON format.

Inputs: [json :- s/Str]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object from an Avro schema in JSON format.
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Lancaster schema object representing a (possibly namespaced) Clojure keyword.

Lancaster schema object representing a (possibly namespaced)
Clojure keyword.
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(long-map-schema name-kw values-schema)

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of long keys to values described by the given values-schema. Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing a map of `long` keys
to values described by the given `values-schema`.
Differs from map-schema, which only allows string keys.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro long.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro long.
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(map-schema values-schema)

Inputs: [values-schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro map with the given values schema. Keys are always strings.

Inputs: [values-schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro map
 with the given values schema. Keys are always strings.
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(maybe schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster union schema whose members are l/null-schema and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable. If the given schema is a union, returns a schema with l/null-schema in the first postion. If the given union schema already has l/null-schema as a member, it is returned unchanged. Similarly, if the given schema is l/null-schema, it is returned unchanged.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchemaOrNameKW]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster union schema whose members are l/null-schema
 and the given schema. Makes a schema nillable. If the given schema
 is a union, returns a schema with l/null-schema in the first postion.
 If the given union schema already has l/null-schema as a member, it
 is returned unchanged. Similarly, if the given schema is
 l/null-schema, it is returned unchanged.
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(member-schema-at-branch union-schema branch-index)

Inputs: [union-schema :- LancasterSchema branch-index :- s/Int] Returns: LancasterSchema

Returns the member schema at the given union schema branch index.

Inputs: [union-schema :- LancasterSchema branch-index :- s/Int]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Returns the member schema at the given union schema branch index.
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(member-schemas union-schema)

Inputs: [union-schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: [LancasterSchema]

Returns the member schemas of the given union schema.

Inputs: [union-schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: [LancasterSchema]

Returns the member schemas of the given union schema.
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(name-kw schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Keyword

Returns the name keyword for the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Keyword

Returns the name keyword for the given Lancaster schema.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro null.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro null.
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(pcf schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Str

Returns a JSON string containing the Avro Parsing Canonical Form of the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Str

Returns a JSON string containing the Avro Parsing Canonical Form of
the given Lancaster schema.
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(plumatic-schema schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Any

Returns a Plumatic schema for the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Any

Returns a Plumatic schema for the given Lancaster schema.
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(record-schema name-kw fields)
(record-schema name-kw docstring fields)
(record-schema G__13340 G__13341)
(record-schema G__13345 G__13346 G__13347)

Inputs: ([name-kw :- s/Keyword fields :- s/Any] [name-kw :- s/Keyword docstring :- s/Str fields :- s/Any]) Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro record with the given field definitions. For a more concise way to declare a record schema, see def-record-schema.

Inputs: ([name-kw :- s/Keyword fields :- s/Any] [name-kw :- s/Keyword docstring :- s/Str fields :- s/Any])
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro record
 with the given field definitions. For a more
 concise way to declare a record schema, see def-record-schema.
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(schema-at-path schema path)
(schema-at-path schema path {:keys [branches?] :as opts})
(schema-at-path G__13493 G__13494)
(schema-at-path G__13498 G__13499 G__13500)

Inputs: ([schema :- LancasterSchema path :- [s/Any]] [schema :- LancasterSchema path :- [s/Any] {:keys [branches?], :as opts} :- {(s/optional-key :branches?) s/Bool, s/Keyword s/Any}]) Returns: (s/maybe LancasterSchema)

Inputs: ([schema :- LancasterSchema path :- [s/Any]] [schema :- LancasterSchema path :- [s/Any] {:keys [branches?], :as opts} :- {(s/optional-key :branches?) s/Bool, s/Keyword s/Any}])
Returns: (s/maybe LancasterSchema)
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(schema-type schema)

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Keyword

Returns the Avro type of the given schema

Inputs: [schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Keyword

Returns the Avro type of the given schema
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(schema? arg)

Inputs: [arg :- s/Any] Returns: s/Bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the argument is a Lancaster schema object.

Inputs: [arg :- s/Any]
Returns: s/Bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the argument is a
 Lancaster schema object.
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(schemas-match? reader-schema writer-schema)

Inputs: [reader-schema :- LancasterSchema writer-schema :- LancasterSchema] Returns: s/Bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the given reader and writer schemas match, according to the Avro matching rules.

Inputs: [reader-schema :- LancasterSchema writer-schema :- LancasterSchema]
Returns: s/Bool

Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the given reader and
 writer schemas match, according to the Avro matching rules.
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(serialize writer-schema data)

Inputs: [writer-schema :- LancasterSchema data :- s/Any] Returns: ba/ByteArray

Serializes data to a byte array, using the given Lancaster schema.

Inputs: [writer-schema :- LancasterSchema data :- s/Any]
Returns: ba/ByteArray

Serializes data to a byte array, using the given Lancaster schema.
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Lancaster schema object representing an Avro string.

Lancaster schema object representing an Avro string.
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Lancaster schema object representing a Clojure set with string members. Implemented using an Avro map with null values.

Lancaster schema object representing a Clojure set with string members.
Implemented using an Avro map with null values.
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(union-schema member-schemas)

Inputs: [member-schemas :- [LancasterSchemaOrNameKW]] Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro union with the given member schemas.

Inputs: [member-schemas :- [LancasterSchemaOrNameKW]]
Returns: LancasterSchema

Creates a Lancaster schema object representing an Avro union
 with the given member schemas.
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