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(init! connection configuration)

Initializes multiple services in one go. Takes a rabbitmq connection and a configuration map.

The configuration map can have the keys event-exchanges, incoming-services, external-services, incoming-events, and outgoing-events. Each key's value should be a sequence of maps appropriate for its initializer.

Returns a collection of resources that may be closed by shutdown!.

Initializes multiple services in one go. Takes a rabbitmq
connection and a configuration map.

The configuration map can have the keys `event-exchanges`,
`incoming-services`, `external-services`, `incoming-events`, and
`outgoing-events`. Each key's value should be a sequence of maps
appropriate for its initializer.

Returns a collection of resources that may be closed by `shutdown!`.
sourceraw docstring


(init-exchange! connection
                {:keys [exchange type options]
                 :or {type "topic" options default-exchange-options}})

Initializes an exchange.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • exchange-options: A map defining the exchange

Valid keys for the exchange-options are:

  • :exchange: The name of the exchange (required)
  • :type: The type of the exchange (optional, default "topic")
  • :options: The options map passed to (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true})

Returns a map with one key, :rabbit-channel, the value of which is the channel created as a side-effect of declaring the exchange. The map may be passed to shutdown-part! to clean it up.


(init-exchange! connection {:exchange "events"})

That will create a topic exchange named "events".

Initializes an exchange.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `exchange-options`: A map defining the exchange

Valid keys for the `exchange-options` are:
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange (required)
* `:type`: The type of the exchange (optional, default `"topic"`)
* `:options`: The options map passed to ``
(optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true})

Returns a map with one key, `:rabbit-channel`, the value of which is
the channel created as a side-effect of declaring the exchange. The
map may be passed to `shutdown-part!` to clean it up.


(init-exchange! connection {:exchange "events"})

That will create a topic exchange named "events".
sourceraw docstring


(init-external-service! connection
                        {:keys [response exchange queue queue-options timeout
                         :or {exchange default-exchange
                              queue-options default-queue-options
                              timeout default-timeout
                              response nil}})

Initializes an external service to send requests to via a queue which may reply with results.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • external-service-options: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the external-service-options are:

  • :channel: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel that requests to the service are placed on. Separately, this channel should be passed to wire-up/async->fn or wire-up/async->fire-and-forget-fn to complete the setup for calling the external service. (required)
  • :queue: The name of the queue used by the service. (required)
  • :queue-options: The options map passed to langohr.queue/declare for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true :exclusive false})
  • :response: How responses are received. Key should be nil, :streaming or true. nil means no response will be received. :streaming means multiple values may come from the response channel before it is closed. true means only one value will come from the response channel. Should match the value used on the other side. (optional, default nil)
  • :exchange: The name of the exchange. (optional, default "")
  • :timeout: The number of milliseconds to wait for a response from the service before giving up. (optional, default 1000)
Initializes an external service to send requests to via a queue
which may reply with results.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `external-service-options`: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the `external-service-options` are:
* `:channel`: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel that
requests to the service are placed on. Separately, this channel
should be passed to `wire-up/async->fn` or
`wire-up/async->fire-and-forget-fn` to complete the setup for
calling the external service. (required)
* `:queue`: The name of the queue used by the service. (required)
* `:queue-options`: The options map passed to `langohr.queue/declare`
for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true
:exclusive false})
* `:response`: How responses are received. Key should be `nil`,
`:streaming` or `true`. `nil` means no response will be
received. `:streaming` means multiple values may come from the
response channel before it is closed. `true` means only one value
will come from the response channel. Should match the value used on
the other side. (optional, default `nil`)
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange. (optional, default `""`)
* `:timeout`: The number of milliseconds to wait for a response from
the service before giving up. (optional, default 1000)
sourceraw docstring


(init-incoming-event! connection
                      {:keys [queue queue-options exchange routing-key timeout f
                              prefetch-limit threads]
                       :or {exchange default-exchange
                            prefetch-limit default-prefetch-limit
                            queue-options default-queue-options
                            threads wire-up/default-thread-count
                            timeout default-timeout}})

Initializes a handler for incoming messages from a rabbit topic.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • incoming-event-options: A map defining the event handler

Valid keys for the incoming-event-options are:

  • :f: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be called for every message received for the subscribed topic. It must be a function of one argument, which will be a serializable Clojure value. (required)
  • :routing-key: The routing key being listened for. (required)
  • :queue: The name of the queue that will be bound to the routing-key. (required)
  • :queue-options: The options map passed to langohr.queue/declare for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true :exclusive false})
  • :exchange: The name of the exchange. (optional, default "")
  • :prefetch-limit: The number of messages to prefetch from the queue. (optional, default 1).
  • :threads: The number of threads to run, each listening for and handling events. (optional, default 10)
  • :timeout: The number of milliseconds to wait for a message being accepted for processing before nacking. (optional, default 1000)
Initializes a handler for incoming messages from a rabbit topic.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `incoming-event-options`: A map defining the event handler

Valid keys for the `incoming-event-options` are:
* `:f`: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be called
for every message received for the subscribed topic. It must be a
function of one argument, which will be a serializable Clojure
value. (required)
* `:routing-key`: The routing key being listened for. (required)
* `:queue`: The name of the queue that will be bound to the
routing-key. (required)
* `:queue-options`: The options map passed to `langohr.queue/declare`
for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true
:exclusive false})
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange. (optional, default `""`)
* `:prefetch-limit`: The number of messages to prefetch from the
queue. (optional, default 1).
* `:threads`: The number of threads to run, each listening for and
handling events. (optional, default 10)
* `:timeout`: The number of milliseconds to wait for a message being
accepted for processing before nacking. (optional, default 1000)
sourceraw docstring


(init-incoming-job! connection
                    {:keys [f queue queue-options prefetch-limit threads]
                     :or {prefetch-limit default-prefetch-limit
                          queue-options default-queue-options
                          threads wire-up/default-thread-count}})

Initializes a service that accepts messages on a queue and will send results back asynchronously.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • incoming-job-options: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the outgoing-event-options are:

  • :f: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be called for every message received for the subscribed topic. It must be a function of three arguments, which will be a core.async a channel to put results on, the routing-key for the job that may be passed to further job services, and a serializable Clojure value. The function must close the core.async channel when finished. (required)
  • :queue: The name of the queue that will be bound to the routing-key. (required)
  • :queue-options: The options map passed to langohr.queue/declare for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true :exclusive false})
  • :prefetch-limit: The number of messages to prefetch from the queue. (optional, default 1).
  • :threads: The number of threads to run, each listening for and handling events. (optional, default 10)
Initializes a service that accepts messages on a queue and will
send results back asynchronously.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `incoming-job-options`: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the `outgoing-event-options` are:
* `:f`: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be
called for every message received for the subscribed topic. It must
be a function of three arguments, which will be a core.async a
channel to put results on, the routing-key for the job that may be
passed to further job services, and a serializable Clojure
value. The function must close the core.async channel when
finished. (required)
* `:queue`: The name of the queue that will be bound to the
routing-key. (required)
* `:queue-options`: The options map passed to `langohr.queue/declare`
for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true
:exclusive false})
* `:prefetch-limit`: The number of messages to prefetch from the
queue. (optional, default 1).
* `:threads`: The number of threads to run, each listening for and
handling events. (optional, default 10)
sourceraw docstring


(init-incoming-service! connection
                        {:keys [f threshold exchange queue queue-options threads
                                prefetch-limit response]
                         :or {exchange default-exchange
                              response nil
                              prefetch-limit default-prefetch-limit
                              queue-options default-queue-options
                              threads wire-up/default-thread-count
                              threshold default-threshold}})

Initializes a service that accepts messages on a queue which may reply with results.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • incoming-service-options: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the incoming-service-options are:

  • :f: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be called for every message received on the queue. It must be a function of one argument, which will be a serializable Clojure value. For :streaming responses, it must return a sequence with the values to stream, or a core.async channel to stream values from. When returning a core.async channel, you must close the channel when there are no more values. For :streaming or true responses, values must be serializable Clojure values. (required)
  • :queue: The name of the queue to listen for requests on. (required)
  • :queue-options: The options map passed to langohr.queue/declare for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true :exclusive false})
  • :response: How to respond. Key should be nil, :streaming or true. nil means don't return the result of the function to the caller. :streaming means the function will return a sequence or a core.async channel, the values from which will be returned to the caller one by one. true means return the result of the function in one message back to the caller. (optional, default nil)
  • :exchange: The name of the exchange. (optional, default "")
  • :prefetch-limit: The number of messages to prefetch from the queue. (optional, default 1).
  • :threads: The number of threads to run, each listening for and handling messages from the queue. (optional, default 10)
  • :threshold: For :streaming responses, the number of values at which to switch from replying on default response queue to replying on a bespoke queue for the caller. (optional, default 10)
Initializes a service that accepts messages on a queue which may
reply with results.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `incoming-service-options`: A map defining the service

Valid keys for the `incoming-service-options` are:
* `:f`: A fully qualified symbol for the function that will be
called for every message received on the queue. It must be a
function of one argument, which will be a serializable Clojure
value. For `:streaming` responses, it must return a sequence with
the values to stream, or a core.async channel to stream values
from. When returning a core.async channel, you must close the
channel when there are no more values. For `:streaming` or `true`
responses, values must be serializable Clojure values. (required)
* `:queue`: The name of the queue to listen for requests on. (required)
* `:queue-options`: The options map passed to `langohr.queue/declare`
for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true
:exclusive false})
* `:response`: How to respond. Key should be `nil`, `:streaming` or
`true`. `nil` means don't return the result of the function to the
caller. `:streaming` means the function will return a sequence or a
core.async channel, the values from which will be returned to the
caller one by one. `true` means return the result of the function in
one message back to the caller. (optional, default `nil`)
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange. (optional, default `""`)
* `:prefetch-limit`: The number of messages to prefetch from the
queue. (optional, default 1).
* `:threads`: The number of threads to run, each listening for and
handling messages from the queue. (optional, default 10)
* `:threshold`: For `:streaming` responses, the number of values at
which to switch from replying on default response queue to replying
on a bespoke queue for the caller. (optional, default 10)
sourceraw docstring


(init-outgoing-event! connection
                      {:keys [exchange routing-key channel]
                       :or {exchange default-exchange}})

Initializes a core.async channel for sending messages to a topic.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • outgoing-event-options: A map defining the channel and topic.

Valid keys for the outgoing-event-options are:

  • :routing-key: The routing key used for outgoing messages. (required)
  • :channel: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel from which messages will be sent to rabbit. Only serializable values may be placed on that channel. (required)
  • :exchange: The name of the exchange. (optional, default "")
Initializes a core.async channel for sending messages to a topic.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `outgoing-event-options`: A map defining the channel and topic.

Valid keys for the `outgoing-event-options` are:
* `:routing-key`: The routing key used for outgoing
messages. (required)
* `:channel`: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel from
which messages will be sent to rabbit. Only serializable values may
be placed on that channel. (required)
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange. (optional, default `""`)
sourceraw docstring


(init-outgoing-job! connection
                    {:keys [jobs-chan queue queue-options exchange]
                     :or {queue-options default-queue-options
                          exchange default-exchange}})

Initializes a queue for sending job requests on.


  • connection: A rabbitmq connection
  • outgoing-job-options: A map describing the job channel and queue.

Valid keys for the outgoing-job-options are:

  • :jobs-chan: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel from which messages will be sent to rabbit. Only serializable values may be placed on that channel. (required)
  • :queue: The name of the queue that will be bound to the routing-key. (required)
  • :queue-options: The options map passed to langohr.queue/declare for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true :exclusive false})
  • :exchange: The name of the exchange. (optional, default "")
Initializes a queue for sending job requests on.

* `connection`: A rabbitmq connection
* `outgoing-job-options`: A map describing the job channel and queue.

Valid keys for the `outgoing-job-options` are:
* `:jobs-chan`: A fully qualified symbol for the core.async channel
from which messages will be sent to rabbit. Only serializable values
may be placed on that channel. (required)
* `:queue`: The name of the queue that will be bound to the
routing-key. (required)
* `:queue-options`: The options map passed to `langohr.queue/declare`
for the queue. (optional, default {:auto-delete false :durable true
:exclusive false})
* `:exchange`: The name of the exchange. (optional, default `""`)
sourceraw docstring






(realize-fn x)
(realize-fn x debug?)


(realize-symbol-or-self x)
(realize-symbol-or-self x resolve?)

Given a symbol, gets what it names. Otherwise, returns the argument.

if resolve? is true, returns the value in the var; otherwise, returns the var itself.

((realize-symbol-or-self 'clojure.core/inc) 4) ;;=> 5 ((realize-symbol-or-self inc) 5) ;;=> 6 (realize-symbol-or-self 'clojure.core/inc false) ;;=> #'clojure.core/inc

Given a symbol, gets what it names. Otherwise, returns the argument.

if `resolve?` is true, returns the value in the var;
otherwise, returns the var itself.

((realize-symbol-or-self 'clojure.core/inc) 4)   ;;=> 5
((realize-symbol-or-self inc) 5)                 ;;=> 6
(realize-symbol-or-self 'clojure.core/inc false) ;;=> #'clojure.core/inc
sourceraw docstring


(require-ns sym)


(shutdown! parts)

Closes rabbit channels and core.async channels created by init!.

Closes rabbit channels and core.async channels created by `init!`.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown-part! {:keys [rabbit-channel async-channels]})

Closes rabbit channels and core.async channels created by any of the init-*! functions.

Closes rabbit channels and core.async channels created by any of
the `init-*!` functions.
sourceraw docstring

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