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Quick Start

Look at our sample projects:

If the documentation doesn't answer your questions, please visit the Clojurephant Discussions.


clojurephant uses the common Gradle pattern of providing capability plugins and convention plugins. Capability plugins provide the basic machinery for using the language, but leaves it to you to configure. Convention plugins provide configuration on top of the capabilities to support common use cases.



  • Applies java-base, which lets you configure source sets. Each source set will get:
    • A Java compilation task
    • Configurations for compile (implementation, compileOnly) and runtime (runtimeOnly) dependencies
  • Adds a clojure extension which allows you to configure builds of your Clojure code.
    • A build is added for each source set (with the same name as that source set)
    • Additional builds can be configured by the user
    • Each build gets a check<Build>Clojure task that can be used to ensure namespaces compile, and optionally warn or fail on reflection. (by default no namespaces are compiled)
    • Each build gets a compile<Build>Clojure task that can be used for AOT compilation. (by default no namespaces are AOTd)
    • If any namespaces are configured to be AOTed for the source sets build, the source sets output will be the AOTd classes. Otherwise, the Clojure source will be the output (i.e. what would get included in a JAR)

Tip: gradlew tasks --all shows all these created tasks. Beware: The main build is somewhat special and its name is not included in the task names so it has e.g. compileClojure.

Clojure Builds

You can define a custom build:

clojure {
 builds {
   // Defaults noted here are for custom builds, the convention plugin configures the builds it adds differently
   mybuild {
     sourceSet = sourceSets.mystuff // no default
     // Configuration of the check<Build>Clojure task
     reflection = 'fail' // defaults to 'silent', can also be 'warn'
     checkNamespaces = ['my.core', 'my.base'] // defaults to no namespaces checked
     checkNamespaces.add('my-core') // just add a single namespace
     checkAll() // checks any namespaces found in the source set
     // Configuration of the compile<Build>Clojure task
     compiler {
       disableLocalsClearing = true // defaults to false
       elideMeta = ['doc', 'file'] // defaults to empty list
       directLinking = true // defaults to false
     aotNamespaces = ['my.core', 'my.base'] // defaults to no namespaces aoted
     aotNamespaces.add('my-core') // just add a single namespace
     aotAll() // aots any namespaces found in the source set

You can also modify the configuration of the auto-added builds, f.ex. the "main" one:

clojure {
    builds {
      main {
        reflection = 'warn'


  • Applies the dev.clojurephant.clojure-base plugin (see above)
  • Applies the java plugin:
    • Creates a main source set, whose output is packaged into a JAR via the jar task.
    • Creates a test source set, which extends the main source set.
    • Creates a test task that runs tests within the test source set.
  • Applies the internal ClojureCommonPlugin which:
    • Creates a dev source set, to be used for REPL development, which extends the test source set.
    • Adds 'nrepl:nrepl' as a dependency of that source set.
    • Adds a clojureRepl task which will start an nREPL server.
    • Configures dependency rules to indicate that:
      • org.clojure:tools.nrepl is replaced by nrepl:nrepl
      • If you are using a Java 9+ JVM, any org.clojure:java.classpath dependency must be bumped to at least 1.0.0 to support the new classloader hierarchy.
  • Configures the main Clojure build to checkAll() namespaces.
  • Configures any build whose name includes test to:
    • aotAll() namespaces (required for the current JUnit4 integration)
  • Configures the dev Clojure build to checkNamespaces = ['user'] (if you have a user namespace). This ensures that your REPL will start successfully.


  • Applies java-base, which lets you configure source sets. Each source set will get:
    • A Java compilation task
    • Configurations for compile (implementation, compileOnly) and runtime (runtimeOnly) dependencies
  • Adds a clojurescript extension which allows you to configure builds of your ClojureScript code.
    • A build is added for each source set (with the same name as that source set)
    • Additional builds can be configured by the user
    • Each build gets a compile<Build>ClojureScript task that can be used for compilation. (by default no compiler options are set)
    • If outputTo is configured (either the top level one or for a module) for the source sets build, the source sets output will be the compiled JS. Otherwise, the ClojureScript source will be the output (i.e. what would get included in a JAR).

ClojureScript Builds

See ClojureScript compiler options for details on what each option does and defaults to.

clojurescript {
 builds {
   // Defaults noted here are for custom builds, the convention plugin configures the builds it adds differently
   mybuild {
     sourceSet = sourceSets.mystuff // no default
     // Configuration of the compile<Build>ClojureScript task (defaults match what is defaulted in the ClojureScript compile options)
     compiler {
       outputTo = 'public/some/file/path.js' // path is relative to the task's destinationDir
       outputDir = 'public/some/path' // path is relative to the task's destinationDir
       optimizations = 'advanced'
       main = ''
       assetPath = 'public/some/path'
       sourceMap = 'public/some/file/' // path is relative to the task's destinationDir
       verbose = true
       prettyPrint = false
       target = 'nodejs'
       // foreignLibs
       externs = ['jquery-externs.js']
       // modules
       // stableNames
       preloads = ['']
       npmDeps = ['lodash': '4.17.4']
       installDeps = true
       checkedArrays = 'warn'


  • Applies the dev.clojurephant.clojurescript-base plugin (see above)
  • Applies the java plugin:
    • Creates a main source set, whose output is packaged into a JAR via the jar task.
    • Creates a test source set, which extends the main source set.
    • Creates a test task that runs tests within the test source set.
  • Applies the internal ClojureCommonPlugin which:
    • Creates a dev source set, to be used for REPL development, which extends the test source set.
    • Adds 'nrepl:nrepl' as a dependency of that source set.
    • Adds a clojureRepl task which will start an nREPL server.
    • Configures dependency rules to indicate that:
      • org.clojure:tools.nrepl is replaced by nrepl:nrepl
      • If you are using a Java 9+ JVM, any org.clojure:java.classpath dependency must be bumped to at least 1.0.0 to support the new classloader hierarchy.
  • Wires your ClojureScript build configuration into the nREPL for use by Figwheel.
  • Configures the REPL for Piggieback:
    • Adds a dev dependency cider:piggieback
    • Adds the Piggieback middleware: cider.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl

Project Layout

          main_test.cljs // right now we don't support cljs.test

Task Configuration


clojureRepl {
  port = 55555 // defaults to a random open port (which will be written to a .nrepl-port file)

  // handler and middleware are both optional, but don't provide both
  handler = 'cider.nrepl/cider-nrepl-handler' // fully-qualified name of function
  middleware = ['my.stuff/wrap-stuff'] // list of fully-qualified middleware function names (override any existing)
  middleware 'dev/my-middleware', 'dev/my-other-middleware' // one or more full-qualified middleware function names (append to any existing)

  // clojureRepl provides fork options to customize the Java process for compilation
  forkOptions {
    memoryMaximumSize = '2048m'
    jvmArgs = ['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005', '-Djava.awt.headless=true']

The ClojureNRepl task also supports command-line options for some of it's parameters. Multiple middleware must be specified as separate options.

./gradlew clojureRepl --port=1234 --handler=cider.nrepl/cider-nrepl-handler
./gradlew clojureRepl --port=4321 --middleware=dev/my-middleware --middleware=dev/my-other-middleware

check or compile tasks

Always configure compiler options and reflection settings via the clojure or clojurescript extensions. These options may be immutable on the tasks at some point in the future.

The only settings you should configure directly on the tasks are the forkOptions, if you need to customize the JVM that is used.

checkClojure {
  // to customize the Java process for compilation
  forkOptions {
    memoryMaximumSize = '2048m'
    jvmArgs = ['-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005', '-Djava.awt.headless=true']

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