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Duct module for configuring a ClojureScript compiler.


Clojars Project


After adding the dependency add the following key to your config.edn module configuration:

:dev.gethop.duct.module/compiler-cljs {}

The module assumes that the main entrypoint for ClojureScript application which is <project-ns>.client. But it's configurable. The module accepts a :environments key which is a map with multiple environments configuration (dev, test, prod, etc.). Each environment has a mandatory key :compiler and a optional key :compiler-config. The former is the compiler you want to use for the given environment, and the latter is the configuration for the compiler.

Currently the module supports two compilers:

The module already provides a default configuration that is sensible enough for a development (using figwheel) and a production (using closure-compiler).

Here is a sample configuration:

{:environments {:development {:compiler :figwheel-main
                              :compiler-config {:options {:main foo.client}}}
                :production {:compiler :closure-compiler
                             :compiler-options {:build-options {:main foo.client}}

Bear in mind that each :compiler-config is specific to the :compiler technology. So please refer to their documentation to view all the possible configuration options.


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