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Data Base Schema

Status - Accepted


The definitive schema that it will be used is represented in the next link:

Database schema

In the definition of the schema, some decisions were made to adapt it to the proper context of this library.


  1. The user table won't exist as part of the database schema of the library. The user_id column in rbac_role_assignment and rbac_super_admin tables will store the values of the primary key of the existing application database "user table". As the name of the table is unknown to the library, the user_id column won't be defined as a foreign key.
  2. If a user id exists in the rbac_super_admin table, further checks won't be performed and the permission will be considered as granted.
  3. The rbac_role_assignment table will relate a user, with a role in a context.
  4. The rbac_context_type table describes the different types of resources that will exist in an application. The values in that table are totally attached to the application domain and will be pre-defined by the application itself, not the library.
  5. The rbac_context table will store each and every instance of the resources present in the application, for each type of rbac_context_types. Hierarchical relationships between resources will be defined by the parent_id parameter.
  6. The rbac_role_permission table will store the list of permissions granted or denied to a role.
  7. When checking if a permission is granted or denied in a given context, the full hierarchy of the context will be used for the check. This means that once the permission is denied in a higher context in the hierarchy, it will be considered denied in the lower contexts automatically. That is, permission denial completely overrides permission grants.
  8. The rbac_permission table relates permissions with context types. A permission will only make sense for a certain rabc_context_type and this relation will be defined in this table.
  9. For now Optional/Advanced functionality won't be developed.


  • The user table will have to exist in the application.
  • The application domain will define the values of the context types, and this information will be stored into rbac_context_type table.
  • Each time a new resource is created, updated or deleted in the application database, the corresponding rbac_context entry will need to be inserted, updated or deleted.


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usasigain, joseAyudarte91 & Iñaki Arenaza
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