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Duct Secret Storage

A Duct library that provides Integrant keys for managing user's secret keys stored in AWS System Manager Parameter Store.


Clojars Project


This library provides a single Integrant key, :dev.gethop.secrets-storage/aws-ssm-ps, that expects the following keys:

  • :aws-kms-key: Parameter Store uses AWS KMS to encrypt and decrypt the stored parameters. Here you specify which KMS key should be used for that purpose. You can give the entire key or use the alias in this format: alias/youralias.
  • :user-keys-path: The path to where the keys should be saved. The path string should contain the wildcard %s that will be replaced with the proper user-id in each case.

Example usage:

  {:aws-kms-key "alias/hydrogen"
   :user-keys-path "/hydrogen/user-keys/%s"}

Key initialization returns an AWSParameterStore record that can be used to perform the operations described below:

user> (require '[dev.gethop.secrets-storage.core :as secrets-storage]
               '[integrant.core :as ig])
user> (def config {:aws-kms-key (System/getenv "SSM_SP_AWS_KMS_KEY")
                   :user-keys-path (System/getenv "SSM_SP_USER_KEYS_PATH")})
user> (def aws-ssm-ps-boundary (ig/init-key :dev.gethop.secrets-storage/aws-ssm-ps config))

Get the secret key of the user specified by user-id

If the user-id has a secret key stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store and we can retrieve it, get-key returns a map with :success?? set to true, and :key to the array of bytes for the key.

user> (secrets-storage/get-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "user-id-with-existing-key")
{:success? true,
 :key [-94, -9, -87, 125, -122, 49, -99, -58, -84, 51, 28, -62, 27, 20,
       61, -117, -34, 102, -117, -25, -17, -67, -107, 67, -26, -27, -40,
       -52, 80, 90, 3, 84]}

If the user-id doesn't have a secret key in AWS SSM Parameter Store, or there was any kind of problem trying to get the key, get-key returns a map with :success? set to false and :error-details with a map with additional details on the problem:

user> (secrets-storage/get-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "user-id-with-nonexistent-key")
{:success? false,
 {:error-code "ParameterNotFound",
  :error-type "Client",
  :status-code 400,
  :request-id "13bffccc-32d6-4b94-be56-0c74388cba09",
  :service-name "AWSSimpleSystemsManagement",
  "null (Service: AWSSimpleSystemsManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ParameterNotFound; Request ID: 13bffccc-32d6-4b94-be56-0c74388cba09)",
  :stack-trace "...."}}

Store the secret key assigned to the user specified by user-id

If the key (a byte array) to be associated with the user-id can be stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store, put-key returns a map with :success? set to true:

user> (def not-very-random-encryption-key (byte-array [1 2 3 4 5 6]))
user> (secrets-storage/put-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "some-user-id" not-very-random-encryption-key)
{:success? true}

If it can be stored, then it returns a map with :success? set to false and :error-details with a map with additional details on the problem:

user> (secrets-storage/put-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "some-user-id" not-very-random-encryption-key)
{:success? false,
 {:error-code "InvalidKeyId",
  :error-type "Client",
  :status-code 400,
  :request-id "dc99176f-365b-4aa4-8d2c-77c9b8332ac2",
  :service-name "AWSSimpleSystemsManagement",
  :message "Invalid keyId ....",
  :stack-trace  "...."}}

Delete secret key assigned to user-id

If the user-id has a secret key stored in AWS SSM Parameter Store and we can delete it, delete-key returns a map with :success? set to true:

user> (secrets-storage/delete-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "user-id-with-existing-key")
{:success? true}

If the user doesn't have a secret key in AWS SSM Parameter Store, or there was any kind of problem trying to get the key, get-key returns a map with :success? set to false and :error-details with a map with additional details on the problem:

user> (secrets-storage/delete-key aws-ssm-ps-boundary "user-id-with-nonexistent-key")
{:success? false,
 {:error-code "ParameterNotFound",
  :error-type "Client",
  :status-code 400,
  :request-id "13bffccc-32d6-4b94-be56-0c74388cba09",
  :service-name "AWSSimpleSystemsManagement",
  "null (Service: AWSSimpleSystemsManagement; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ParameterNotFound; Request ID: 13bffccc-32d6-4b94-be56-0c74388cba09)",
  :stack-trace "...."}}


Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Magnet S Coop.

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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