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ci-cd Clojars Project

A library that provides re-frame events for managing AWS Cognito user sessions.


Clojars Project



Before using any event provided by the library, the configuration must be initated. Two configuration parameters are required:

  • Issuer URL iss: It will have the following structure: https://cognito-idp.{region}{userPoolId}
  • Client id client-id: The id of the app-client that the library will use to authentiate. It's important that the app-client to be used can't have a client-secret. Clients with a secret are intendend to be used at the backend side.

The static configuration will be stored in the appdb, and will be used by the rest of the events when required.

(require '[ :as session])
(rf/dispatch [::session/set-config {:oidc {:iss ""
                                           :client-id "o2ubh2gb4qbt440jd3543dv8g"}}])


The library provides a series of re-frame events to interact with AWS Cognito.

Callback events

In general, all events get an optional map of callbacks events: on-success-evt and on-failure-evt. As the name states, the first event will be dispatched if the operation succeeds, and the second if it fails.

The on-failure-evt will get the reason of the failure as a keyword argument. The possible values are the following: :username-not-provided, :invalid-password, :invalid-parameter, login-attempts-limit-exceeded, disabled-user, incorrect-username-or-password, username-exists, user-not-found, code-mistmatch, code-expired, daily-operations-limit-exceeded, account-unverified, password-reset-required and unknown-error.


Creating the user:

(require '[ :as session.register])
(rf/dispatch [::session.register/user-register
              {:username "user" :password "pass"}
              {:name "John" :surname "Doe"}
              {:on-success-evt [::register-success]
               :on-failure-evt [::register-failure]}])


  • credentials: username and password
  • map of user attributes. Both standard and custom attributes can be used. The attributes must be enabled and configured in the AWS Console for the app-client that it's being used.
  • callback events

Verifying the user If email/sms code verification is enabled, the user has to be confirmed before logging in. For that, the following event is provided:

(rf/dispatch [::session.register/user-confirm-registration
              {:on-success-evt [::register-confirmation-success]
               :on-failure-evt [::failure]}])


Resending the verification code The library provides an event to resend the verification code to the user.

(rf/dispatch [::session.register/resend-user-verification-code
              {:on-success-evt [::success]
               :on-failure-evt [::failure]}])

Note that nor the user-confirm-registration event or resend-user-verification-code require to send any user infomation. That's because in order for this events to work, first the session.register/user-register or session.login/user-login events must be dispatched.


(rf/dispatch [::session.login/user-login {:username "user" :password "pass"}
                                         {:on-success-evt [::login-success]
                                          :on-failure-evt [::login-failure]}])

Password change challenge

If the user is in the force-change-password state, the login will fail with the new-password-challenge error code. The error means that the user must set a new password. The change can be performed with the following event.

(rf/dispatch [::session.change-password-challenge/user-new-password-challenge
              {:on-success-evt [::challenge-success]
               :on-failure-evt [::util/generic-failure]}])


(rf/dispatch [::session.logout/user-logout {:on-success-evt [::success]
                                            :on-failure-evt [::failure]}])

Forgot password

If the user doesn't remember the password, two steps need to be performed: Request verification code

(rf/dispatch [::session.forgot-password/user-request-password-reset
              {:on-success-evt [::request-code-success]
               :on-failure-evt [::util/generic-failure]}])

Set new password The verification code wil be sent to the user's email or SMS depending on how the user-pool was configured.

(rf/dispatch [::session.forgot-password/user-reset-password-confirmation
              {:on-success-evt [::util/generic-success]
               :on-failure-evt [::util/generic-failure]}])

Change password

If the user is already logged in, the following event can be used to change the password:

(rf/dispatch [::session.change-password/user-change-password
              {:old-password "old-pass" :new-password "new-pass"}
              {:on-success-evt [::success]
               :on-failure-evt [::failure]}])

User ID token

The library provides a re-frame subscribe to get the details about the user's ID token. The library is responsible of refreshing the token to mantain it always updated.

(:require '[ :as session.token])
(rf/subscribe [::session.token/id-token])


  "jwt": "eyJraWQiOiJyaURBRHlNNnl0SnJNcFh4cTByd0d3ZnJmRVpRd1oyY2tOV1U4Y3UrXC82UT0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.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.aRJvc5rIjMECFM44zJt8fbKwGfzrYZiy9zcruE5eZm_sLkwWauNTXshIPDaMlgS9uZ92lYN3nWrDrKJLVPiHqrfJZ5hPbCtjswVlzkzGbGaV_F01D2GNwU6xeV_8XGOt8BxBIWmYVzAycG1UVazQewA2vNV8gyR3H2TqGuAgxkOwMddMiu4ObV1krr2G7qkLzo12jyMGzn4xsZxbbaxdYXw05xoEVZpnO8fTTG8Ygnb5b6Q6H9nByX6rRGweL9CJ2TsKRFrhu5vtZrAucRsSCNlI9_M3Prm5xeo-7bNmAwx0a_qfOpdLDnnbO65FR0Fq845_w-SLaWAuTZKp76nwQA",
  "exp": 1654679670,
  "payload": {
    "sub": "9ee9974d-0e2c-4524-960d-efc580ebc42c",
    "aud": "o2ubh2gb4qbt440jd3543dv8g",
    "email_verified": true,
    "event_id": "1d94f50d-b032-40f1-8da3-08569e7b469b",
    "token_use": "id",
    "auth_time": 1654676070,
    "iss": "",
    "cognito:username": "9ee9974d-0e2c-4524-960d-efc580ebc42c",
    "exp": 1654679670,
    "iat": 1654676070,
    "email": "test@example.invalid"

Sample project

You can find a sample project that covers all the functionality provided by the library in the examples directory.


Copyright (c) 2022 Magnet S. Coop

The source code for the library is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at

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