(add-sticker-to-set bot user-id name sticker emojis & options)
Add a sticker to a set.
include: :mask-position
Add a sticker to a set. `options` include: :mask-position (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#addstickertoset)
(answer-callback-query bot callback-query-id & options)
Answer a callback query.
include: :text, :show-alert, :url, and :cache-time.
Answer a callback query. `options` include: :text, :show-alert, :url, and :cache-time. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answercallbackquery)
(answer-inline-query bot inline-query-id results & options)
Answer an inline query.
include: :cache-time, :is-personal, :next-offset, :switch-pm-text, and :switch-pm-parameter.
Answer an inline query. `options` include: :cache-time, :is-personal, :next-offset, :switch-pm-text, and :switch-pm-parameter. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerinlinequery)
(answer-pre-checkout-query bot pre-checkout-query-id ok & options)
Answer a pre-checkout query.
If ok
is false, :error-message should be included in options
Answer a pre-checkout query. If `ok` is false, :error-message should be included in `options`. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answerprecheckoutquery)
(answer-shipping-query bot shipping-query-id ok & options)
Answer a shipping query.
If ok
is true, :shipping-options should be included in options
. Otherwise, :error-message should be included.
Answer a shipping query. If `ok` is true, :shipping-options should be included in `options`. Otherwise, :error-message should be included. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#answershippingquery)
(create-new-sticker-set bot user-id name title sticker emojis & options)
Create a new sticker set.
include: :contains-masks and :mask-position
Create a new sticker set. `options` include: :contains-masks and :mask-position (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#createnewstickerset)
(delete-chat-photo bot chat-id)
Delete a chat photo.
Delete a chat photo. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatphoto)
(delete-chat-sticker-set bot chat-id)
Delete a chat sticker set.
Delete a chat sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletechatstickerset)
(delete-message bot chat-id message-id)
Delete a message.
Delete a message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletemessage)
(delete-sticker-from-set bot sticker)
Delete a sticker from its set.
Delete a sticker from its set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletestickerfromset)
(delete-webhook bot)
Delete webhook for polling messages.
Delete webhook for polling messages. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#deletewebhook)
(edit-message-caption bot media & options)
Edit a message's media.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's media. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagemedia)
(edit-message-live-location bot latitude longitude & options)
Edit a message's live location.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's live location. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagelivelocation)
(edit-message-reply-markup bot & options)
Edit a message's reply markup.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Edit a message's reply markup. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagereplymarkup)
(edit-message-text bot text & options)
Edit a message's text.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page_preview, and :reply-markup.
Edit a message's text. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page_preview, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#editmessagetext)
(export-chat-invite-link bot chat-id)
Export a chat invite link.
Export a chat invite link. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#exportchatinvitelink)
(forward-message bot chat-id from-chat-id message-id & options)
Forward a message.
include: :disable-notification.
Forward a message. `options` include: :disable-notification. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#forwardmessage)
(get-chat bot chat-id)
Fetch a chat.
Fetch a chat. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchat)
(get-chat-administrators bot chat-id)
Fetch chat administrators.
Fetch chat administrators. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatadministrators)
(get-chat-member bot chat-id user-id)
Fetch a chat member.
Fetch a chat member. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmember)
(get-chat-members-count bot chat-id)
Fetch the count of chat members.
Fetch the count of chat members. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getchatmemberscount)
(get-file bot file-id)
Fetch a file's info.
Fetch a file's info. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getfile)
(get-file-url bot file-path)
Generate a file's url from given :file_path.
Generate a file's url from given :file_path.
(get-game-highscores bot user-id & options)
Fetch a game's highscores.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
Fetch a game's highscores. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getgamehighscores)
(get-me bot)
Fetch this bot's info.
Fetch this bot's info. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getme)
(get-sticker-set bot name)
Fetch a sticker set.
Fetch a sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getstickerset)
(get-updates bot & options)
Fetch updates for this bot.
include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates.
Fetch updates for this bot. `options` include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getupdates)
(get-user-profile-photos bot user-id & options)
Fetch user profile photos.
include: :offset and :limit.
Fetch user profile photos. `options` include: :offset and :limit. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#getuserprofilephotos)
(kick-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Kick a chat member.
include: :until-date
Kick a chat member. `options` include: :until-date (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#kickchatmember)
(leave-chat bot chat-id)
Leave a chat.
Leave a chat. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#leavechat)
(new-bot token & opts)
Create a new bot with given token and options
Create a new bot with given token and options
(pin-chat-message bot chat-id message-id & options)
Pin a chat message.
include: :disable-notification.
Pin a chat message. `options` include: :disable-notification. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#pinchatmessage)
(poll-updates bot interval-seconds fn-update-handler & options)
Poll updates for this bot with given interval and send them through the handler function.
include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates.
This function returns a channel of go block (for busy-waiting).
Start polling with:
(let [wait (poll-updates bot 1 (fn [bot update] ...))] (<!! wait)) ;; busy-wait
and stop polling with:
(stop-polling bot)
Poll updates for this bot with given interval and send them through the handler function. `options` include: :offset, :limit, :timeout, and :allowed-updates. This function returns a channel of go block (for busy-waiting). Start polling with: (let [wait (poll-updates bot 1 (fn [bot update] ...))] (<!! wait)) ;; busy-wait and stop polling with: (stop-polling bot)
(promote-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Promote a chat member.
include: :can-change-info, :can-post-messages, :can-edit-messages, :can-delete-messages, :can-invite-users, :can-restrict-members, :can-pin-messages, and :can-promote-members.
Promote a chat member. `options` include: :can-change-info, :can-post-messages, :can-edit-messages, :can-delete-messages, :can-invite-users, :can-restrict-members, :can-pin-messages, and :can-promote-members. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#promotechatmember)
(restrict-chat-member bot chat-id user-id & options)
Restrict a chat member.
include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, :can-pin-messages, and :until-date.
(https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chatpermissions) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#restrictchatmember)
Restrict a chat member. `options` include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, :can-pin-messages, and :until-date. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#chatpermissions) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#restrictchatmember)
(send-animation bot chat-id animation & options)
Send an animation.
include: :duration, :width, :height, :thumb, :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send an animation. `options` include: :duration, :width, :height, :thumb, :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendanimation)
(send-audio bot chat-id audio & options)
Send an audio file.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :performer, :title, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send an audio file. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :performer, :title, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendaudio)
(send-chat-action bot chat-id action)
Send a chat action.
can be one of: :typing, :upload_photo, :record_video, :upload_video, :record_audio, :upload_audio, :upload_document, :find_location, :record_video_note, or :upload_video_note.
Send a chat action. `action` can be one of: :typing, :upload_photo, :record_video, :upload_video, :record_audio, :upload_audio, :upload_document, :find_location, :record_video_note, or :upload_video_note. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendchataction)
(send-contact bot chat-id phone-number first-name & options)
Send a contact.
include: :last-name, :vcard, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a contact. `options` include: :last-name, :vcard, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendcontact)
(send-document bot chat-id document & options)
Send a document file.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a document file. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#senddocument)
(send-game bot chat-id game-short-name & options)
Send a game.
include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a game. `options` include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendgame)
(send-invoice bot
Send an invoice.
include: :provider-data, :photo-url, :photo-size, :photo-width, :photo-height, :need-name, :need-phone-number, :need-email, :need-shipping-address, :send-phone-number-to-provider, :send-email-to-provider, :is-flexible, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id and :reply-markup.
Send an invoice. `options` include: :provider-data, :photo-url, :photo-size, :photo-width, :photo-height, :need-name, :need-phone-number, :need-email, :need-shipping-address, :send-phone-number-to-provider, :send-email-to-provider, :is-flexible, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendinvoice)
(send-location bot chat-id latitude longitude & options)
Send a location.
include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a location. `options` include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendlocation)
(send-media-group bot chat-id media & options)
Send a media group of photos or videos.
include: :disable-notification, and :reply-to_message-id.
Send a media group of photos or videos. `options` include: :disable-notification, and :reply-to_message-id. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmediagroup)
(send-message bot chat-id text & options)
Send a message.
include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a message. `options` include: :parse-mode, :disable-web-page-preview, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendmessage)
(send-photo bot chat-id photo & options)
Send a photo.
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a photo. `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendphoto)
(send-poll bot chat-id question poll-options & options)
Send a poll.
include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a poll. `options` include: :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendpoll)
(send-sticker bot chat-id sticker & options)
Send a sticker.
include: disable_notification, reply_to_message_id, and reply_markup.
Send a sticker. `options` include: disable_notification, reply_to_message_id, and reply_markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendsticker)
(send-venue bot chat-id latitude longitude title address & options)
Send a venue.
include: :foursquare-id, :foursquare-type, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a venue. `options` include: :foursquare-id, :foursquare-type, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvenue)
(send-video bot chat-id video & options)
Send a video.
include: :duration, :caption, :parse-mode, :supports-streaming, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a video. `options` include: :duration, :caption, :parse-mode, :supports-streaming, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideo)
(send-video-note bot chat-id video-note & options)
Send a video note.
include: :duration, :length, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
(XXX: API returns 'Bad Request: wrong video note length' when length is not given / 2017.05.19.)
Send a video note. `options` include: :duration, :length, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (XXX: API returns 'Bad Request: wrong video note length' when length is not given / 2017.05.19.) (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideonote)
(send-voice bot chat-id voice & options)
Send a voice. (.ogg format only)
include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup.
Send a voice. (.ogg format only) `options` include: :caption, :parse-mode, :duration, :disable-notification, :reply-to-message-id, and :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvoice)
(set-chat-description bot chat-id description)
Set a chat description.
Set a chat description. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatdescription)
(set-chat-permission bot chat-id & options)
Set chat permissions.
include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, and :can-pin-messages.
Set chat permissions. `options` include: :can-send-messages, :can-send-media-messages, :can-send-polls, :can-send-other-messages, :can-add-web-page-previews, :can-change-info, :can-invite-users, and :can-pin-messages. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatpermissions)
(set-chat-photo bot chat-id photo)
Set a chat photo.
Set a chat photo. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatphoto)
(set-chat-sticker-set bot chat-id sticker-set-name)
Set a chat sticker set.
Set a chat sticker set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchatstickerset)
(set-chat-title bot chat-id title)
Set a chat title.
Set a chat title. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setchattitle)
(set-game-score bot user-id score & options)
Set score for a game.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :force, and :disable-edit-message.
Set score for a game. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :force, and :disable-edit-message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setgamescore)
(set-sticker-position-in-set bot sticker position)
Set a sticker's position in its set.
Set a sticker's position in its set. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#setstickerpositioninset)
(stop-message-live-location bot & options)
Stop a message's live location.
required options
: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given)
or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given)
other options
include: :reply-markup.
Stop a message's live location. required `options`: :chat-id + :message-id (when :inline-message-id is not given) or :inline-message-id (when :chat-id & :message-id are not given) other `options` include: :reply-markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stopmessagelivelocation)
(stop-poll bot chat-id message-id & options)
Stop a poll. `options` include: :reply_markup. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#stoppoll)
(stop-polling bot)
Stop polling if the bot was polling.
Stop polling if the bot was polling.
(unban-chat-member bot chat-id user-id)
Unban a chat member.
Unban a chat member. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unbanchatmember)
(unpin-chat-message bot chat-id)
Unpin a chat message.
Unpin a chat message. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#unpinchatmessage)
(upload-sticker-file bot user-id sticker)
Upload a sticker file.
Upload a sticker file. (https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#uploadstickerfile)
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